View Full Version : Your Gaming Pet Peeves

Miggidy Mack
10-27-2009, 11:18 AM
Sure we all hate cheating. Those pesky guys who measure from the front to the back of every Ork in their 30 man squads. "Lucky" dice that are only used for leadership tests. Recalling or reading only part of a rule for advantage. Those are things most people have an intense distaste for... even the people who cheat!

There lies a gray area, however, in between out right cheating and good play. Those things that really annoy you. The things that make you just want to scream. What are your gaming pet peeves?

I know I have 2.

1) People who pick up my models while I am playing with them. My models look very nice, I spent a lot of time painting them to a good 'Table Quality". From 3 to 6 feet away they look great. Up close you can see my technique. This has lead to way to many people walking up to my table to check out the army and without asking just picking up a model to take a look at it! It's not a youth thing either, I've had adults do it!

2) Passively Aggressively telling me how I should play. It's one thing to suggest a drop pod for a unit, because it has worked for you in the past. That's just great discussion that I'll enjoy. For some reason, however, people like to complain about lists by claiming they don't fit the fluff. Space Wolves shouldn't use Vindicators, Eldar shouldn't use Jetbikes as their only troops. Ridiculous comments like this just make no sense to me. Did you think the Vindicator was to strong? Do you think it doesn't have good synergy with my other units? Don't ignore entire Black Library collections to make some odd point... JUST SAY IT!

Worse are the people who claim that a book or story "isn't fluffy" because Dan Abnett didn't write it the way they think it should be! I saw a guy mark a Gaunts Ghosts army down on comp because he felt that it wasn't true to the 40k game world.

So those are my two top pet peeves. How about yours?

Lord Azaghul
10-27-2009, 11:26 AM
The guy whose not playing that game, standing over your shoulder telling you what you need to roll next. I have to resist saying yes I know I need a 3+ to wound him...
The other one is I could have won if I'd wanted to but...(insert random lie here)

Miggidy Mack
10-27-2009, 11:35 AM
The guy whose not playing that game, standing over your shoulder telling you what you need to roll next. I have to resist saying yes I know I need a 3+ to wound him...
The other one is I could have won if I'd wanted to but...(insert random lie here)

That last one is how I feel about the "fluffy vs. unfluffy" argument. Every time someone uses it they really are just accusing someone of breaking the unwritten rules of 40k. "I'd have won if you hadn't cheated by breaking the spirit of the game." I've never seen a winner complain about his opponents army composition.

Kabitzing in general is really annoying. It's hilarious though when they are wrong. I had a guy stand over my shoulder while I was playing in a campaign game. He really wanted my opponent to win. He knew he couldn't get away with giving tactical advice, so instead he opted for telling me that everything I tried to do was wrong. It finally came to a head when he claimed that both my Land Raiders Lascannon's couldn't fire at a Rhino that was about 3 feet away. He said they had to fire straight ahead and that I had a 6" strip in front of my model where both couldn't fire. I showed him the diagram in the book and he still didn't believe me.

10-27-2009, 11:40 AM
People who question everything you do, every ability, every rule.

Miggidy Mack
10-27-2009, 12:48 PM
I have that problem with my Grey Knights. It doesn't help that the rules are older and have some odd "hicups" with the new system. I can't count the number of times I've had to explain why my Land Raider can move 12" and fire it's Assault Cannon and Hurricane Bolters.

10-27-2009, 01:02 PM
1) People who pick up my models while I am playing with them. My models look very nice, I spent a lot of time painting them to a good 'Table Quality". From 3 to 6 feet away they look great. Up close you can see my technique. This has lead to way to many people walking up to my table to check out the army and without asking just picking up a model to take a look at it! It's not a youth thing either, I've had adults do it!

That has to be my main pet peeve. 1 it's a live game so simply don't touch the models, 2 if you want a closer look by picking up one of my models at least have the common decency to ask first.

As far as gaming wise I would have to say that my biggest gripe comes from the swarms of skimmers played at my FLGS that are not on skimmer bases. Necron Destroyers, Deffkopters, Landspeeders.... all zipping around on the table at ground level because "I don't use the bases cos they tip over".

10-27-2009, 01:52 PM
Misogynists who claim that they only lost because they couldn't go serious with a woman. Actually I feel the same way about people who say that to a kid, too. "Oh, I lost to a kid, so let's just make some **** up about how I couldn't play seriously against someone so young!" You lost bucko, just own up to it and move on!

10-27-2009, 02:21 PM
My biggest pet peeve is by far the unwanted touching of my models. I have a fairly well painted but aggravatingly fragile daemon army that I run fair often. I have had people break wings off my lord of change and heads off my blood crushers! Nothing makes me see red more than having to reglue my models because some jerk picked up one of my flamers by the arm.

Lucky LD dice are a bit crap IMO, but I do try and use colored dice that match the color of the particular God my active unit is a part of.

Miggidy Mack
10-27-2009, 03:02 PM
Misogynists who claim that they only lost because they couldn't go serious with a woman. Actually I feel the same way about people who say that to a kid, too. "Oh, I lost to a kid, so let's just make some **** up about how I couldn't play seriously against someone so young!" You lost bucko, just own up to it and move on!

I'm constantly amazed at how far people will go to make up reasons for losing. Is losing a game of warhammer 40k so bad you have to justify it? How much of your own ego is tied up in 40k? It's either our "everyone gets a trophy" school system or something else.

I feel that "his army list was to strong" kinda fits into the same realm. I hear a person say "I brought an all comers list, he brought a tournament list, that's why I lost". If that were true, your ALL COMERS should have included being ready for a Drop Pod army!

10-27-2009, 03:08 PM
My biggest pet peeve is people who measure 6", snap their tap measure close and then move their model 8". It's so endemic that I've just stopped complaining about it.


10-27-2009, 03:39 PM
1. Mongers of obscure rules cheese. Ie trying to use the opposition's teleport homers.

2. Whiners about their chosen codex. You pays your money, you takes your chances. Space marine armies are 2 pair, Necron are a flush. Do the math(hammer). We all know what will get the love next in all likelihood. I can't use my worldeaters from 4th ed, now they have a few allies until either legions comes out or the next GW nerf session happens. Then I adapt and overcome one more time.

3. BoLS trying to indoctrinate me into fantasy/epic/warmachine/LOTR. I come here for 40K, you are not Kim Jong-Ils brainwash squad...
(J for joke BTW)

Miggidy Mack
10-27-2009, 03:42 PM
2. Whiners about their chosen codex. You pays your money, you takes your chances. Space marine armies are 2 pair, Necron are a flush. Do the math(hammer). We all know what will get the love next in all likelihood. I can't use my worldeaters from 4th ed, now they have a few allies until either legions comes out or the next GW nerf session happens. Then I adapt and overcome one more time.

I don't know if I can agree with this one. I don't think Necron players 2 years ago had any reason to KNOW they were going to get this hosed. If GW had a legit FAQ/Errata system that actually kept things a little up to date then nobody would have a reason to complain. Dark Angels players, however, didn't buy their army knowing what was coming. We aren't gambling, we are hobbying.

Then again... it's a pet peeve for a reason! I think you might actually just hate whining! It's most common form comes from people who feel they have been treated unfairly by GW's codex system.

10-27-2009, 03:42 PM
1) People who complain about average or above-average rolling, and then blame the loss on poor rolling. I see a lot of people who fire 10 bolt pistol shots into my terminators and then complain when only 1 or 2 terminators die.

2) People who get extremely angry at a loss or a turn of poor luck. It's a dice-based game - it happens - and it's just a game. Throwing your models at the wall really doesn't help.

3) People who quit turn 1-2 when there are still probably a 50% chance of tying, and a 10% chance of being able to pull out a victory. It seems a little disrespectful to your opponent to quit in the middle of a game that's far from over.

10-27-2009, 03:52 PM
My biggest pet peeve is people who measure 6", snap their tap measure close and then move their model 8". It's so endemic that I've just stopped complaining about it.

1) This is easily one of my biggest ones. It is always the guy who has the uber terminator assault squad that is coming after my hive tyrant. With these people I go out of my way to measure every ounce of shooting and say with authority that a unit is 14" away so I cant shoot it this turn (nudge nudge wink wink).

2) Another thing that drives me nuts are people who make conversions not to improve their model, but to abuse their model. Case in point is a local player who built a land raider...then cut an old 2nd ed land raider in half then GLUED it to the sides of his new land raider. The model looked completely retarded but was freaking HUGE and blocked a retarded amount of LOS. He could easily run 3 Rhinos behind his tank without you being able to shoot at it...sigh.

3) People who cheat in tournaments with soft scores, then completely low ball you when you call them on it. You are totally stuck because do you call them on the stuff they are doing? And if you do you might still lose the game AND all your points go down the toilet. OR dont call them on it, almost certainly lose the game but keep your soft scores in tact. Luckily this happens very very rarely (at least for me), but it does happen (ie two tournaments ago lol)

10-27-2009, 03:55 PM
I don't know if I can agree with this one. I don't think Necron players 2 years ago had any reason to KNOW they were going to get this hosed. If GW had a legit FAQ/Errata system that actually kept things a little up to date then nobody would have a reason to complain. Dark Angels players, however, didn't buy their army knowing what was coming. We aren't gambling, we are hobbying.

Then again... it's a pet peeve for a reason! I think you might actually just hate whining! It's most common form comes from people who feel they have been treated unfairly by GW's codex system.

You might be right here. And slightly off topic, I think I know why GW is sometimes seen to bite the hands that feed. Its because in the US of A, what I believe is called (by geographers) tertiary or service industries, are well developed with customer focus - when you say have a nice day you mean it. Whereas in good old Blighty, we are slightly behind - picture the surly 17 year old chavs in Macdonalds - worse attitude than a Rwandan Machete murderer. GW must think we are satisified - how much do we spend on Plastic crack and how many people actually write in demanding a better update system.

I'm a grumpy old f*** anyway and if I was to speak truly then of course all armies hsould be equally updated.

Miggidy Mack
10-27-2009, 04:22 PM
That is one of the MANY reasons I hate soft scores. Do we judge how effective the wargear on a Golden Daemon entry is?

The luck whining is also a biggy for me. It usually comes from people who also hate math hammer, claiming it never works. It goes right along with complaining about bad dice rolls even when you are winning. Didn't kill any marines with that volley of 20 lasgun shots? Who cares, you're sitting on 3 objectives and your opponent only has 2 scoring units left. He has the uphill battle!

10-27-2009, 08:36 PM
1) Power gamers or anyone else who forgets the whole point in playing is to have fun. I especially hate the rules creators or embellishes who twist their rules to gain a win on some newer player or kid. Yep, I have corrected them on several occasions and called "next game" when I have seen a particularly disgusting display of trashing and cheating a newer player.

2) The rubber ruler is one of my favorite cheats too. I hate it but I have found a few cures. I will "help" my opponent move by leaving my opened tape near the unit that he is moving. I also hate the Tyranid or Ork movement when the front models move 6" and the back pile in at 9 to 12".

3) Speed rolling, either behind cover or with darker dice, etc. Count out your dice people and roll them in plain view!

