View Full Version : ElectricPaladin De-Stashes

01-22-2013, 11:54 AM
In the world of knitting - of which my wife is a part - they have a thing called de-stashing. That's where you stop buying new yarn and start using up the yarn you already have. With the purchase of my fifth Warhammer 40k army, and plans to start my third WarmaHordes army, and tons of stuff sitting around unpainted, I think it's time I did a little de-stashing. Here's how it's going to work.

I pledge to buy nothing (except for the Eldar flyer, and the rhino I need to finish my Sisters of Battle for the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge) until I have either painted or sold off everything I own. If I can't bear to paint it - let alone play with it - I ought not to own it.

I expect that everything I own will survive the experience. If anything gets the axe, it'll probably be my Tau and/or my Cygnar. Never had much luck with those.

This project may include some desperate measures, like tossing my Cygnar in to strip and seeing if I can't figure out a color scheme that inspires me more than the standard blue and brass.

I'm posting this here because it's a project that will include many different game lines. I'll also be blogging this project on my Tumblr (link below).