View Full Version : Orks for Griffball

01-29-2013, 07:16 PM
Ok, so it is fairly common knowledge that I love models that aren't simply built to beat the living snot out of the current tournament meta, and these guys/this guy couldn't really fit that description better.

A trio of friends came up with rules for playing Griffball (as in from Halo/Roosterteeth) with 40k. The only things we need are three models; one with a Hammer, one with a sword and one carrying a ball. About 30 minutes after downloading the rules, I had these guys on my desk:


"Fink u's gunna walk away frum dis? Fink ugg'n!"
So, the Ork carrying a Hammer. What kind of hammers do Orks use? Yep, Rokkit powered, highly explosive ones!


"I'z gunna gut ya!"
You'll notice (I hope) that with the exception of the arms, all the components are the same. Just a different pose.


"Da fuq m'I spossda do wiv dis?"
Ok, so it's not exactly a ball, but it's pretty close!

Hope you have enjoyed this little foray into madness. Who knows, I might even get some paint on this guy by the time we get to playing a game!


KrewL RaiN
01-29-2013, 09:31 PM
Ball Ork must be frustrated that he doesn't get a choppa lol