4) "Lucky" dice. Easy cure, just insist that you roll one set of dice for that game, your dice or mine, it doesnt matter.

5) Showers and deodorant are a must. If you are going to be in my personal space for three hours, soap is your friend and mine too. My nose works!

I try not to get bothered by the people who lose sight of the fun 40K can offer. If you sit back and watch the people who are miserable to play usually don't last long, they will show up and no one will play them.Yeah sure winning is fun, but nobody likes a poor winner or a poor loser.

10-27-2009, 09:41 PM
I have that problem with my Grey Knights. It doesn't help that the rules are older and have some odd "hicups" with the new system. I can't count the number of times I've had to explain why my Land Raider can move 12" and fire it's Assault Cannon and Hurricane Bolters.

Yeah, luckily my group is really cool about stuff like this.

Lord Azaghul
10-28-2009, 06:35 AM
5) Showers and deodorant are a must. If you are going to be in my personal space for three hours, soap is your friend and mine too. My nose works!


Thankfully in my area this isn't much of a problem, however the card game and d&d guys...thanks another story.

10-28-2009, 06:49 AM
People who don't know how to lose well, we all win some and lose some (I'm still playing 'crons in 5th, I've had my fare share of loss') but there's no need to make a fuss about it. Just because you lose today doesn't mean you're never gonna win again, just accept it, if it was bad rolling so be it, if it was a tactical mistake then it sounds like you just learned something about your army. Hell, I don't even care if you come up with some BS excuse for why you lost, I'm not saying you have to smile and be gitty about it, but don't snap at me and get all angry because I was able to pull out a W. It happens, it's a part of the game, I've NEVER met an undefeated player in my life.

10-28-2009, 08:35 AM
People who think they are hurting GW by buying models on eBay. If someone other than GW is selling them, someone has already paid GW for them. This is not a criticism of people who buy on eBay to save money.

Brass Scorpion
10-28-2009, 09:21 AM
Lots of good stuff in this thread and everything being complained about is something I've also encountered. It's why I stopped playing pick-up games with strangers years ago and only play games with people I know fairly well and that I know want at least a roughly similar experience from playing the game as I do.

Here are a few additional thoughts on this topic of pet peeves.
1) People who measure out their 6" for movement on a tape measure, then move the tape measure forward when they move the model. The resulting move is usually in the neighborhood of 8" to 12" instead of 6". I saw an adult doing this repeatedly to a child opponent in a game store once. I quietly said something to the staff who then politely intervened after seeing it for themselves.

2) People who cook up rules interpretations that are so unusual that neither you nor anyone else you game with or discuss the game with has ever heard them before, then expect you to think it's okay. If your interpretation is such a stretch that literally no one else you ever encounter has thought of it before, perhaps it's because you are stretching the rules.

3) People who bring a "nuclear bomb" to a game. We all know certain pieces of wargear or combinations of characters with certain spells or items can evoke great roleplaying type story elements, but can create game imbalance against certain armies or at lower points value games. The first and last time I played a pick-up game in more than 10 years was under 4th edition. I had just finished an Imperial Guard army, so fragile as they could be I decided to play with it. My opponent played Space Marines and brought Tigurius with Fear Of The Dark to that first game between us. He then proceeded to cast the spell from 2 feet away from behind cover, making a huge percentage of my army run away. Seriously, we both set aside time to play, both spent time and effort bringing our game materials to the store, packing and unpacking models. If you have an item that means the other person automatically loses, don't bring it. The other person showed up to have a battle and play a game just like you. If you can win automatically by casting a single spell with impunity, I'll concede ahead of time and save my self the trouble of having to pack and unpack.

4) People who watch and comment on everything in your game to the point of complete distraction. This happened to me once last year. A friend and I were playing our first game together in ages and this guy who was watching had a comment for everything, literally. I usually like it when people come by and watch, ask about our models, and friendly chit chat, but this guy was talking just to hear himself talk and interfered in everything. Then he started handling my game books without asking. That's when I finally said something.

5) People who talk loudly about things they just shouldn't talk about in public. There are certain topics you just don't talk about in public because many others are likely not going to agree with you and you'll just offend people, start arguments, etc. It's a game store, leave your personal views on sensitive topics outside the store. You probably don't want to hear what others think and vice versa.

the one
10-28-2009, 11:28 AM
YOU!...No wait it's me? Nevermind.

People who play new players and maul them in 2 turns, then goes on to boast to the whole world. Give the new player a chance. If you do that everytime you play him he'll soon quit.

Miggidy Mack
10-28-2009, 12:12 PM
3) People who bring a "nuclear bomb" to a game. We all know certain pieces of wargear or combinations of characters with certain spells or items can evoke great roleplaying type story elements, but can create game imbalance against certain armies or at lower points value games. The first and last time I played a pick-up game in more than 10 years was under 4th edition. I had just finished an Imperial Guard army, so fragile as they could be I decided to play with it. My opponent played Space Marines and brought Tigurius with Fear Of The Dark to that first game between us. He then proceeded to cast the spell from 2 feet away from behind cover, making a huge percentage of my army run away. Seriously, we both set aside time to play, both spent time and effort bringing our game materials to the store, packing and unpacking models. If you have an item that means the other person automatically loses, don't bring it. The other person showed up to have a battle and play a game just like you. If you can win automatically by casting a single spell with impunity, I'll concede ahead of time and save my self the trouble of having to pack and unpack.

This was my problem with Warmachine. I bought and painted a Cygnar army. I got all the cards and tokens, all that jazz. I painted the army up before I even played a game. I had this gorgeously painted force ready to go in it's own Army Case and everything.

So one day I pickup the case and head down to the FLGS on "Warmachine" night. My first game my opponent brings out a special character that makes his leader and anything in 3" of it immune to shooting. He move out of range, shoots his stuff at me, then moves his main guy into that 3" range. He can shoot at me, I can't shoot at him. He slowly marches his assault force across the table to kill me, immune to shooting the whole time.

My second game my opponent has some combo and wins before I even get a turn.

I still don't know how the game was really supposed to function. I'd read the rulebook, but wasn't 100% on everything. These were my first two games. I sold my Warmachine army the next day. Either the game is so terribly designed that it is unplayable or the players who play it in the area are complete *******s who I don't wan't to associate with.

All that effort and I couldn't even get a fun game in. I don't mind losing, but I did actually want to lose. Setting up my painted models just to pull them off the table as unpainted metal walks across the table at me is NOT a good time.

10-28-2009, 12:28 PM
This was my problem with Warmachine. I bought and painted a Cygnar army. I got all the cards and tokens, all that jazz. I painted the army up before I even played a game. I had this gorgeously painted force ready to go in it's own Army Case and everything.

So one day I pickup the case and head down to the FLGS on "Warmachine" night. My first game my opponent brings out a special character that makes his leader and anything in 3" of it immune to shooting. He move out of range, shoots his stuff at me, then moves his main guy into that 3" range. He can shoot at me, I can't shoot at him. He slowly marches his assault force across the table to kill me, immune to shooting the whole time.

My second game my opponent has some combo and wins before I even get a turn.

I still don't know how the game was really supposed to function. I'd read the rulebook, but wasn't 100% on everything. These were my first two games. I sold my Warmachine army the next day. Either the game is so terribly designed that it is unplayable or the players who play it in the area are complete *******s who I don't wan't to associate with.

All that effort and I couldn't even get a fun game in. I don't mind losing, but I did actually want to lose. Setting up my painted models just to pull them off the table as unpainted metal walks across the table at me is NOT a good time.

Ouch, I've never played the game myself, but that sounds dodgy as all hell.... I sure hope they at least whipped out some rulebooks to show you what they were doing was valid. And if it WAS valid... wtf? o.O;

Miggidy Mack
10-28-2009, 12:56 PM
My memory of the details is smudged by time. They did, however, prove everything in the rules. At the time it made total sense. If I had been able to convince my 40k friends to pick up the game with me, I might not have had any problems.

10-28-2009, 01:04 PM
-Kids who don't learn the rules. No one wants to play against them so there has to be some sap (me >.<) who tried to help them learn the game.

-Unpainted minis week after week after week. I can understand that you bought the box last week and are slow at modeling (I am very guilty of this) or painting, but there is a certain point when even primer and the semblance of basecoats would be nice, at the very least.

-The gamer prone to Nerd Rage. This guy's default volume is loud and gets into very heated arguments over rules discrepancies.

-The opponent/gaming group that doesn't understand the concept of a friendly game. Everything is practice for the monthly tournament, it seems. By this, I mean that you've got to play by every letter of the codex (my Dark Angels smoke launchers downgrade pen hits to glancings instead of obscuring the vehicles, for example). Every list is hard, except for the guys getting into the hobby.

Of course, there is the rubber ruler peeve. But that really falls under "cheaters" 'cause that's what it is.

10-28-2009, 01:24 PM
My #1 pet peeve is people who slow-play me in tourneys.

By which I mean someone who deliberately takes 30-45 minutes to set up and then takes half hour+ turns so that we only get through turn 3 before the time limit for the round is up. I've had it happen to me (and a friend) enough now that I'm not going to be a nice guy about it any more.

10-28-2009, 02:29 PM
My pet peeve is when people "speed game" (I think that what they call it?). When your opponent plays at lightening speed in hope that he can get some crazy rule in without you noticing. I HATE that so much...the whole game I am more concern that your try to pull the "Wool over my eyes" then actually having fun and just playing the game.

10-28-2009, 02:53 PM
Speed gaming really annoyed me for the first 3-4 months that I played. A lot of opponents would pick up a handful of differently colored dice, roll and pick them up immediately without any explanation (and without stating who is shooting at which squad!) As a more experienced player it's less annoying now - I know that the red die must be the melta because there is only one, and the green dice must be the storm bolter because there are two. Obviously they are shooting the squad on the objective because that's a logical target and they rolled rapid fire, etc. but it was very confusing as a new player.

I've trained some of the speedier players now to at least clearly declare who is shooting at who, and leave enough time for the opponent to look at the dice before they are picked up.

That said, it's really annoying to have tournament games that only get to round 3, but there is a happy medium, especially when everyone is wary about cheating in tournaments.

Lord Azaghul
10-28-2009, 03:00 PM
oh, just thought of another one: that guy who bring is 7-8 year old son and expects you to play his kid (or teach his even though the dad plays) - very annoying

Commissar Lewis
10-28-2009, 04:46 PM
1. People at the store with absolutely god-awful hygiene. I mean, I know GW games aren't the hippest thing on the block, but come on you're in public for feth's sake. At the very least, some deodorant. I could swear this one guy at my FLGS smelled like he dropped a deuce in his pants. Was awful.

2. Absolute Rules-Tyrants in friendly games. I understand wanting to make sure everyone follows the rules, but to get verbally abusive when someone makes a mistake is uncalled for. Also leading to my next peeve.

3. Rules Lawyers - Again, I can see where they're coming from and their point of view, but often I've encountered the Rules-D-Bags. I am even moreso peeved when they start twisting the rules for advantage.
I mean it's a game, not a fething court case.

