View Full Version : Highlighting and Shading Tanks (Land Raider, Predator)

Ordo Septenarius
01-22-2013, 09:11 PM
Hello, all. I was hoping you could take a look at some of the refurb commission tanks I have been working on, and offer CC&C if you have it.

Also, I am wondering — my clients say I could "Weather or not, doesn't matter." But what do you think players generally prefer? Weathered, slightly dinged-up, or fresh off the lot?

Anyway, check it out when you can:


01-23-2013, 07:09 AM
I always paint my Space Marine infantry as if they just dropped into the war zone from their battle barge after a month of travel in the warp. That is to say very little weathering and no battle damage at all. For vehicles, I'll do minor dust weathering with a chip or two at the skirting, dirt on the treads, and soot on the exhausts, but with most all the paint intact, again just as if they just arrived. Walkers get a bit more paint chipping at the feet and their power plant exhausts will show sooting. With my Guard, it is a different story. Lost of dirt, paint worn or chipped off, dirty fatigues, mud, etc.

My theory is that the Space Marines are either a spearhead into a brand new warzone or called in late in the game to soften up the enemy after a long drawn out siege by Imperial Guard. The Marines take too much pride in their wargear not to keep it freshly painted and in great repair, but the Guard may have been on the front for months with supply lines hampered and battlefield repairs in abundance.

So for me to weather or not weather is based off of my preference for the army I'm painting.

01-23-2013, 10:36 AM
Weathering might depend a bit on the type of army IMO.

As Phoenix01 stated, Marines I wouldn't weather that much bar some soot and maybe a minimum amount of mud or other sticky geological stuff that sticks around (snow, grass, etc). And also like Phoenix stated marines take a lot of pride in their armor. Quite sure that's not the case with Chaos marines though.

Orks in general, I'd weather a lot, whereas Eldar I wouldn't even consider weathering.

So yeah, it depends on the army.

Ordo Septenarius
01-23-2013, 11:25 AM
Weathering might depend a bit on the type of army IMO.

As Phoenix01 stated, Marines I wouldn't weather that much bar some soot and maybe a minimum amount of mud or other sticky geological stuff that sticks around (snow, grass, etc). And also like Phoenix stated marines take a lot of pride in their armor. Quite sure that's not the case with Chaos marines though.

Orks in general, I'd weather a lot, whereas Eldar I wouldn't even consider weathering.

So yeah, it depends on the army.

Thanks, Phoenix and ChaosChrist. What you said is pretty much what I was thinking: Why would a venerable soul inside a dreadnought allow their "body" to be chipped and scratched. I guess if I was playing some long narrative campaign, then I might paint for that, but what you wrote makes total sense. Thanks for the advice, and for checking out my blog.


Ordo Septenarius
02-06-2013, 12:29 AM
An update; notes are on the blog. Thanks for checking it out.


Ordo Septenarius
02-12-2013, 12:00 AM
Here's the final product; there are lots of pictures on my blog, so please leave C&C when you have the chance.

