View Full Version : The Deff Rolla Petition

10-23-2009, 11:12 AM
Hello everyone, Ive been a regular on DAKKADAKKA so if you visit there, Im sure youll recognize me.
Anyways, Ive taken it upon myself to form an online petition in hopes of dealing with the deff rolla rules. You can read the specifics (as Im sure most of you already know about the heated discussions this causes) on the site.
It takes about 10 secs to sign it and submit it. However futile you think this may be, please just sign it. Its a chance to show GW that we, the gaming community, want them to stop ignoring us on things that are as important as the rules in the game we all play.
Thanks everyone!

The Deff Rolla Petition (http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/the-deff-rolla-petition)

10-23-2009, 11:34 AM
What utter codswallop. Of all the things. Not new codexes. Not paint schemes using GW paints in 1:1 ratios. Not to stop updating marines and not xenos.

Personally don't see what the fuss is. GW website says you can phone mail order for rules queries. 0115 91 40000 in UK. Ask them. Oh you want a FAQ/Errata for the tournament monkeys. Just roll a d6.

10-23-2009, 11:47 AM
More importantly......why are people playing Orks in tournaments?

Everyone knows they're not competitive;)

10-23-2009, 12:04 PM
OMG! Who cares?

10-23-2009, 12:12 PM
What utter codswallop. Of all the things. Not new codexes. Not paint schemes using GW paints in 1:1 ratios. Not to stop updating marines and not xenos.

Personally don't see what the fuss is. GW website says you can phone mail order for rules queries. 0115 91 40000 in UK. Ask them. Oh you want a FAQ/Errata for the tournament monkeys. Just roll a d6.

Don't like tournies, don't enter them. How does a tight ruleset without huge holes hurt you? Jog on.

More importantly......why are people playing Orks in tournaments?

Everyone knows they're not competitive;)

People still like to play them, comp events are quite friendly to them. And since everyone is content to keep running their crappy lists in their crappy tournies, Orks will continue to noobsmash like always.

I fully support this, a definite ruling would go a long way here. RAW leans in favor of it working on vehicles, but RAI seems to go the other way with the UKGT FAQ and the author saying otherwise. If Deff Rolla do end up working on vehicles, they get a new lease on life against mech armies (BW are still far too fragile, open topped AV12 ftl).

10-23-2009, 01:05 PM
It's in the hobby's best interest to have a clear set of rules. It's not fun to argue about rules in the middle of games - tournament games or otherwise.

The best way to get some action out of GW, imo, would be to have everyone submit this question to GW. When GW gets tired of answering this question over and over perhaps they will update the FAQ.

10-23-2009, 01:29 PM
I submitted the death rolla question last month. So much for the 3 business days they say:p
I tried again yesterday

10-23-2009, 04:52 PM

It says right on page 55 under "Deff Rolla:"
"Any tank shock made by a Battlewagon with Deff Rolla"
"Any tank shock"
"Tank shock"
Dude. What does "tank shock" have to do with "ramming" ... They are both completely different rules. There is no ruling. Its plainly visible.

Ramming a walker is the same as ramming a vehicle. If the walker chose death or glory, it gets 2D6 hits if it does not stop the vehicle.

Pretty stupid if you stand and try death or glory with a walker in front of a deff rolla.

10-23-2009, 05:02 PM
[sigh] Here we go again...

The rules are as clear as day. It's only the rules lawyering asshats that still try to get away with the Deff Rolla hurting vehicles. As far as tournament judges go... If they allow it, they obviously don't understand the vehicle rules and should not be allowed to judge.

10-23-2009, 05:09 PM
It says right on page 55 under "Deff Rolla:"
"Any tank shock made by a Battlewagon with Deff Rolla"
"Any tank shock"
"Tank shock"
Dude. What does "tank shock" have to do with "ramming" ... They are both completely different rules. There is no ruling. Its plainly visible.

Ramming a walker is the same as ramming a vehicle. If the walker chose death or glory, it gets 2D6 hits if it does not stop the vehicle.

Pretty stupid if you stand and try death or glory with a walker in front of a deff rolla.

Well, the rules also state that "Ramming is a special type of tank shock move..." That's what ramming has to do with tank shock - it's a type of tank shock.

10-23-2009, 05:42 PM
Well, the rules also state that "Ramming is a special type of tank shock move..." That's what ramming has to do with tank shock - it's a type of tank shock.

"Special type of tank shock" does not mean "A tank shock with the following rules".
The only similarity is "Executed in the same way" but rather not "follows the same rules as tank shock". Execution of a rule is different then duplicating it.

Where do people go to learn english these days? I believe its just ork players wishful thinking. (And I play orks with 2 deff rollas!)

