View Full Version : Dark Angels with Space Wolf allies - 1999pts

01-22-2013, 04:56 AM
I'm thinking about taking this to a local tournament (depending on a few test games). Am I crazy for even considering allying these guys up? Probably

Primary Detachment.


Ezekiel 145pts

Techmarine w/ Auspex and Power Field Generator 85pts


Tactical Squad (10) w/ Meltagun and Veteran Sergeant w/ Power Axe 175pts

Tactical Squad (10) w/ Meltagun and Veteran Sergeant w/ Power Axe 175pts

Tactical Squad (5) w/ Lascannon 90pts

Scouts (7) w/ camo, snipers and missile launcher w/ flakk 123pts


Deathwing Knights (5) 235pts

Heavy Support

Predator w/ Lascannon Sponsons and extra armour 125pts



Runepriest w/ Runic Armour and Plasma Pistol 135pts

Wolf Guard Battle Leader w/ 2x Power Fists and Runic Armour 140pts


Grey Hunters (10) w/ 2x Plasma guns and Mark of the Wulfen 175pts

Grey Hunters (10) w/ 2x Plasma guns and Mark of the Wulfen 175pts


Wolf Scouts (5) w/ Meltagun and bolters 85pts

Heavy Support

6 Long Fangs w/ 5 missile launchers 130pts

Total Cost 1998pts


Basically, the scouts, small tact squad, Predator and Long Fangs hang back to provide covering fire. The others form a spear pointed, with the Grey hunters leading the way. The Rune Priest takes Divination (for re-rolls) and joins one GH squad, and the Battle Leader join the other. They are their to charge ahead and clear the objective. Then Azekiel and his tactical squads follow behind and claim the cleared objectives. Hopefully the Tech Priest will help keep them alive with the power field generator (which affects the space wolves as well!). The knights and Wolf Scouts stay in reserve, the Knights coming down turn 2 to put a far flung objective under threat, and the wolf scouts can either move to help them out, or go after parking lots of armour.

I'm not to sure on several things on the list, such as the Battle leader (who's there as I've just made a model with 2 power fists, and been dieing to try him out.) the pred and wolf scouts, but I'm not sure what else to put in.