4. People who can't admit when their wrong - I make my share of mistakes. Occasionally I flub the rules and do something illegal. However tell me I did something wrong, and I'll admit I made a mistake and apologize as long as the one calling me out did so respectfully. I played against this one guy in a store Apoc game who brought 4 WH orbital strikes and plotted them AFTER I deployed my forces and in the exact spots where I put my guys. I called him on that, politely telling him he had to plot them before deployment. He got all defensive and such. I looked at his list and he didn't even have an Inquisitor, which is required to even use the orbital strikes. The GW staff told him he couldn't use them and he got all pissy about it.

5. People who take Warhammer too seriously - I know people can get really into the hobby. But at the same time, it's a game for fun. People who always powergame to win, even in pickup games. That's a bit uncalled for.

6. Not really a legit peeve, but the Jammers asset in Apocalypse. Whomever wrote that rule in I want to punch, as IMO it borders on cheating.

Miggidy Mack
10-28-2009, 05:16 PM
I was accused of "speed playing" once. I was calling out everything (this is shooting that, ect) but my opponent just wasn't paying attention. Finally he told me I was trying to scam him. His words. I ask "what do you mean" he explained that I wasn't giving him time to react between my declaring my shooting and me rolling the dice.

I asked "what exactly do you mean, react?" He just wanted to let every dice roll sink in I guess. So instead of picking up the dice, declaring my shot and then rolling I declared, picked up dice then rolled and he suddenly had no problem with it.

Just a little adjustment on my part and he it FELT like I was playing slower. I guess it didn't help that my Tau at the time were really decimating his Necrons.

10-28-2009, 05:53 PM
5) People who talk loudly about things they just shouldn't talk about in public. There are certain topics you just don't talk about in public because many others are likely not going to agree with you and you'll just offend people, start arguments, etc. It's a game store, leave your personal views on sensitive topics outside the store. You probably don't want to hear what others think and vice versa.[/QUOTE]

I second this one. At my game store, I have unilaterally declared it a No Politics, No Religion Zone. I always tell them, "We are here to have fun by playing silly games with toy soldiers. Arguing about politics or religion will spoil the fun for everyone." This usually breaks the tension enough so that they back off and go back to playing the game.

10-28-2009, 06:48 PM
1. People that don't know their own codex, or have a copy I love it when then have a printed pdf, with pages missing. I know 90% of the info in each codex (other than Space Wolves..to new) and I hate when players pull BS.

2. Half way into a game the guy goes oh the Meltagun was in this unit.....the unit that is now closer to my Armor or MC's....really....then he swaps it.

3. People touching my dice. I'm insane about my dice, you bring dice it's a damn dice game! Goes for tape measures as well, why am I the only person that has Dice,Tape, and Templates and when I need to use MY TOOLS I get ...Oh one Second I'm almost done......BS

4. Monday morning quarterbacking.....I will learn from my mistakes, and who the (Expletive Deleted) are you to tell me I'll my flaws.....I've seen you play and I don't comment about your game if I want your imput I'll as for it.

Thats if for now....I got more fired up than I thought I was going to....

Miggidy Mack
10-29-2009, 01:13 AM
Did I mention people who start a pick up game when they don't actually have enough time to play? They don't say anything, but halfway into it they have to leave cus their wife showed up. They knew she was coming but thought that 2k can be played in an hour.

I had a cat do this at a tournament I ran once. It was a small tournament and he, for some reason, thought the 11am start time meant we would be done with 3 rounds by 4 in the afternoon. Really through things off as he complained to me about why my tournament took so much longer than others.

10-29-2009, 01:47 AM
Okay, 40k ettiquette question. I understand that borrowing someone else's dice is a no-no. What about touching your opponents dice in general?

I often pick up dropped dice that are near me, or push wayward dice nearer to my opponent so that he doesn't have to walk around to the other side of the table. Some opponents get very testy about this, and others look at me like I'm crazy when I ask if it's okay if I touch their fallen dice. I don't understand the whole "dice voodoo" that some people follow >.>

10-29-2009, 05:12 AM
My pet peeve is when people "speed game" (I think that what they call it?). When your opponent plays at lightening speed in hope that he can get some crazy rule in without you noticing. I HATE that so much...the whole game I am more concern that your try to pull the "Wool over my eyes" then actually having fun and just playing the game.

Actually since I play SoB i have a pretty quick fix for that.

I always start each game with the statement "If you don't tell me what your shooting at my squad with before you roll to hit I will ignore the part of my faith rules that say I have to roll for them before you roll to hit"

It happens once or twice and then the guys catch on that if they don't tell me about the vidicator template about to hit my squad of saraphim before they roll scatter for it and it scatters off of them, I just saved myself from wasting faith points.

10-29-2009, 05:16 AM
Okay, 40k ettiquette question. I understand that borrowing someone else's dice is a no-no. What about touching your opponents dice in general?

I often pick up dropped dice that are near me, or push wayward dice nearer to my opponent so that he doesn't have to walk around to the other side of the table. Some opponents get very testy about this, and others look at me like I'm crazy when I ask if it's okay if I touch their fallen dice. I don't understand the whole "dice voodoo" that some people follow >.>

I get really pissy about people touching my dice........

I paid more for my dice than some people do for models so hands the hell off....

I have a set of true casino dice, and 3 sets of dice with fleur de leis for 6's (for my sisters).

10-29-2009, 05:32 AM
Actually since I play SoB i have a pretty quick fix for that.

I always start each game with the statement "If you don't tell me what your shooting at my squad with before you roll to hit I will ignore the part of my faith rules that say I have to roll for them before you roll to hit"

It happens once or twice and then the guys catch on that if they don't tell me about the vidicator template about to hit my squad of saraphim before they roll scatter for it and it scatters off of them, I just saved myself from wasting faith points.
I agree. I can't stand when people do that. The best is when they try to rush through things and then tell you that you are just not a good player because you can't keepi up.

I also really hate when I am very cautious about my placement of units to keep out of assault (I play IG so it's important) and then my opponent stretches his movement by not really using the tape/tac template properly...it never fails that it works in their favor, and just really aggrivates me. Or, when they measure the first guy and then move all the other figs free form and somehow manage to wind up with several figs that started behind the fig measured out in front. What is the point learning to guess range if your opponent isn't going to measure anyway.

10-29-2009, 06:24 AM
I use to play with almost lifetime friends, so I don't have many problems with them. In tourneys it's different, but seems I'm lucky and didn't find any cheater yet. Btw the dice theme... when i start a game ina tourney I ask: Your dice or mine? and never find any player who doesn't want me to touch his dice (of course if he wants you use them and doesn't allow me to use them there's no problem), but i do this because we're tired of "missing" dice, templates and markers after a game.

Lord Azaghul
10-29-2009, 06:49 AM
Okay, 40k ettiquette question. I understand that borrowing someone else's dice is a no-no. What about touching your opponents dice in general?

I often pick up dropped dice that are near me, or push wayward dice nearer to my opponent so that he doesn't have to walk around to the other side of the table. Some opponents get very testy about this, and others look at me like I'm crazy when I ask if it's okay if I touch their fallen dice. I don't understand the whole "dice voodoo" that some people follow >.>

I'm not really bothered by that. If I'm playing with my good friends I don't even care if they use my 'scatter' die. One friend: we both actually ended up buying the exact same dice block, we put all the dice in a big pile and at the end of the game we each make sure we have a full block of dice.

10-29-2009, 08:18 AM
Okay, 40k ettiquette question. I understand that borrowing someone else's dice is a no-no. What about touching your opponents dice in general?

I often pick up dropped dice that are near me, or push wayward dice nearer to my opponent so that he doesn't have to walk around to the other side of the table. Some opponents get very testy about this, and others look at me like I'm crazy when I ask if it's okay if I touch their fallen dice. I don't understand the whole "dice voodoo" that some people follow >.>

I'd rather walk around the table and pick my dice up, I understand about your willingness to help and as far as passing rulebooks/templates/tape measure...thats great....but die....no. Many people get attached to the dice....I'm insane about them....I roll them and talk to them....I win games so it's no more odd than people with a lucky shirt or another good luck charms.

10-29-2009, 08:27 AM
Obviously it varies from person to person.

Myself, I don't really want you to touch my stuff without asking-- and I mean ask, and then wait for an answer, not ask and then touch it anyway.

10-29-2009, 04:09 PM
Actually since I play SoB i have a pretty quick fix for that.

I always start each game with the statement "If you don't tell me what your shooting at my squad with before you roll to hit I will ignore the part of my faith rules that say I have to roll for them before you roll to hit"

It happens once or twice and then the guys catch on that if they don't tell me about the vidicator template about to hit my squad of saraphim before they roll scatter for it and it scatters off of them, I just saved myself from wasting faith points.

You my friend are cheating then whether you know it or not. All acts of faith with the exception of divine guidance are declared and rolled for at the beginning of the shooting or assault phase. If you are waiting to see what units your would like to have invulnerable saves on after your opponent has targeted them, you my friend are cheating. Please reread your rule book. Your opponent doesnt have to declare his shots or tell you what he will shoot at you. The way it goes is like this:

1)Start of the shooting or assault phase. Opponent asks you if you are using any faith points.
2)You declare what acts of faith you are attempting ( with the exception of divine guidance ) and roll for them.
3)Opponent then declares his shots and starts rolling for hits and wounds.

This is not a per unit thing but you must declare for your whole army at the start of each phase.

10-29-2009, 05:08 PM
Oh! The angst!

People who expect me to listen to why their latest and greatest theoretical list is the absolute best. I mean, I love theory-hammer like anyone else, but save it for when you actually have the models (or most of the models). I don't want to hear about how 50 khorne bezerkers would beat my orks to death, or how 30 vanguard vets would make life difficult for my guard. I know this already (in a theoretical way). If you like the army idea so much then go quit theorizing and go buy it.

10-29-2009, 05:31 PM
Oh! The angst!

People who expect me to listen to why their latest and greatest theoretical list is the absolute best. I mean, I love theory-hammer like anyone else, but save it for when you actually have the models (or most of the models). I don't want to hear about how 50 khorne bezerkers would beat my orks to death, or how 30 vanguard vets would make life difficult for my guard. I know this already (in a theoretical way). If you like the army idea so much then go quit theorizing and go buy it.

...you forgot about the nob biker list! :D

Good point, while theory hammer is a useful tool it often falls short when we start playing the game. If all my theories worked I would win my football bets every week and that forgeworld titan army would be on its way to the good old US of A!

Commissar Lewis
10-29-2009, 05:48 PM
True, I'm often wrong in my theories. Except for betting that the Lions would go without a win; wish I had put down money instead of making the comment sarcastically...

But on topic, yeah there are a lot of people in the hobby that really should learn etiquette. It's partly a social game, so people should learn not to be total jackasses. I can't count the times I've had an f-bomb thrown at me for killing a unit. Just like online video games - people can't take losing. Almost as bad as the rage-quitters from back in the day of my playing Halo 2 online at a friend's house.

