View Full Version : 2000 pt DA little-bit-of-everything (all-comers list)

01-23-2013, 01:29 PM
Ok, so just messing around with the new codex and came up with an all-comers list. Since the codex is fairly new, and also this is my first marine army (I normally play IG or Tau), I really would like some constructive criticism.

-w/ Thunderhammer/SS


Command Squad
w/ Standard of Devastation

Deathwing Command Squad
w/ Halberd of Caliban
w/ Assault Cannon
w/ Chainfist
w/ Deathwing Standard
w/ 2x Thunderhammer/SS

5-man tactical squad
w/ Missile Launcher and flakk

5-man tactical squad
w/ Missile Launcher and flakk

5-man Deathwing Terminators
w/ 3x Thunderhammer/SS
w/ Assault Cannon
w/ Chainfist

5-man Deathwing Terminators
w/ 3x Thunderhammer/SS
w/ Assault Cannon
w/ Chainfist

5-man Deathwing Terminators
w/ 3x Thunderhammer/SS
w/ Assault Cannon
w/ Chainfist

Ravenwing bikers
w/ 2x melta

Ravenwing bikers
w/ 2x melta

ADL w/ quad-gun

Total: 1995

Basic strategy is the Librarian w/ the regular command squad and the two tac squads will just camp in my DZ safely behind the Aegis line, with the command squad mounting the quad-gun, and between the MLs, the quad-gun, and the bolter spam thanks to the dev standard, they stand a good chance of taking out units that might make their way to my DZ (yes, I am well aware that in most cases drop pod spam will own them...or a Stormraven carrying a bunch of Death Company...or a variety of different things), while at the same time providing ok anti-air support against anything short of spam (yes, I know I'd have to get lucky against Stormravens and Vendettas). The Ravenwing are actually meant to be quite expendable as their purpose it to scout forward and provide safe drop zones for my DW, while at the same time (especially if I get first), pop any vehicles that they can; pretty much, after turn 2, I don't care what happens to them, and if they are still alive, I'll use them to intercept anything on their way to my DZ. Belial would be attached to the DW command squad and would serve two purposes; one, first turn DW assault to provide a safe drop on turn two for the rest of my DW; and two, as a where-do-you-think-you're-going unit dropping on turn two to intercept anything fast that's on its way to my DZ, or to provide support in my DZ against anything that drops there that my tac squads and libby/cs can't handle.
