View Full Version : Some stuff I've been painting (Blood Angels and Black Templars)

01-24-2013, 07:32 AM
Just a bit of random stuff I've been working on. All comments and criticism is accepted

Here is Chaplain Grimaldus:
Completed him before I went to Afghanistan. I'm pretty happy with him overall.

Banner for my Black Templars venerable dread:
Free handed it, this was one of my first attempts at free handing a banner of any type. Not perfect, it was drawn out on paper much better, but it certainly spices up the life of the dread.

Here we have a Blood Angels tactical squad:
Took me a while to get back into the groove of painting, I'm *pretty* happy with the result. I sure don't have all the resources here in Afghanistan that I had while I was at home(like a good primer!). Some models are better than others. These marines are a part of a 1500 point list I've been working on during my trip.

I will post more as I finish various stuff. My big project right now is a the full Ultramarines 2nd Company, man for man, squad for squad. So the Blood Angels got sidelined while I experiment with different techniques for the 2nd company.