Miggidy Mack
10-29-2009, 05:52 PM
You my friend are cheating then whether you know it or not. All acts of faith with the exception of divine guidance are declared and rolled for at the beginning of the shooting or assault phase. If you are waiting to see what units your would like to have invulnerable saves on after your opponent has targeted them, you my friend are cheating. Please reread your rule book. Your opponent doesnt have to declare his shots or tell you what he will shoot at you. The way it goes is like this:

1)Start of the shooting or assault phase. Opponent asks you if you are using any faith points.
2)You declare what acts of faith you are attempting ( with the exception of divine guidance ) and roll for them.
3)Opponent then declares his shots and starts rolling for hits and wounds.

This is not a per unit thing but you must declare for your whole army at the start of each phase.

Hand of the Emperor is also used at an odd time (after rolling to hit).

10-30-2009, 04:20 AM
Oh! The angst!

People who expect me to listen to why their latest and greatest theoretical list is the absolute best. I mean, I love theory-hammer like anyone else, but save it for when you actually have the models (or most of the models). I don't want to hear about how 50 khorne bezerkers would beat my orks to death, or how 30 vanguard vets would make life difficult for my guard. I know this already (in a theoretical way). If you like the army idea so much then go quit theorizing and go buy it.

Most of the games I've played lately fit in this mold. "What would happen if this uber close combat squad of marines faced wyches?" Result: player is now scared of wyches. "What would happen if we tossed a talos into a wych cult list? (I only had my cult list, and he wanted to see how a talos played.) Result: a dreadnought and a talos can sit there and smack each other for a surprising number of rounds. Or the dice gods were enjoying the punch up too much to let either start failing throws. "Do you think I could pull this off with my last remaining jump pack marine?" Result: the damn thing can dodge bullets, fly with astonishing accuracy, land on a pinhead, and make my units self destruct. Said marine now has the name 'Neo' painted on it.

Or the most amusing: "What could possibly go wrong?" Mephiston dying to a failed perils of the warp test is hillarious.

Big Dibs theDog
10-30-2009, 02:36 PM
Whenever my cup of tea goes cold before I've finished it....:D

Miggidy Mack
10-31-2009, 12:12 PM
Yesterday I found a new one. My opponent couldn't go more than 5 minutes without accidentally bumping the table hard enough to knock over mini's. Once or twice is normal, but every time he turned to talk to someone or basically do anything non-game related he would wack the table with his *** when he turned around.

Boston Dance Party
10-31-2009, 01:21 PM
People who are crazy about their dice. They are not magic, they do not have secret powers, other people picking up your dice to politely hand them to you like a pleasant human being will not damage them or poison them against you. Refusing to share is the behaviour of a bratty 6-year old, not a grown man.

10-31-2009, 01:59 PM
People who are crazy about their dice. They are not magic, they do not have secret powers, other people picking up your dice to politely hand them to you like a pleasant human being will not damage them or poison them against you. Refusing to share is the behaviour of a bratty 6-year old, not a grown man.

Agreed. Unless your a dick, and then it would be one more reason to dislike you lol

Miggidy Mack
11-01-2009, 01:56 PM
I've been playing a lot recently and I've found a few new pet peeves. This was an old one, something that has irked me for a while and now I'm in full on rant mode about it... again.

Composition Scores. The more I look at various comp score systems that I find online the more I realize how terrible they all are. Comp Scores really just try to manipulate the metagame so that one persons view of what SHOULD be played is prevalent. It is usually done under the guise of fairness and balance. Usually, however, it ends up being passive aggressive legislation on what toys I'm allowed to play with.

Typically harming specific armies (those played by skilled players in the local group) the system is really just a golfing handicap. Most of the time they target newer armies, but older codex's which lack as much punch in their troop choices get hit harder unintentionally.

Yesterday I was down at my FLGS and I brought out my new Space Wolves for a pick up game. My 1500 point list included:

Wolf Lord in Terminator Armor
5 Terminator Wolf Guard
LR Redeemer
Wolf Priest with a squad of blood claws
Grey Hunters in Rhino
Grey Hunters in Rhino

She was running a Guard list including:

2 Platoons, each was different and had a variety of weapons, there were a total of 4 heavy weapons teams with lascannons (the other 2 had heavy bolters).
Creed and a "tough" squad (everything to keep creed alive)
Squadron of Valkyries

I was pretty impressed with her list. It was wonderfully painted and she was a pleasure to play against. She built the army around 2 massive platoons. The game was really fun too, we rolled randomly and got Spearhead & KP, which was really good for her. She rolled up the troops into 2 big units to cut down on kill points and used the massive units as a screen when I got close enough to charge.

I managed to eek out a victory by 1 KP through some luck and a good play with my Bloodclaws holding back to intercept her outflanking "massive troop unit" that was in reserve.

Why have I describe this game? Cus at the end, she told me "No offense, but armies like yours are why we need composition scores". I hadn't mentioned comp at all, this was totally out of the blue (unless she has heard m in the past which is possible). How was my army bad comp? I had about half troops, which I feel is a very "fluffy" list.

At first I questioned her, because 3 of my units are painted (just got the army) to a pretty high standard, the rest are basecoated grey and have a black wash on them. I said "Oh, I just got the army and wanted to play with it. It will be fully painted in no time, count on it, I do a unit a week!" She then explained that she meant what I took in my list, not that I wasn't fully painted.

Wow... was this just a case of her being a sore loser or am I missing something about my army list? I get a lot of crap for running "hard lists"... and I'm just getting sick of it!

11-01-2009, 02:36 PM
Sounds like a sore looser. Nowt wrong with the list at all.

11-01-2009, 03:48 PM
Am I just lucky that I have no idea what a "Composition Score" is?

11-01-2009, 04:50 PM
Composition Scores. The more I look at various comp score systems that I find online the more I realize how terrible they all are. Comp Scores really just try to manipulate the metagame so that one persons view of what SHOULD be played is prevalent. It is usually done under the guise of fairness and balance. Usually, however, it ends up being passive aggressive legislation on what toys I'm allowed to play with.

I fully agree with you. Competition scores are a horrible idea from a Game Theory perspective. Bad sportsmen (or women) are willing to cheat and manipulate the system to gain an advantage. These bad people will, on average, give their opponents lower scores than good sportspersons. You might be able to catch a few of the really, really bad sportsmen, but you could have caught those anyways, because they probably try to cheat oughtright.

So the end result is that, on average, the poor sportsmen have better scores than the good sportsmen, as the poor sportsmen will give lower scores than their good sportsmen opponents on average. You might be able to catch a few doing this, but aside from that, you are simply giving those bad sportsmen more ways to cheat and abuse the rules.

Miggidy Mack
11-01-2009, 04:52 PM
Comp scores show up at local tournaments. They take many forms, but I'll make up a typical one as an example.

Armies are graded on a 0 to 15 scale. You begin with 15 points and then get docked:

-1 for every independent character beyond the first.
-1 for every heavy support, fast attack, elite or HQ taken beyond the first.
-1 if the army has used all the force organization slots in a category (may stack)
-1 for every model with 3 or more wounds
-2 for every vehicle with 35 or more armor points.
-1 for every vehicle in excess of the armies model count divided by 10 (50 infantry can have 5 vehicles)
-5 if the army has more models than the total army value divided by 20 (so 93 models at 1850)
-3 for every special character in an army

In most tournaments this score is simply rolled into the armies "total" score to determine best general and best over all. It basically counts as an extra game that never got played. That's basically punishing people for wanting to play differently that the way the tournament organizer thinks the game should be played.

SOME tournaments use the Comp Score as a tie breaker. This isn't so bad, as it tries to say that a player who won with a weak army is better than one who won with a strong army. Unfortunately is usually means that the player who built the strongest force while manipulating the letter of the comp score law wins. It typically ensures min-max'ers do best.

The BEST way to use comp scores is to simply use them to setup the games. The idea is that players with "hard as nails" armies will play each other more often. If you bring a low comp score "6 vendettas" list and I bring a low comp score "drop pod terminators" list, we are likely to play each other first round. Then in the second round if you and a hard as nails 180 orks army both won, then you will play each other.

The last one doesn't bother me at all. It just ensures that kids or players who don't want to compete as hard don't have too. People go to tournaments for a lot of reasons. The last option means that most people have a good time. Someone who just wants to play 3 games won't get crushed by wave serpents and nidzilla for 6 hours. Players who do want to throw down get to totally throw down.

Yes players can manipulate their army comp to play weaker armies and therefore score more battle points, but it's much tougher to do that way. More importantly, if you win 2 games... your third round is against someone else who won 3 games... that can really be rough if you brought a weaker army list!

11-02-2009, 01:43 AM
They take many forms, but I'll make up a typical one as an example.

Armies are graded on a 0 to 15 scale. You begin with 15 points and then get docked:

-1 for every independent character beyond the first.
-1 for every heavy support, fast attack, elite or HQ taken beyond the first.
-1 if the army has used all the force organization slots in a category (may stack)
-1 for every model with 3 or more wounds
-2 for every vehicle with 35 or more armor points.
-1 for every vehicle in excess of the armies model count divided by 10 (50 infantry can have 5 vehicles)
-5 if the army has more models than the total army value divided by 20 (so 93 models at 1850)
-3 for every special character in an army

Good gravy, you've seen systems like this? It's atrocious.

11-02-2009, 02:03 AM
Good gravy, you've seen systems like this? It's atrocious.

Agreed. Not my idea of fun......

Miggidy Mack
11-02-2009, 03:02 AM
Yup, that's one of the better systems. I'm fine with it if it's used in the last type, to do match making. I have yet to see a player LIKE the system in place. Some think they should have a system, some think that no system is best (like me).

Whatever the system is though, everyone but the tournament organizers and new players have issues with it. Usually "it's fine for orks, they should be put in line... but my guard NEED at least 9 tanks..." HILARIOUS.

11-02-2009, 03:51 AM
I just don't understand why people have to make life so complicated. Simple is better and usually more fun.

11-02-2009, 06:06 AM
I don't mind the one I've seen at local mini-tournis.

From memory, you had to have all models fully assembled, basecoated and attached to an appropriate base (if needed for that model) to enter.
Having all models up to minimum painting standards (so the basecoats/3 colours minimum, I presume) gained you 1 point.
Having at least 25% of your army (by model count) be troops gained you one point.

There was talk about only allowing 3 named characters per army maximum, but not sure if that went ahead.

<.< I think simple checklists work better than any sort of 'rating' system, since they're less subjective. And frankly, 'paint your army and don't only take 3 minimum price ripper bases in your nidzilla list'* seems reasonable to me.

*I'm not sure what amount of ripper bases count as one troop choice in a nid army.

Boston Dance Party
11-02-2009, 09:55 AM
The best part of that composition system listed on the previous page is that it screws over every ork army build except Nob Bikers.

Big Dibs theDog
11-02-2009, 10:13 AM
Comp scores show up at local tournaments. They take many forms, but I'll make up a typical one as an example.

Armies are graded on a 0 to 15 scale. You begin with 15 points and then get docked:

-1 for every independent character beyond the first.
-1 for every heavy support, fast attack, elite or HQ taken beyond the first.
-1 if the army has used all the force organization slots in a category (may stack)
-1 for every model with 3 or more wounds
-2 for every vehicle with 35 or more armor points.
-1 for every vehicle in excess of the armies model count divided by 10 (50 infantry can have 5 vehicles)
-5 if the army has more models than the total army value divided by 20 (so 93 models at 1850)
-3 for every special character in an army

My Cuppa would have gone cold trying to work all that out,
so I would have been miffed !

