View Full Version : Possible 1850 Necron

01-22-2013, 03:25 PM
Hi gang! It's been awhile. I've been doing alot of Dropzone Commander as well Infinity and for ****s n gilggles, I thought I would put together a Necron list since Tau are taking forever. Now this doesn't mean I'm coming back to the game....unless........DUHN DUHN DUHNNNNNNNNNNNNN...

So here's at it.....feed back please!!

1850 Pts - Necrons Roster - Necron Test

Troops: (HQ is within and will be with this squad) (Squad will be used to centralize itself around mid Table. Also Overlord will be my Warlord when called for)
Immortals (11#, 380 pts)
Overlord (Infantry; Warscythe; Sempiternal Weave; Resurrection Orb; Phase Shifter)
10 Immortals (Tesla Carbine)

Troops: (Just so I can have some more Tesla love)Immortals (10#, 170 pts)
10 Immortals (Tesla Carbine)

Troops: (11#, 245 pts) (The hurry up last minute to claim objectives gang! Park n shoot!)
10 Warriors
Ghost Ark

Elite:(on paper they look sick......DS them in....claim a nice fat enemy and let them rip em to shreds. Preferably one thats sitting on an objective)
10 Deathmarks @ 190 pts

Fast Attack: (The PITA gang. And that's all they will be used for. Cause trouble, hold up foot sloggers and tie up bad guys)5
Tomb Blades @ 225 pts (Nebuloscope; Shadowloom; Shield Vane)

Fast Attack: (Just cuz I always loved them....also PITA's. Objective hunters, troop killers)
5 Destroyers @ 200 pts (Gauss Cannon x5)

Heavy Support: (just cuz I think it's cool)
1 Annihilation Barge @ 90 pts (Tesla Cannon; TL Tesla Destructor; Quantum Shielding; Living Metal; Vehicle (Open-topped, Skimmer))

Heavy Support: x2 (Why wouldn't you? Park and Shoot. That's it! It's the Tau equivelant of a BIG gun)
Doomsday Ark @ 175 pts (Doomsday Cannon; Gauss Flayer Array (each side); Quantum Shielding; Living Metal; Vehicle (Open-topped, Skimmer))

Total Roster Cost: 1850

01-23-2013, 07:42 AM

01-24-2013, 11:45 AM
must be that good

01-28-2013, 08:14 PM
Few things about your list. First is get rid of the phase shifter on your warlord, its expensive and not needed if you have the weave. Any ap 2 cc weapon will go after you in cc and I would also add in MSS since it is a really good and cost effective piece of wargear. The 3++ isn't necessary as you can LOS any ap2 shots and win most challenges without it. I would also remove the res.orb since its isn't cost efficient in a unit under 200pts.

pts saved 60

For your deathmarks, you would probably be better off splitting the squad into two squads that way you can mark two different squads. Alternatively you can cut 5 of them out and then use those points and the points saved off your overlord to add a despairtek and put them in a Nightscythe. That makes them a super killy unit against any non vehicle target and they dont mishap plus it gives you a flyer for anti flyer duties.

As for the tomb blades oh no no no, don't waste so many points on upgrades. They need none of those upgrades, you don't need the BS your gun is already twin-linked and you have decent BS. Getting both shields and cover is a huge waste of points since they are each over costed upgrades both are ridiculous. You can save 125pts by stripping them of unnecessary upgrades thats enough for another full squad. Tomb blades are good for 20pts each don't ruin them and make them 45pts each, they aren't killy enough to cost that much.

total points saved 185pts

Destroyers are ok, if your facing a lot of marines they have a niche. They aren't the beasts they used to be before this codex, but they aren't awful and they are usable just not amazing anymore.

Personally not a fan of the doomsday arc. I don't like a static unit that my opponent can avoid, but thats just me, if you like that kind of unit go for it.

So those are my suggestions it gives you a lot of leftover points to spend on other units or crypteks for your existing units.