View Full Version : 1850 Dreadnought Drop Pod list needs your critique

01-23-2013, 12:11 PM
My 1850 Dreadnought Drop Pod list needs your critiques, thoughts and nitpicks.

1 Reclusiarch
10 Death Company - 2 Infernus pistols, 1 power sword
2 Death Company Dreads - Drop pods
2 Furioso Librarians - Drop pods
1 Furioso Dread - Drop pods
3 Heavy Dreads - Meltas Drop Pods
5 Scouts - Snipers, camo cloaks, missile launcher

01-23-2013, 12:21 PM
You can only have one Death Company Dreadnought for every squad of Death Company, so the only way to have more than one is to have Astorath and split the Death Company into two separate squads of five.

I would drop the illegal Death Company Dreadnought and some Death Company to get yourself another scoring unit. Five Scouts aren't exactly what I would call enough survivable, reliable scoring units.

01-23-2013, 02:06 PM
You can only have one Death Company Dreadnought for every squad of Death Company, so the only way to have more than one is to have Astorath and split the Death Company into two separate squads of five.

That is incorrect. You can only have one death company dreadnought for every so many death company (I think it's five), even if it's the same squad. So, if you have ten death company, you can have two dreads. Or something.

My feedback is similar, however. Look, dreads are fun and scary, but if you want to actually win games you're going to need scoring units to hold objectives. A single five-man scout unit - even with camo cloaks - isn't going to cut it. There are lots of things out there that ignore cover. Or, alternately, what if they get assaulted?

Nah... dreads are great in a support role, but you need boots on the table if you want to win.