View Full Version : Sturm Orks - Wehrmacht Theme Army

01-23-2013, 04:59 AM
We are starting big project - Wehrmacht Theme Ork Army. We are still waiting for boxes, parts and bits so this is just kinda bragging post :)
We want to mix orkish and Wehrmacht themes together and base it on powerfull roster.
At this moment it looks like this:
> Warboss on warbike
> Bigmek
> Snikrot with 5-10 commandos
> 6 nobz on warbikes
> 5-10 nobs in mega armor
> 20 orks/ slugga choppa
> 30 orks/ shoota
> 2x battlewagon
> 1-2x dakkajet

Everything is still in the works so please let me know your ideas so we can perfect it :)
Hope to show you progress soon. You can find more on our blog --> [CLICK] (http://www.minion-studio.com/2013/01/the-great-operation-begins.html)


PS. If you don't want to miss anything please follow us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/MinionStudio) and our BLOG (http://www.minion-studio.com/).