In my experience if you have to "calculate" who's won
(ie it isn't obvious)

it's a draw !

Lord Azaghul
11-02-2009, 10:27 AM
Comp scores show up at local tournaments. They take many forms, but I'll make up a typical one as an example.

Armies are graded on a 0 to 15 scale. You begin with 15 points and then get docked:

-1 for every independent character beyond the first.
-1 for every heavy support, fast attack, elite or HQ taken beyond the first.
-1 if the army has used all the force organization slots in a category (may stack)
-1 for every model with 3 or more wounds
-2 for every vehicle with 35 or more armor points.
-1 for every vehicle in excess of the armies model count divided by 10 (50 infantry can have 5 vehicles)
-5 if the army has more models than the total army value divided by 20 (so 93 models at 1850)
-3 for every special character in an army


Oh my word, that is truely horrible.The the only army to really play is troop heavy space marines??!?!?!

Leave the comp scores in fantasty...they actually need it!
I play a "balanced" guard army. 3 chimera, a large platoon, maxed heavy slots, a hq's. at 1750 I'm at 0! at 2250, I'm like a negative 3! That is absolutely ridiculas!:confused:

Boston Dance Party
11-02-2009, 10:39 AM
I just don't understand why people have to make life so complicated. Simple is better and usually more fun.

Oh my word, that is truely horrible.The the only army to really play is troop heavy space marines??!?!?!

Leave the comp scores in fantasty...they actually need it!
I play a "balanced" guard army. 3 chimera, a large platoon, maxed heavy slots, a hq's. at 1750 I'm at 0! at 2250, I'm like a negative 3! That is absolutely ridiculas!:confused:

By that system, if you take a second hero you pretty much automatically get -4, -7 if your list includes a special character.

Miggidy Mack
11-02-2009, 11:48 AM
I don't mind the one I've seen at local mini-tournis.

From memory, you had to have all models fully assembled, basecoated and attached to an appropriate base (if needed for that model) to enter.
Having all models up to minimum painting standards (so the basecoats/3 colours minimum, I presume) gained you 1 point.
Having at least 25% of your army (by model count) be troops gained you one point.

There was talk about only allowing 3 named characters per army maximum, but not sure if that went ahead.

<.< I think simple checklists work better than any sort of 'rating' system, since they're less subjective. And frankly, 'paint your army and don't only take 3 minimum price ripper bases in your nidzilla list'* seems reasonable to me.

*I'm not sure what amount of ripper bases count as one troop choice in a nid army.

That one I don't mind so much. It's simple, really only stops people from running REALLY min-maxed builds and makes sure that everyone shows up with an assembled army. That system is unobtrusive enough to not be a problem.

You're right, Nob bikers don't have a problem... oh did I forget to mention that units that "count" as troops under certain conditions don't count as troops for comp? So if you want to play white scars with all bikes you don't get to count the bikes as troops while doing comp.

11-02-2009, 12:28 PM
Yikes. I'd get a solid 0 at every tournament for comp (I play Dark Angels with 0 tactical marines). Do most people just ignore comp and run whatever fits the list? I'd imagine most armies would be running near 0 points.

Miggidy Mack
11-02-2009, 12:48 PM
Hilariously no, most people try really hard to come in under comp. Having 0 means you start the game that you LOST game!

11-02-2009, 12:57 PM
Im damm sure my life is gonna be too short for that......

11-02-2009, 01:10 PM
Oh my word, that is truely horrible.The the only army to really play is troop heavy space marines??!?!?!

Not really, my troop heavy marine list (35 tac marines, two rhinos, two razors, five scouts, two speeders [inc storm], attack bike, pred w chronus and captain at 1500pts) would be at 7 points on that scale, 4 if Chronus counts as a SC :/

Lord Azaghul
11-02-2009, 01:20 PM
Not really, my troop heavy marine list (35 tac marines, two rhinos, two razors, five scouts, two speeders [inc storm], attack bike, pred w chronus and captain at 1500pts) would be at 7 points on that scale, 4 if Chronus counts as a SC :/

And that's the army the system wants us to take!

Other comments: if everyone is coming up to a zero (expect noob bikers) doesn't that imply the main rules are pretty much equatable!

11-02-2009, 10:52 PM
So what the comp system does is: last month when I was proud of having all my slots filled (in the league I'm in) I would have been punished? I went 0-3 and I'm supposed to be "cheesy" by those standards? And by a quick count I had a -9 on that system.

Miggidy Mack
11-02-2009, 11:20 PM
Luckily you can't go below 0.

That's the other thing. The guys who ran that system only ever played 2k+ games! So everyone was getting docked cus they HAD to run 2 elites ect.

Here is the one from my local area: http://www.greatescapegames.com/ContestofChampions/40K/COC%20Comp%20Scoring.htm

I haven't seen them do a tournament under1850, I'm told they happen but most are 2250 or 2500. So that's something to consider while reading these rules.

My favorite part is all the division. Apparently someone really hates players taking mobile armies that aren't tau, any kind of alternate troop list and anything that costs more than 200 points. The rules really break down at points under 1850. 150 points would be a "power" model in a 1500 point game... which is ridiculous.

Oh and don't you dare take more than one monstrous creature in your nid list. Two and you're a power gaming jerk!

11-03-2009, 02:27 AM
My standard 1500pt GK Tri-Raider list rates 4pts using the above comp scoring rules, which isn't all that bad. Oddly enough, the 1750pt GK list I refer to as my "Composition List" scores 10pts. Of course, neither list does well in tournaments.


Miggidy Mack
11-03-2009, 02:43 PM
It's always hilarious when people complain about Tri-Raider Daemonhunters. It's rarely successful in a tournament but the pure site of 3 raiders makes people knee jerk.

I've also discovered another pet peeve. Maybe I'm just an easily annoyed person... which is another pet peeve. VISCOUS CIRCLE!

Stealing someones victory. When I lose I like to analyze how my opponent beat me. I like to chat with him or her and discuss how he leverage his units strengths against my weaknesses and that sort of thing. Sometimes he and I find that there was some luck involved. WITHOUT FAIL I make sure to point out that he capitalized on the luck, recognizing the advantage and pressing it.

I give him the credit for the victory, not the just the dice. We all know the dice are a factor, but a good player knows how to prepare and capitalized on the randomness. Whats more I never claim that their codex is just broken and there is no way to win.

I hate it (especially now that I'm rebuilding my old wolves list) when people claim that they can't possibly beat me just because I have the newest codex or the most luck. I play a LOT of 40k. For years I did it with an old codex (Daemonhunters). Maybe... just MAYBE that made me good at micromanaging my army because I had to just to stay competitive.

This is actually a problem I have a lot. I wonder what it is that I do during a game to make my opponent think that I'm NOT skilled? I used to play against an opponent who would complain about his luck the entire game... even when he was rolling really well he just couldn't see it. Instead of congratulating me on a victory he would just complain the entire time.

Isn't it possible that my win using 3 troop choices and 2hq's at 1k points over Orks was due to skill? It's even worse when I try to talk to them and analyze the game and they just want to whine about how they can't ever beat my codex.

11-03-2009, 03:07 PM
Agreed. No such thing as an unbeatable codex.

11-03-2009, 04:19 PM
Agreed. No such thing as an unbeatable codex.

not ture, I am ripping out my favourite pages from all the codexes and binding them into a super codex... I will call it "sister Dark Orks of the imperial tau space marine guard" BWAHAHAHAHA! lol


11-03-2009, 08:40 PM
Comp scores show up at local tournaments. They take many forms, but I'll make up a typical one as an example.

Armies are graded on a 0 to 15 scale. You begin with 15 points and then get docked:

-1 for every independent character beyond the first.
-1 for every heavy support, fast attack, elite or HQ taken beyond the first.
-1 if the army has used all the force organization slots in a category (may stack)
-1 for every model with 3 or more wounds
-2 for every vehicle with 35 or more armor points.
-1 for every vehicle in excess of the armies model count divided by 10 (50 infantry can have 5 vehicles)
-5 if the army has more models than the total army value divided by 20 (so 93 models at 1850)
-3 for every special character in an army

Wow, that is the most ridiculous and arbitrary thing I have ever heard, no wonder everyone hates them.

11-03-2009, 08:47 PM
not ture, I am ripping out my favourite pages from all the codexes and binding them into a super codex... I will call it "sister Dark Orks of the imperial tau space marine guard" BWAHAHAHAHA! lol



Miggidy Mack
11-03-2009, 09:59 PM
Ok I'm sold. Lets make "the omnidex".

4 Strongest HQ's
6 Strongest Troops
4 Strongest Elites
4 Most Flexible Fast Attacks
4 Most Devastating Heavy Supports

My current "Omnidex" is...

Space Wolves Rune Priest
Imperial Guard Commanders (as they can now issue orders to things from their codex... THE OMNIDEX!)
Grey Knights Grand Master
Ork Warboss

Space Wolves Grey Hunters
Plague Marines
Sisters of Battle
Imperial Guard Platoons
Ork Boyz
Khorne Berserkers

Grey Knight Terminators
Tau Crisis Suits
Ork Nobz (is a troop with a warboss, and can buy a battle wagon which isn't in the omnidex heavy!)
Eldar Fire Dragons

Tau Pathfinders
Imperial Guard Valkyries
Chaos Bikers
Space Marine Land Speeders

Chaos Obliterators
Grey Knight Land Raider Crusader (to abuse their 3rd edition loop holes)
IG Ordinance Battery
IG Lemun Russ Squadron

That's my omnidex!

11-03-2009, 10:18 PM
Hmm... I'd contemplate DE ravangers as one of the heavy support, they're good at popping anything but a monolith from the other side of the board.

11-04-2009, 01:32 AM
not ture, I am ripping out my favourite pages from all the codexes and binding them into a super codex... I will call it "sister Dark Orks of the imperial tau space marine guard" BWAHAHAHAHA! lol


Id pay £15 for that! :p

Little Brother
11-04-2009, 08:25 AM
Kids that come round and ask, who's winning?"

Sometimes they ask before the first turn has even started.

Miggidy Mack
11-04-2009, 11:35 AM
And if you say "It's too early to tell" they always ask something like 'well who still has the most points'?

It's round 2 in an objective mission, that' doesn't matter!

11-04-2009, 12:03 PM
Here's my omnidex of cheesy uberness:

Imperial Guard Commanders
Ork Warboss/Gazghul (army-wide WAAAAAGH!)
Eldar Farseer (can use Fortune on anything in the Omnidex!)

