View Full Version : Ideas for a charity tournament!!

Lord of the Dead
01-24-2013, 07:09 AM
Hello all!

I'm here to find out if people would be interested in a charity 40k tournament. there are a lot of non-profit organizations out there that enjoy having things done in their name. Animal shelters, cancer research, battered woman's shelters, food banks, and many more to name,

entrance fee's would reflect the group I'm trying to help. Can food, pet food, cloths and so on.

Prizes or give aways are what I need ideas on. I'm pretty sure I could get 40k stuff for prizes but what would you like to see for prizes.

Should I do side events along with the main event also, best painted army, best themed, maybe an ugly model contest, worst dice rolls, since everybody complains about that one including me.

how far would you be willing to travel for something like this. not only would the organization get some PR the gaming community would get looked at differently also.

I did an event five years ago with Magic the gathering game and the company was amazing, they sent me over five hundred dollars in give aways. to my amazement the event made two thousand dollars for are local human society. sorry for the ramblings I'm still waking up.

I have ran events before but nothing like this so any feedback would be great. I'm able to get buildings with more then enough room for 50 tables, writing letters to company's will always get you free stuff ( great PR for them) to get money raised.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a great day.