View Full Version : Basic 1000 pt Ravenwing

01-23-2013, 07:21 PM
Greetings all-

I had a funny feeling that Ravenwing was going to be good with this new codex, so I bought a handful of dark vengeance bike squads cheap on eBay and dusted off some of my old RW models from 4th Ed. When I finally saw the codex, I was pleased that my hunch had proven true- the new RW units look great (for the most part) That said, I am going back and trying to figure out just what a solid, versatile squad might look like. I always start off with 1000 pt lists, and get them painted and tested before going on, so I wanted to put forward this list for any possible feedback. For what its worth, I don;t play a lot of big (or small) tournaments- I mostly take part in store campaigns and friendly matches. My favorite mode of play is actually team's of two.

With most of my armies, I usually try to figure a good, basic troop unit that is versatile and somewhat modular (i.e. you take several similar units and then adjust tactics to match the opponent), so I have been trying to think what that would look like for a basic RW unit. The best I have come up with so far is this:

4x RW Bikers: Sgt. w/ PW, 1x Plasma Gun, 1x Flamer, Attack Bike with Multimelta.

This comes in at just below 200 pts, contains two scoring units, and can deal with a variety of opponents. It has a spare biker to take the first casualty, and a mix of offensive and defensive items. Obviously, at 1500+ points, this squad could be brought up to 6 bikers and could combat squad to provide more scoring units if needed, but at 1000 pts, I felt that it was wiser to concentrate on a good spread of specialty wpns.

The list I am working off looks like this:

1000 pt RW

Sammael (on Corvex Jetbike)

4x RW Bikers: Sgt. w/ PW, 1x Plasma Gun, 1x Flamer, Attack Bike with Multimelta

4x RW Bikers: Sgt. w/ PW, 1x Plasma Gun, 1x Flamer, Attack Bike with Multimelta

4x RW Bikers: Sgt. w/ PF , 2x Melta

6 RW Knights, 2x RGLaunchers

My questions are many, and its obvious that the codex is really new, but I am wondering if anyone has any feedback. The RW knights seem too good not to take. That said, I am also tempted by the Darkshroud to help the army survive the first turn of shooting. So I was considering going down to 4 RW nights to take a Darkshroud. If I went down to three, then I could take a 3rd Attack bike, but I am nervous to take too small a unit.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and feedback.