View Full Version : Worldwide Carnevale's Campaign!!

01-29-2013, 02:46 AM

Starvation is a one day campaign that will be played in hobby stores and clubs all over the world on February the 16th. We've designed three exclusive adventures which will only be available to play on this day.These adventures link with each other, and the global outcome of the games played all over the place will affect the evolution of the world of Carnevale. So now you've got the chance to play a part in the future events of the game!!

Now, if you have a store or a gaming club and you're interested in running this event, send us an e-mail to [email protected] and we'll give all the details and the PDF event pack for free!.

Keep an eye to Carnevale's Facebook and we'll announce all the places organizing the Starvation event.


FB: http://www.facebook.com/Carnevaletheminiaturegame

02-07-2013, 02:51 PM
Now, we have the first venues confirmed for our Starvation event. If you want to take part of this campaign, drop us an email at [email protected]

Around the world:
- In the UK you can visit Tabletop Nation in Hockley (right next to London) and enjoy their huge gaming hall.
- Friday Night Firefight Club (http://www.fnffc.org.uk/news.php) en Canterbury, Kent, UK

In Spain:
- You can come to the Club Krítik (http://clubkritik.blogspot.com.es/) in Barcelona.
- Dominaria (http://dominaria.com/) in Oviedo.
- Hammer Worldshop (tel. 916 018 894) in Getafe, Madrid.
- El Vecino de la Bestia (www.elvecinodelabestia.es ), in Zaragoza.
- Wargames (www.gehiegi.wordpress.com) in Bilbao.

02-11-2013, 08:36 AM
The day of the Starvation draws close. This are a few more venues running the event. If you'd like to organize it, the only thing that you need to do is drop us an email at [email protected]
Around the world:
- Little Shop of Magic (www.shopofmagic.com) in Las Vegas, USA.
- Nopat & Taktiikka (http://www.nopat.fi/) in Helsinki, Noruega.
- Chuck's Comics (www.chuckscomics.com) in Essex, Maryland, USA
- Friday Night Firefight Club (http://www.fnffc.org.uk/news.php) in Canterbury, Kent, UK
- Trilogy Gaming Club (http://obsidian3d.blogspot.ca) in Calgary, USA

In Spain:
- Mirmidonia (www.mirmidonia.com) in Alicante.
- Dragones y Castillos (www.dragonesycastillos.com) in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz.

Take part of the world of Carnevale!

02-13-2013, 03:24 PM
By the way! We reckon that Helsinki is in Finland and Calgary is in Canada.
Sorry for the confussion, but it seems like someone needs to update his geography skills :D