View Full Version : Does forgeworld get integrated into 'normal' GW ?

01-24-2013, 09:15 AM
I was looking at shadow spectres the other day for my eldar army and a strange though popped into my head.

If the rumours of eldar getting an update are true would the forgeworld unit of shadow spectres get a place in the new book ?

I personally would like to see this happening as I like the unit and their background fluff, and it would be nice to see them brought to 6th edition along with the rest of the eldar.

However my gut tells me that it probably won't happen as i cant think of any instances of forgeworld units being brought into main stream gw as in appearing in my local 'flgs'.

So I ask for your thoughts have there been any cases of FW units making a jump to main stream ??

01-24-2013, 09:19 AM
while it is not unknown for GW to go on to produce FW items (Valkyrie and Trygon come to mind), I cannot think of any instances where an individual unit has been moved across- it is normally reserved for larger pieces. I would not expect them to be included in the new Eldar Codex (when it happens!) personally. If anything i think FW will update the rules to 6th Edition and that will be it.

EDIT: i missed out Baneblade and Drop Pods from list of models moved across

01-24-2013, 09:27 AM
Yea what you say makes sense to me, which is kinda sad as acute sense does nothing for them.

Oh well maybe I will convert some so i can mess around with them in friendly games.

01-24-2013, 09:58 AM
For a while, FW produced things that were in Codexes, but had old or no models. These were eventually produced/replaced by GW (whirly, vindy).

New FW stuff are things that do not really appear in codexes, and as such, GW has no need to make models form them.