Space Wolves Grey Hunters
Imperial Guard Platoons
Dark Angel Terminators
Khorne Berserkers

Ork Nobz
Chaos Daemon Flamers of Tzeentch
Psyker Battle Squads
Eldar Fire Dragons

Imperial Guard Valkyries
Thunderwolf Cavalry
Scout Bikers
Space Marine Land Speeders

Chaos Obliterators
Chaos Daemon Soul Grinder
IG Leman Russ Squadron
Dark Eldar Ravager

11-05-2009, 03:00 AM
for the omni dex can i suggest exorcists in HS? im barred from using 3 at my local club. unless its apocalypse, but then i tend to use 9 penitent engines for sheer madness lol

Miggidy Mack
11-05-2009, 11:02 AM
I've always found the exorcist a bit random. It's a good piece, but it can also let you down. Sounds like poor losers in your area!

I don't know, whenever a unit trounces me I aim to tear that unit apart next game. It's a new challenge!

11-05-2009, 11:54 AM
peeves 1)those who expect you to get a new army every time one is updated
2)those who dont understand that i painted the army the way i thought it would be and refuse to play whatsoever because of it
30 those who take the p**s out of my one of pieces

11-05-2009, 11:58 AM
I have to agree with you about people that touch my models without asking, I like most people spend a large amount of time making my models look good on the table and it irritates me when they just grab a model without asking. I also have a problem with players that ‘drop’ their templates onto my models instead of holding them above the models. I can’t count how many times I had players break something on a model because they were idiots; doesn’t help that GW makes their new templates out of that heavier green plastic either.

My other pet peeves are players that don’t have all their own tools to play the game such as dice, tape measure, codex or even the main rule book. How can they expect to play the game without some of the essential tools required to play and understand the game?

As for messing with others people dice, that irritates me as well but mostly from a hygiene perspective; now I’m no germ freak but in these H1N1 times you gotta be a little careful. How many times have you seen people cough, sneeze or scratch themselves and then they want to handle your dice? No offense but I don’t want your germs or coodies on something that I’m going to be handling all day. It’s bad enough when they have ‘gamer funk’ and you gotta deal with that all day ;)

11-05-2009, 12:04 PM
The few dice mongers I've met ended up being banned from every local event because the reason they didn't want other touching their dice was because they were loaded.

As to my personal peeve, non WYSIWYG models proxied in when one is available or can easily be converted. BUt out of laziness, these people don't do anything to represent their model correctly.

11-05-2009, 12:39 PM
I have to second the "comp scores" motion. 40k is balanced and random enough that most armies (nec vs nidzilla beeing an example that does not work for the nec if nidzilla amxes on sv2+) can deal with all the rest can trow at them if they are built well. the funny thing is that all of these comp scores create an environment where the respective "best" list totally tops all other because the creaters of the rules didnt think about all the cross interactions of metagame.

both the shown comp score lists seam like they will get stomped by a mechanized tropp heavy chaos marine list or mechanized veteran guard :)

in fantasy arbitrary restrictions (I'm more a fan of just outright banning stuff that is OTT or forcing joices like either regenration standart OR helm of comandmend) are needed because the power curve deverts extremely.

and I've found an easy way to teach people not to blame their loss on my luck. when they start to rant about it just say "So if you think that I'm to lucky to beat there must be a reason. That reason is that I'm an <insert random omnipotent creature fitting your local culture> so get down on your f****** knees and kiss my feet! (or other random act of total devotion)".

people get bored of that line faster than you of hearing the complain ;)

Miggidy Mack
11-05-2009, 05:09 PM
The few dice mongers I've met ended up being banned from every local event because the reason they didn't want other touching their dice was because they were loaded.

As to my personal peeve, non WYSIWYG models proxied in when one is available or can easily be converted. BUt out of laziness, these people don't do anything to represent their model correctly.

Many people have good reasons to not want their dice touched. HOWEVER, I have yet to meet someone who is unreasonable at the table who wasn't cheating.

"Don't touch my dice" = cheater

"Don't you have dice?" = germ concerned player

That's my usual rule of thumb :) Dumb people load dice because they aren't smart enough to get better at the game. Dumb people also like to give orders and over react when they think they are about to get caught cheating.

Smart people just don't want your gross hands all over their dice and know how to be snarky about it with enough flare to not be a douche.

11-05-2009, 05:27 PM
I once had a player insist that I forfeit after I touched his dice and "sucked the luck out of them." I was too shocked to come up with a good reply. I think next time I'll ask if he believes in the Easter Bunny too. Plenty of gamers joke about the Dice Gods but I had never heard of a person actually believing that was true before 0_o.

I can completely understand not wanting your dice touched for hygienic reasons, though. That's the best explanation I've heard so far.

11-05-2009, 05:50 PM
I think all gamers joke about the Dice Gods in one form or another but I agree that there are some people that take it too seriously. For me, as I explained earlier, it's a hygiene thing but then again I use semi-clear dice so there can be no accusations that I’m using loaded dice or not.

One other pet peeve just came to mind as well, how about people that will roll their dice into your models or scatter them to the four winds when trying to roll hits or damage. How hard is it for people to have a little dice control? When I roll my dice, I usually roll in an area that isn’t next to all the models to allow for a little scatter, this way there is no way that they can damage someone’s models. Now scatter dice are a different story ad I will roll those close the where the blast template is going but I will show a little restraint in how hard I throw the dice. I’ve seen players use the biggest dice they could buy, then lob them into models like frackin’ boulders and knock bits off and go oops.

Once during a tournament, I had an opponent that did this constantly and I politely said something each time. When he did it the last time, he broke a plasma cannon (old style metal type) off a mini and I quietly stated that if he did it again I was going to break his fingers. He thought I was joking but noticed that I was actually very serious so he apologized; being a large guy has its advantages some times. Now, please understand, I’m not a violent person but sometimes...it does help to get your point across ;)

11-05-2009, 07:16 PM
2) People who get extremely angry at a loss or a turn of poor luck. It's a dice-based game - it happens - and it's just a game. Throwing your models at the wall really doesn't help.

3) People who quit turn 1-2 when there are still probably a 50% chance of tying, and a 10% chance of being able to pull out a victory. It seems a little disrespectful to your opponent to quit in the middle of a game that's far from over.

Comment on (2) It certainly does NOT help the Model but then they have the job to repair it or make a new one. LoL

On (3) I will never do that & it really annoys me if an opponent does, as I feel cheated of a complete game. On many occasions about Turn 3, I felt I had no chance of a win but then held on for a Draw & on a couple of occasions even a win. As the Templars say "No Pity, No Fear, No remorse" & you could add "No surrender!";)

11-05-2009, 07:26 PM
As to my personal peeve, non WYSIWYG models proxied in when one is available or can easily be converted. BUt out of laziness, these people don't do anything to represent their model correctly.

Yes I hate this too! Especially when someone who should know better (i.e. Not a young newbee) brings a heap of metal models wth NO Arms & then says "Oh this one has a Plasma Cannon, this one a Lascannon etc Ad Nausium! My favorate Proxy story is of a 14 year old who came to our Clubs training day & "plonked" a Foam Cup down with his 'Nid Army & proudly announced "this is my Carnifex!" :rolleyes:

11-05-2009, 07:39 PM
I don't like it when people hover too close and invade my personal space.

11-05-2009, 07:40 PM
One other pet peeve just came to mind as well, how about people that will roll their dice into your models or scatter them to the four winds when trying to roll hits or damage. How hard is it for people to have a little dice control? When I roll my dice, I usually roll in an area that isn’t next to all the models to allow for a little scatter, this way there is no way that they can damage someone’s models. Now scatter dice are a different story ad I will roll those close the where the blast template is going but I will show a little restraint in how hard I throw the dice. I’ve seen players use the biggest dice they could buy, then lob them into models like frackin’ boulders and knock bits off and go oops.

I'm a fan of the big dice, but I recently bought a dice tower by from miniaturescenery (there's a few companies making these and lots of templates to build your own) so I'll not be smashing up anyone's minis. It also prevents any practice rolling malarkey since it's like an MDF pachinko machine inside. Can't stop the scatter dice being near the blast though...

I do tend to clean up dice on the table, regardless of who owns them since it reduces clutter and stops people losing dice under tanks and the like. But I do wash my hands after going to the bathroom, so the only one in hygiene danger is me :)

Miggidy Mack
11-05-2009, 09:52 PM
I hate it when someone leaves their dice all over the table. Roll in one area! I had a guy get really mad at me for touching his dice when I was trying to move my model onto one. He wanted me to wait for him to walk all the way around the tables (4 tables in a row) and move his 4 or 5 dice because he couldn't roll in one area.

He actually started swearing at me for being impolite. The store manager told him to shut up or leave. Hilarious.

11-06-2009, 09:02 AM
hehe... yeah, I've seen people get that upset over touching their dice as well, the thing that gets me the most is that it's usually adults that act that way. I can understand it if ita young kid that throws a tantrum but when it's an adult it is just shameful to behave that way.

I have to also chime in on the one on the player that quits after a couple of rounds because he is losing and sees now hope of winning. To that is just bad sportsmanship and lack of respect for other players not to mention reminds me of kids taking their toys and going home pouting. It gives me the impression that they only care about winning and don’t give a damn how their opponent feels about the game.

At our store, I have a rule about this when I play the kids and some adults, if they quit on me then we will never play again. I explain to the disrespect your opponent is just wrong and selfish. Also, if they do this in a tournament just to spite their opponent then they are suspended from playing in the next one. I understand that this is a game but they need to remember that it is supposed to be fun for both players not just them; then again I have an overly developed sense of morals and ethics :)

Miggidy Mack
11-06-2009, 10:59 AM
On the quitting front... I'm OK with it on occasion.

A few times things have gone HORRIBLY wrong for one player (sometimes me, sometimes them). Now saying "you win, I quit" and walking away is one bad. When it happened to me it was pretty clear.

It was a 4 objective game with 12" deployments. I put 2 troops on the board and 2 in drop pods. My opponent was going first. My first unit took 25% by one model and fell back off the board with a nice 12 on it's fallback distance. My second unit took a battle cannon barrage (3 battle cannons) and failed all their 4+ cover saves.

I'm hurting but not out. I bring in my drop pods, the first one lands on target, the second one scatters and the only place to deploy out means they are clustered. I manage to kill 1 russ but the other two kill that troop. His turn come around and 3 valk's fly onto the board and unload into my remaining troop. I have 5 terminator's still in reserver but that's it.

I say "Dang, you really got me there. We can keep going but you really tore apart my deployment strategy... guess that wasn't as great a play as I thought! Nice going!"

The differences is that I made sure he knew that he beat me, and I was a good sport about it. I could have played 1 more round and let him wipe my terminators though lol.

The time my opponent quit that I was fine with it, was at the first 'Ard Boyz. He got totally screwed by a rules judge. He and I were having a great time, knock down drag out fight. He was up on me by 2 KP but it was going second so I might be able to even the odds. The rules judge comes around to "Clarify" how KP were working (he didn't get the errata) so BAM, now my opponent is down by 5 points!

