View Full Version : GKs plus Drop Pod BA

02-01-2013, 06:03 PM
So I've wanted to get some Space Marine allies for a while, and the big thing that SMs can do that GKs can't is Drop Pods and melta/plasma spam. Alpha Striking with some Drop Pods full of special weapons while the rest of the GKs do what they do best sounds fun, and I haven't seen anyone really do this before. I think BA allow for this better than other SM armies (though Space Wolves are tempting with their Rune Priest's stupid good psychic defense).

A 1750 list would look something like this, I think:

Coteaz (100)

10 GKSS, 2 Psycannons, Psybolts (240)
Rhino (40)

10 GKSS, 2 Psycannons, Psybolts (240)
Rhino (40)

5 GKSS, Psycannon (110)
Razorback, Psybolts (50)

6 Acolytes, Boltguns (30)

Librarian, Combi-Melta (110)
5 Honor Guard, 4 Meltaguns (155)
Pod (35)

10 Sternguard Vets, 2 Plasmaguns, 4 Combi-Plasma, 4 Combi-Melta (310)
Pod (35)

10 Assault Marines, 2 Plasmaguns (220)
Pod (35)

The Honor Guard drop in and destroy any heavy vehicles like Land Raiders, whatever must die that my GKs can't get to easily. They're also great against Paladins and the like. Sternguard combat squad, and have the flexibility to hurt just about anything, a lot.

The Strike Squads move up and grab the midfield, and stormbolter everything to death. The Assault Marines come in later, grab an objective, and plasma stuff. The Acolytes come in from reserve, sit on an objective, take potshots, and go to ground as soon as anyone looks at them.

I do realize I'm spending more points on BAs than GKs, at least at this point level. That full contingent of BA might be better suited for higher point levels. But I do want 3 drop pods, and combat-squading the Sternguard is just so awesome.

02-01-2013, 09:01 PM
Just to let you know you still have 35pts left, as the Assault Marines have a 35 pt discount for transport if they lose the jump-pack (which you must do if you want them in a drop pod).

02-02-2013, 01:44 AM
Awesome, I forgot about that.