10-23-2009, 05:51 PM
I could not agree More

10-23-2009, 06:16 PM
These days? Hehehe, I learned english 20+ years ago. The point is, there's enough people on both sides of this to warrant requesting clarification from GW. No need to get snippy over this, guys. :)

10-23-2009, 10:22 PM
Whoa whoa whoa. Calm yourselves lol. This wasnt made for a rules flame fest. This is the exact reason why I made this petition. You guys are proving my point right here, it starts a huge argument pretty much everytime.

Noobs, paints, GW SUCKS I get it, really I do. But Im starting small. You cant ask GW to just up and fix/change/custome make everything you want over night. And realistically they ever will. But, I figure start small, and they will be more willing to take 5 minutes and address this.
Im not asking anyone to change codices, and start dressing in drag. Im simply saying, look, we all know there are problems with this rule and it, for whatever reason, seems to get the most heated and hate on it. Im just asking you to take 10 secs, put your macho man purses down, and sign the petition. All youd be doing is saying Yea GamesWorkshop needs to start addressing our needs, as hobbyists. We do after all, pay their salaries. Its the hobbyists that have bought every little mini, and tank and book they throw at us. Even the insane dumb gimmicks (you guys remember the flamer paint gun?) we buy them, and because of us they have what they have.
I dont think its too much to ask for them to get over it and give a FAQ or equivalent on some rules. So please, sign the petition. If this goes over well, Ill definitely hit on some others .
Thanks everyone

10-24-2009, 03:24 AM
[QUOTE=Chumbalaya;28950]Don't like tournies, don't enter them. How does a tight ruleset without huge holes hurt you? Jog on.

LOL ha ha Chumba-wumba good use of Jog on!

10-24-2009, 03:50 AM
Note to lost children of the British Empire, Aliens and other Americans:

"Jog on" British military slang = Go away please, your very annoying/Stupid/irritating/ugly.

10-24-2009, 09:23 AM
Well anytime I can learn what the hell you guys are talking about is a good day lol. Thanks for clearing that up

10-24-2009, 10:18 AM
My pleasure....

10-24-2009, 10:52 AM
While I don't think there should be any confusion over the deff rolla rules, I do support you petition to get a clear answer for something that is a concern for a large number of people.

No matter how stupid the question there isn't anything wrong with someone asking for a clarification from GW. If enough people request said clarification GW should have some kind of official response.

Support the guy, no one loses out if he tries to make GW a more responsible company.

Katie Drake
10-24-2009, 03:20 PM
As far as RAW goes, I don't see how one could arrive at the conclusion that the Deff Rolla works for ramming. RAI though... well, how in the hell would your gigantic spinning cylinder of spiky death attached to the front of your vehicle not cause damage to something you're ramming head on?

Petition signed. I'd like an official ruling on this.

10-25-2009, 09:01 AM
While I don't think there should be any confusion over the deff rolla rules, I do support you petition to get a clear answer for something that is a concern for a large number of people.

No matter how stupid the question there isn't anything wrong with someone asking for a clarification from GW. If enough people request said clarification GW should have some kind of official response.

Support the guy, no one loses out if he tries to make GW a more responsible company.

If only EVERYONE thought the way you do lol. Ive run into ALOT of resistance so far in doing this. You wouldnt BELIEVE it lol. I figured most people would be one board and try to help out at least a little. But so far Ive had problems on 4 other forums in just posting it.
Im determined tho. I dont care if I have to individually write 500 people to get their signatures on this petition, Im getting it done, and sending it to GW. So make sure you tell your gaming groups about this, tell your friends, I dont care if you get your mothers signatures on it. I just need the names to show GW that there is ALOT of people that want an answer for some broken rules.
Thanks for everyone that has helped and signed so far!

10-25-2009, 06:36 PM
It seems popular opinion is moving against Deth Rolla ramming, now. Just a few months ago I would see the majority support it when the question came up. weird

10-26-2009, 12:10 AM
Hello everyone, Ive been a regular on DAKKADAKKA so if you visit there, Im sure youll recognize me.

Actually, I have no clue who you are.

10-26-2009, 12:14 AM
No online petition should ask me for my street address. Come back when you have a less sketchy host for your petition.

10-26-2009, 09:28 AM
No online petition should ask me for my street address. Come back when you have a less sketchy host for your petition.

Asks for street address?

Wow. Maybe I should petition this petition to the authorities to a possible scam attempt.

Anyone get victimized yet?

10-27-2009, 11:39 PM
Well, the rules also state that "Ramming is a special type of tank shock move..." That's what ramming has to do with tank shock - it's a type of tank shock.

Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has actually bothered to read the ramming section before arguing about it.