He quit in disgust with the way things were being run.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
11-07-2009, 09:45 AM
Peeves lets see:
1) when i play my fine painted SoB army and some Idio without asking picks up my miniatures and doesnt even put them back in the same place. I got really annoyed at a guy when he did this, to the pioint i told him stop touching my stuff, he took great offence like id slapped him.
Another time a kid walks up and picks upmy penitant engine, drops it, it breaaks and he just says sorry and then walks off, i did my block, does anyone know how hard they are to put together??
I made his dad pay damages, told him what his son did and threatened to pick his son up and just drop him if he didnt pay for it.
2) Rules cheaters, nothing gets me annoyed when someone knows the rules, but "forgets" a rule that helps him out or would save his unit. Now i know the rules, i play fair, i never cheat, i play for fun and if i lose so what as long as it was a fun game.
3) Dice mongers, seriously i understand the hygiene issue, but seriously im being courtious when i puch your dice back to you, or pick them up off the floor, yell at me for cursing your dice and im liable to play really nasty and very unfreindly to win then. Its just dice not the end of the world.
4) and most importantly im sick to death of idiots and bad sportsmanship when peopl call my army cheasy when i use "Faith" in my SoB army. Gee just because they dont get Faith and it saves my squad or i use Divine Guidence wow im cheating suddenly. Yeah like they get all new rules, lots of tank killing goodness and heaps of special characters, but hey im cheating using a old Dex with Faith.

Brother Outs
11-07-2009, 10:31 AM
I am tired of the "holy roller" attitude of some gamers.you know, those players that seem put-out when a rule concerning their army is asked. those that seem bothered by questions. and also those that alibi a loss to their opponent."well if you didnt do such-and-such i wouldnt have left my troops in the..... man im tired of playing whining adults. maybe i should play children.

Miggidy Mack
11-07-2009, 08:16 PM
I am tired of the "holy roller" attitude of some gamers.you know, those players that seem put-out when a rule concerning their army is asked. those that seem bothered by questions. and also those that alibi a loss to their opponent."well if you didnt do such-and-such i wouldnt have left my troops in the..... man im tired of playing whining adults. maybe i should play children.

One of my close friends has started doing this. Apparently Orks can't EVER beat marines because he lost two whole times to them. Out of his first 7 games he lost twice, both to marines. We can't convince him that maybe he just got out played... oh no that's not possible.

11-07-2009, 10:46 PM
For the "Don't Touch My Dice" spazzes, you can always calmly point out that you are only playing by the recommended rules (pp25, Allocating Wounds to Complex Units).

I believe that previous editions were even worse, explicitly stating that you should use the same dice rolled to roll to wound, to make your armour saves.

I'll also throw my two bits in on being peeved about Mr. Unprepared Guy, no dice, no templates, no codex, no rule books, no laser level, no swagger stick, refuses to call you Lord General, even if you are wearing the special hat. You know, that guy.

11-08-2009, 12:37 AM
Huh, I guess I'm pretty mellow, since I can't think of any real irritants. Of course, my gaming groups seem to always have pretty cool people in them...

Miggidy Mack
11-08-2009, 07:05 PM
Huh, I guess I'm pretty mellow, since I can't think of any real irritants. Of course, my gaming groups seem to always have pretty cool people in them...

Where are you located... I'm going to mapquest to there.

Now you have to figure out if I'm wanting to find cool gamers or threatening to ruin your ratio... MUWAHAHA

Lord Inquisitor
11-09-2009, 11:15 AM
I hate it when people don't continue with a game. Like when you are in the middle of a game and the other guy starts talking to someone and quits playing. I can't stand it when people don't pay attention to the game. Also it is annoying when people don't roll their dice.

Miggidy Mack
11-09-2009, 11:25 AM
I'm guilty of getting caught up in conversation. I used to be the only adult willing to have a conversation with someone under the age of 18 at the store I went too. That meant that everyone under the age of 18 would come by my game and ask me for advice.

What do you mean, won't roll their dice?

11-09-2009, 11:46 AM
Nobody likes a sore loser.

11-09-2009, 12:09 PM
We like threads like these don't we!

I dislike:

1. People standing at the sidelines of a game incessantly chipping in with rules directions both without need or invitation. People should respect the game is between the players and only give rules guidance if advice is sought.

2. People who answer mobile phone calls to girlfriends halfway through games and continue with long, inane conversations when time on the board is limited. I'm here to play not be made ill.

3. Not getting to play on games night!!!!!!!!!!

Miggidy Mack
11-09-2009, 12:35 PM
2. People who answer mobile phone calls to girlfriends halfway through games and continue with long, inane conversations when time on the board is limited. I'm here to play not be made ill.

I had a friend whose wife was pregnant with their first child. 9 months in the jerk started answering calls from her while gaming. Like he really needs to be there for his kids birth. Jeeze... we are playing 40k... PRIORITIZE!

In seriousness I totally know what you mean. It's one thing to answer and tell her you will be home in a couple hours or let her know where you are at. It's another to talk for 20 minutes about her day.

"Hun can you pick up milk?... Sure I'll be home in a couple hours... love you bye" How hard is that?

11-09-2009, 01:16 PM
In seriousness I totally know what you mean. It's one thing to answer and tell her you will be home in a couple hours or let her know where you are at. It's another to talk for 20 minutes about her day.

"Hun can you pick up milk?... Sure I'll be home in a couple hours... love you bye" How hard is that?

True Dat!!!

We have several players like this in our group and when their wives call, the world stops so I usually go for a smoke or grab a soda. The thing that bugs me the most is that it breaks your concentration... like when a team in the NFL calls a time out just before that critical fild goal attempt... argghh!! I hate that....

Miggidy Mack
11-10-2009, 03:54 PM
I'm gonna have to re-iterate my biggest pet peeve.

Stealing victory through whining. For a while now I've been playing Daemonhunters. I've had to do a lot of army cycling and model painting to find a tactic that actually functions in 5th edition against the new codex's. My lack of transports for GK's and the lower power level of all my other options made every unit count.

I got pretty dang good at line of site jockeying, pressure points and optimizing my list. So everyone then began complaining that I was spamming units. Of course I only have 11 different options in my codex and the rest are allies. Did I mention they complained when I won with allies? Nobody complained when I lost though, only when I won.

So I decided that it was time to rebuilt the Space Wolves army I sold off. I really enjoyed them back in the day and they have a new codex. I started a painting blog and got to work painting.

Now they complain about my army lists... no matter what I run. I have everything EXCEPT Thunderwolf Cavalry. The only duplicate units I run are Grey Hunters. I don't even use JOTWW that much!

Why can't people just accept that my play style works pretty good for me... and that I've been playing this game for 10 years? Maybe THAT'S why I won!

11-10-2009, 08:23 PM
Can we add people who constantly talk about how bad my codex is? I know the 'cronz suck... can we just play?

11-10-2009, 10:32 PM
I'm gonna have to re-iterate my biggest pet peeve.

Stealing victory through whining. For a while now I've been playing Daemonhunters. I've had to do a lot of army cycling and model painting to find a tactic that actually functions in 5th edition against the new codex's. My lack of transports for GK's and the lower power level of all my other options made every unit count.

I got pretty dang good at line of site jockeying, pressure points and optimizing my list. So everyone then began complaining that I was spamming units. Of course I only have 11 different options in my codex and the rest are allies. Did I mention they complained when I won with allies? Nobody complained when I lost though, only when I won.

So I decided that it was time to rebuilt the Space Wolves army I sold off. I really enjoyed them back in the day and they have a new codex. I started a painting blog and got to work painting.

Now they complain about my army lists... no matter what I run. I have everything EXCEPT Thunderwolf Cavalry. The only duplicate units I run are Grey Hunters. I don't even use JOTWW that much!

Why can't people just accept that my play style works pretty good for me... and that I've been playing this game for 10 years? Maybe THAT'S why I won!

I've found it hard to complain sometimes about the Grey Knight power level (doesn't stop me, though :D), since my gaming group back home isn't very competitive. I win most of my games, and suspect that I would do so regardless of what army I played, so long as I had a little experience playing it.

On the other hand, my college gaming group is quite a bit more competitive. I'm lucky to win half my games, if that. It's there that the Daemonhunters* low power level really hurts.

Moral of the story isn't so much a pet peeve, but I've found that I have more fun playing against other, equally competitive players. I wish my codex was stronger for that, but regardless I have more fun with the game itself against skilled, competitive players.

*And Daemon-specific rules are horrible. There is one Daemon player out of around 20 in my college group. One. And I've only played him one on one once, in the last two years.

Ah, see, there's my complaining, already :D

11-10-2009, 11:18 PM
If you guys want to see low power level try playing with necrons. I've been playing them for years and the abundance of assault horde armies is really hurting the codex. It can be impossible to get anywhere on the board more than 12" from something with assault craziness.

It's more than just one army list too :(

My biggest pet peeve is how slowly GW updates things. They will let customers languish instead of doing something simple in White Dwarf to get them up to speed and spending money!

Miggidy Mack
11-12-2009, 12:26 PM
Smoke breaks is another one. Need a cig at the top of 4 in a game that's going long? Sure I understand that. Need one at the top of every turn? Seriously?

11-12-2009, 12:37 PM
Ahhh those were the days. Smoking at the table, happy times........

11-12-2009, 12:53 PM
What bugs me isn't only when they get up to go have a smoke, its when they finally come back and decide they need a soda and a snack after their smoke. Geez, comon' what are you smkoing?


11-12-2009, 01:50 PM
hummmm... alot of good posts. but here is my two:

- because i'm the 'carebear' gamer who is basically there to get in a game, i don't show up to vet nights to constantly teach the new guys. i don't mind a teaching game once and a while, heck it helps get new people into the hobby, but to do it for a few months (3 months of Thursdays, stopped going for a while after that) is a real pain.

- my other pain in my head is the constant theoryhammer and mathhammer that folks spout out. yes it is nice to sit and figure out things buy rolling a few dice, (playing out things as they may happen), but to spout out stats to define what will happen in a game is nonsense. i will roll a lot of armour saves, and all my lascannons will leave their batteries at home.

Miggidy Mack
11-12-2009, 03:25 PM
I have a running dialog in my group with a player who vehemently believes that no ork army has ever and will ever defeat any space marine army ever no matter the circumstances. I try to use math hammer and theory to show him how it works.

Then I play a game with his army, beating a space marine player. It's really getting kind of frustrating... like talking to people on the internet who invest themselves in an opinion so strongly that no fact and logic will budge it.

Theory/Math have their places, but it isn't everything about a game. To many people just talk in circles, ignoring the math that is inconvenient for them.

11-12-2009, 03:32 PM
Too true, soo many times I have seen this happen... Ignoring the math that doesn't work in their favour.


11-13-2009, 01:11 PM
people who dont tell lists (deepstriking unit oh wait its calgar,kantor and masters of the chapter whitemetal when did we deepstrike!or play apocolypse)


whitemetal plastic armies (silver+grey colourscheme)


******** CHEATS

11-13-2009, 02:29 PM
whitemetal plastic armies (silver+grey colourscheme)

******** CHEATS

Hey, my whole army is gunmetal grey:(. Of course, we're Grey Knights, so that's how we're supposed to look :D.

11-16-2009, 04:43 AM
I've discovered the hate of netlists.

Everyone at my local club is now bringing lists they found online instead of coming up with something of their own. Are we playing magic all the sudden?

Miggidy Mack
11-19-2009, 12:04 PM
Better than the people who don't bring army lists and expect you to just trust them.

Then they won't mark what's in transports... so you have to keep asking.

