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View Full Version : Stormraven Skies of blood and zooming ?

01-23-2013, 12:02 PM
Hello all.

Firstly i know that the discussion about disembarking from a zooming flyer has been discussed before, but after much searching here on BOLS and on other forums, the previous conclusions that people provided were that because the Blood angel FAQ stated you could use skies of blood to disenbark from a locked flyer, they could also be used for a zooming flyer as effectively the conditions were the same.

I have recently checked the latest blood angel FAQ and can see no reference to locked flyers?

Hence my new confusion. :confused:

Apologies in advance if i have missed the change and this has already been discussed.

01-23-2013, 01:41 PM
Somewhat confusingly, it's in the BRB FAQ:

Q: Can units embarked on a Flyer (Transport) make use of any special disembarkation rules for their passengers (such as Skies of Blood or Grav Chute Insertion) if the vehicle has suffered a Crew Shaken/Stunned or Locked Velocity? (p81)
A: Yes.

01-23-2013, 03:20 PM
Ah! Thankyou my good sir! I searched the internet for hours looking but must have missed the reference to the BRB FAQ not the blood angels one. Cheers again