View Full Version : DHD Video BatRep 006 - Trollbloods (pMadrak) VS Khador (pVlad) (25pts)

01-30-2013, 06:28 PM
First WM:H BatRep using the new Steamroller 2013 scenario package, a 25 point game between Khador (Ben) and Trollbloods (Fraser).

Scenerio: SR2013 #5: Incursion



KHADOR (Points: 26/25)
Vladimir, The Dark Prince (*5pts)
* Drago (8pts)
* Juggernaut (7pts)
Doom Reavers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
Kayazy Assassins (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Kayazy Assassin Underboss (2pts)

TROLLBLOODS (Points: 25/25)
Chief Madrak Ironhide (*6pts)
* Dire Troll Bomber (10pts)
* Earthborn Dire Troll (10pts)
Kriel Warriors (Leader and 5 Grunts) (4pts)
* 1 Kriel Warrior Caber Thrower (1pts)
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew (Leader and 1 Grunt) (1pts)
Janissa Stonetide (3pts)
Stone Scribe Chronicler (2pts)

01-30-2013, 06:31 PM
Part 2


02-06-2013, 01:55 PM
Rulez We Got Wrong video is Live!


armchair autarch
02-08-2013, 11:05 PM
Nice battle report! If I've learned anything its the more games you get in the less rules you'll get wrong. All in all good game! Definitely hard to play into that scenario if you're a brick going towards Mid and you lose a side. Running turn 1 would've helped, or bricking up and going first could have helped mitigate. Normally I'm all about going second in scenario play since I would be able to have the first strike on scoring, however I think you may want to reconsider if you're going to moving up that slowly. Great vid, looking forward to more!