11-24-2009, 11:52 AM
I have to agree with you there, I do find it irritating when I play people and they don’t have a written list for me to review or for them to refer to during the game. You got to love the player that refers to his codex when you ask what their Chaos Lord is armed with ;)

11-24-2009, 02:41 PM
I will admit that while I have the list with me when I play I don't always bring it out unless its asked for... Not that I don't want to show it, but a lot of times I bring the same list over and over, so I just don't think about it.

One thing I have done to help stop "Rhino shell game,": I have drilled small holes in the back- top of my Rhinos and pinned some small (squad sgt.) banners. I then painted the banner to go with the squad (i.e. tactical 1st squad) When they get out I take the banner off the rhino and put it on the sqd sgt's backpack. I have only gotten to play one game with this but my opponent said that it helped a lot.


11-24-2009, 03:56 PM
I don’t know about the ‘Rhino Shell Game’; usually clarify what is in what vehicles when I deploy and try to make sure that my opponent has a clear understanding of what’s what. However, after the game starts, I’m hesitant to declare if the unit is in them or which unit it is because I may be using a rhino as a feint to try and draw my opponent into a trap or away from another unit.

It’s kind of a grey area for me because in friendly games I have no problem declaring the occupants but in a tournament setting I’m less inclined to answer after the game has started.

11-24-2009, 04:05 PM
That's true, if you tell your opponent what is in what and they forget I suppose it is their fault.


11-24-2009, 09:31 PM
When the opponent has 6 identically painted transports that are moving around the board, it can be tricky to keep track of them. Imo, the sporting thing to do is always be clear on what squad is in each tank. I usually put a model from the squad on top of the tank to make it clearer. I will always answer if an opponent asks which squad is in a transport and what wargear they have. I've never heard of people refusing to answer a question like that.

11-25-2009, 12:18 AM
My biggest pet peeve is people who measure 6", snap their tap measure close and then move their model 8". It's so endemic that I've just stopped complaining about it.


If that ever happened i'd tell them POTMS lets my land raider fire everything. . . . . twice haha.

11-25-2009, 05:55 AM
I mount my raiders' dark lance on the top, with a cable hooking it into the driver's seat (I figure the driver can shoot as well as steer, and I don't like the gunner at the front). This leaves a nice space, surrounded on 3 side that I can stick a model from the squad in and it won't fall off or over. Makes it easy for ME to keep track of it.

My current pet peeve is people going 'creeeeeed' all the time. Ok, so some of the early pictures with a tank appearing from behind a light post were amusing, but the constant references on every single bloody 40k forum I'm on, generally completely irrelevant to whatever is being discussed, is REALLY pissing me off. It is NOT amusing, it is NOT making you look cool, it is NOT orginal, and you are just an idiot. I don't give a damn if it could be classed as a meme. Stop doing it, it's annoying.

11-25-2009, 07:03 AM
My biggest pet peeve is when someone asks for a first timers tutorial game and then makes an anti-new player army. The point of a tutorial game is to help teach the new player the basics of the game. That isn't going to happen if your bring a force meant to completely wipe him out especially when all they have is a battleforce and a HQ. Trial by fire may work out in the work place but in a hobby that asks for a lot of time and money, you only giving them a reason not to get into the game more.

I'm so paranoid about tutorial games now that I try to run as many of those as possible, granted my necrons are not exactly the best army at teaching a new player how to play but it beats some of the other games I seen. I haven't seen anyone try and cheat in such games through so I guess I should be thankful for that.

Miggidy Mack
11-28-2009, 09:50 PM
I totally agree. A "teaching" army should include a little bit of everything (so they get to see all the rules) as well as some "sub optimal" options like a 7 man squad with no weapons. If you're playing someone REALLY new I hold off on all upgrades. Maybe 1 rocket or something, to really get them used to how games like this function.

11-29-2009, 08:57 AM
Short Term memory loss. One of my friends is terrible for this - every shooting and assault phase I remind him: "they're Eldar. They're toughness 3."
"But what about these guys?"
"They're Eldar too."

11-29-2009, 11:48 AM
i hate it when a parent asks you to play a game with there child and then gives you a dirty look every time you kill one of there kids units or they say that is cheesy/overpowerd every time you use a wepon or powe. I had this happen with a parent and i wanted to punch them in the face after the game and the sad thing was i was only using normal tac squads with a flamer in each and the kid was using marines as well but the dad complained about everything i did

11-29-2009, 12:44 PM
Pet peeves:

Unpainted/partly assembled armies; if it’s not finished it has no place on the table top, I may not be the most skilled painter, but I make sure anything that hits the field looks solid

Forge world rules are “semi-legal;” as I was saying on the Witch Hunters thread over in the tactics sub-forum, they are entirely legal, I pay both real money and points for my chunks of resin, and I have every right to use them.

Those little kids who come to the store with their parents and about 6 trunk-loads of poorly painted and poorly assembled models; I have to buy my own models and I would love to have 3 Baneblades, a Warhound titan, and 60 some Chimeras, just because your parents buy you a whole production run of GW and FW products doesn’t mean you shouldn’t at least try to do a halfway decent job finishing them, and if you can’t do that then you really don’t need or deserve them.

Well, that was uncharacteristically vicious of me, but I suppose that kinda goes with the territory :p.

11-29-2009, 12:57 PM
I hear ya on the ForgeWorld rules, Just_Me. I started a Tau army that's built from the ground-up on Forgeworld units. It's meant as a casual/fun/modelling army, and I'm surprised how many people get their panties in a twist about the Forgeworld rules, especially when my casual (and sort of terrible) list is going against a polished tournament list. If they don't want to play using ForgeWorld rules, they don't have to play against me, but it's not fun to spend the whole game hearing complaints about how my army is "illegal" so the game doesn't really "count." (Do any casual games count? lol)

11-29-2009, 04:36 PM
One of my biggest pet peeves are people that whine about your list make up. It seems that unless you build a list that sucks everyone takes exception to it. Your list is to this or that, or cheesy.
They make is sound like they took a fluffy, balanced fun list that they just threw together for the heck of it. When you know they slaved over that list you just crushed and now need some reason that they lost.

11-30-2009, 11:39 PM
My pet peeve of all time is: People who say their pet peeve is other people having unpainted armies.

I have five armies, none of them are fully painted. This is a hobby, not a job. I will get around to it eventually, but I will not stop playing in the meantime.

11-30-2009, 11:49 PM
My pet peeve of all time is: People who say their pet peeve is other people having unpainted armies.

I have five armies, none of them are fully painted. This is a hobby, not a job. I will get around to it eventually, but I will not stop playing in the meantime.

I have five armies, all of them are painted, that's what makes it my hobby, your move :D.

Seriously though, I can understand that you have other things to do with your life, but try to see that when I take the time and effort to make my armies look nice it is kind of annoying if my opponent has not even tried to do the same. I can understand a brand new unit hitting the tabletop unpainted (I personally never do it, but I can understand it). What really bugs me is those people who NEVER paint, they keep getting more and more units but the old ones never get painted at all.

12-01-2009, 12:29 AM
Some people dislike painting, and I wouldn't want to close the whole hobby to them because they dislike one part of it. It's nice if the army is at least primed or single-color basecoated (this is extremely quick to do with an airbrush) - and it's much nicer playing against a well-painted army, but at the end of the day the hobby is supposed to be fun. If painting makes you miserable, don't spend your precious free time doing something you hate.

12-01-2009, 12:50 PM
I'm not a huge fan of painting. But I do love the way the game looks with fully painted armies and nice terrain. I also HAVE TO model and paint all my own guys otherwise the Army doesn't feel like it's MINE.

Try borrowing a friends' Army. You just don't seem to 'care' if they die. But if they are truely your blood sweat and tears it almost hurts when your men fall in battle.

Therefore, as much as I dislike painting, I do it for the results of the outcome.
I hated taking College Classes, and I did so for SIX years, but the results surely outweigh the suffering.

12-01-2009, 09:13 PM
Try borrowing a friends' Army. You just don't seem to 'care' if they die. But if they are truely your blood sweat and tears it almost hurts when your men fall in battle.

I spend about 3 hours painting a basic trooper and I'm happy to sadistically throw them into certain doom.

... and I think that there tells me I'm playing the right army for my personality. *laughs*

12-02-2009, 03:23 AM
My biggest pet peeve is people who measure 6", snap their tap measure close and then move their model 8". It's so endemic that I've just stopped complaining about it.


this is my biggest problem too, especially when im playing my tau, againt blood angels and his 12" measure for assualt marines turns into a 14" inch move

12-02-2009, 03:26 AM
I'm not a huge fan of painting. But I do love the way the game looks with fully painted armies and nice terrain. I also HAVE TO model and paint all my own guys otherwise the Army doesn't feel like it's MINE.

Try borrowing a friends' Army. You just don't seem to 'care' if they die. But if they are truely your blood sweat and tears it almost hurts when your men fall in battle.

Therefore, as much as I dislike painting, I do it for the results of the outcome.
I hated taking College Classes, and I did so for SIX years, but the results surely outweigh the suffering.

Wow... that completely sums up my own feelings on this, I've had friends offer to help paint up armies because I don't have much spare time to do it but I want it to be my own work even if it takes ages. Great post.

Pet peeves are people who refuse to play against you if you use something (usually a forgeworld model) in a game but then expect you to let them use something rediculous as a "counts as". I've no problem with counts as as long as it makes sense but the good will and friendly nature of the game has to go both ways. I've also seen quite a lot of what I call "optimistic measuring", some one else mentioned the measuring the distance, closing the tape and then moving or shooting several inches further. This is the kind of game where cheating really doesn't make any sense, it's a bit like rolling 4 6's then claiming you rolled 5 to "win"... I really question the point of that.

12-02-2009, 09:29 AM
My greatest pet peeve is when people online respond to a post by saying 'That isn't tournament legal' without even understanding that NO SUCH THING even exists in the 40k game.

12-02-2009, 09:36 AM
My greatest pet peeve is when people online respond to a post by saying 'That isn't tournament legal' without even understanding that NO SUCH THING even exists in the 40k game.

Here here!

It's like saying "Darth Vader wouldn't play it that way."
He doesn't exist, so it doesn't matter!

12-02-2009, 10:08 AM
Here here!

It's like saying "Darth Vader wouldn't play it that way."
He doesn't exist, so it doesn't matter!

yeah but how cool would it be if he did and he played 40k?

12-02-2009, 04:40 PM
Darth Vader DOES indeed play 40k. Problem is, he's never lost. Or if he has, he hasn't let anyone live to tell the tale.

Lord Azaghul
12-02-2009, 04:54 PM
Darth Vader DOES indeed play 40k. Problem is, he's never lost. Or if he has, he hasn't let anyone live to tell the tale.

A friend of mine calls his marines 'the army of the galatic empire'
He's painting them white. He are also in a campaign and created special charaters for it.
His is Davin Feth (he's based on pedro)
His special rule is "Its them blast 'em!"
It grants the evey non-armour model in the army one more shooting attack then it would normally have but at a -1bs for that round of shoting.

link to pic: www.iowawargamers.com/be/davin4.JPG