View Full Version : Project: Inquisition. My first 40k army!

10-26-2009, 08:46 PM

Ever since I read "The Grey Knights Omibus" I was hooked. Sure, some of the reading could have been better.... But the thought of a warrior so pure and awesome really struck a chord with me. I promptly decided to make my first army a force of the Inquisition.

Please keep in my this is my first army. I have had no instruction in art or painting so I am going with what I think looks best. I have looked at A LOT of painting articles though.

These are still being worked on. Just touching up little details and what not.

First up, we have IST squad one



Followed by my inquisitor


I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea and backround of the calidus assassin. I absolutely HATE HATE HATE the models that GW provides for them though! A ponytail? REALLY?? and what kind of pose are you making? WHO ARE YOU GOING TO KILL WITH YOUR BLADE IN THAT POSITION?!?!?!

Alright.....sorry about that.

I took all my frustration out on my calidus assassin. A few tweaks and cuts later I came up with this.


10-26-2009, 08:47 PM
Grey Knights!


Grey Knight Terminators!

( I am still working on the "heraldry" for these guys. Those little shoulder shields are pretty hard to paint!)


10-26-2009, 08:48 PM
I also began to try my hand at conversions.

First up, we have a librarian that has been made into my Grey Knight GM!

And part of his retinue!

10-26-2009, 09:24 PM
Enjoying the work log. Really looking forward to seeing your grandmaster all painted up. Gotta have love for the daemonhunters.

10-26-2009, 09:50 PM
Enjoying the work log. Really looking forward to seeing your grandmaster all painted up. Gotta have love for the daemonhunters.

Thanks! I am saving him for last in hopes my painting skills improve some more. I feel like there is ALWAYS something to repaint or touch up haha.

10-26-2009, 11:18 PM
Know how you feel! Your doing good! The more you work on the models the better you get. Just keep at it.:)

10-27-2009, 05:51 AM
An excellent start! Keep at it....

10-27-2009, 06:40 AM
Yeah nice stuff especially given that it's your first army! Love the detailed basing... took me several armies before I could be bothered to base properly :)

10-27-2009, 10:38 AM
That is a brillint looking army, and your 1st one too I feel that you will do great things:D

a little tactics, Grandmasters are big targets and are Very expensive so some little tips:
as big a retinue as you can get (any way all those S6/S8 attacks are :D)
remember whilst termies can take hammers, the SS Fail, nemisis are better
Hide in a LR/ chimera (chimeras can take 12 termies apparently) Or deepstrike if you have a teleport homer (on the storms)
dont send into a horde
run away from warsyths, powerfists, fex's and multi wound things that kill you on a 2+
counts as stern (cheap)

follow these and you're GM can Kill LOADS! (in Planet stike there murder)

great army


the one
10-28-2009, 09:51 AM
What's the GM's nemesis force weapon?

10-28-2009, 10:29 AM
a little tactics, Grandmasters are big targets and are Very expensive so some little tips:
as big a retinue as you can get (any way all those S6/S8 attacks are )
remember whilst termies can take hammers, the SS Fail, nemisis are better
Hide in a LR/ chimera (chimeras can take 12 termies apparently) Or deepstrike if you have a teleport homer (on the storms)
dont send into a horde
run away from warsyths, powerfists, fex's and multi wound things that kill you on a 2+
counts as stern (cheap)

follow these and you're GM can Kill LOADS! (in Planet stike there murder)

Thanks for the kind words and for the tips.

What's the GM's nemesis force weapon?

The force weapon is actually the librarian pole with the top cut off. I then took a scythe from one of my chaos models ( GASP!!! ) and cut it to fit.

10-28-2009, 02:52 PM
I really love your painting style.

I also LOVE the reposed assasin. Great stuff all around, keep it up!

10-28-2009, 05:54 PM
I really love your painting style.

I also LOVE the reposed assasin. Great stuff all around, keep it up!

Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!

Im starting on the Grey Knight Terminators and Land Raiders. Should have them done soon : )

10-30-2009, 05:42 PM