View Full Version : Sixth Edition rules for Sargeant Centurius

01-21-2013, 02:16 PM
I've created some new rules for Sergeant Centurius. I think the points value may be a bit high? I reckon these should be fine for normal games, although I've thought about make them apocalypse only. What do you think?


01-21-2013, 02:41 PM
You need to be careful with the language.
1) He can heal himself and or the unit he is joined to.
2) give him 3 wounds, then you can just heal up to his maximum wounds
3) Make him an Independent Character HQ choice that does not count toward your HQ limit. Also state that he cannot be your 'Warlord'.
4) change the word 'unit' in the last sentence of Animus Malotum to 'model'. Unit is way too powerful. The way it is written 30 hormogaunts disappear...
5) Don't give him wargear options. Just make his chainsword a special weapon.

01-22-2013, 02:25 AM
1) That would be more in keeping with the background, but I'll changed it to any LOD within 6" it will be more fun that way.
2) I'd originally had him at 3 wounds and then reduced him to 2 but forgot to adjust the malotum rules, but I've changes the wording now thanks for spotting that. I think giving him the malotum, 3 wounds and a 3+ invulnerable save would be in reams of Apocalyse only. He'd also have an identical profile to a Space Marine Captain which I wanted to avoid he's only meant to be a veteran sergeant. I've used Lukas the trickster as a guild to what I could get away with.
3) I did think about making him a HQ choice, or at least writing something to enable him to lead a LOD army, but that would be totally against the background. If you're playing apocalypse you don't need HQs so you could still use him to lead a LOD army that way. I don't want to write codex LOD
4) it does say removes D3 wounds from the target unit so could only take 3 hormagaunts or one Tyranid warrior a turn.
5) Again I thought about limiting wargear, but I didn't want to limit people too much as they may have already converted their models. I imagine I'm not the only one who's been using him as a standard sergeant since the last Space Marine codex was published and have converted him in some way. (Mine has a combi-melta glued to his backpack). His chain sword didn't have special rules before did it? I haven't got the white dwarf to hand, I'm going from memory.

02-14-2013, 09:10 AM
to be honest this pages rule set is kind of null and void
gw has a rule set for the legion in the 2004 chapter approved book

there are no rules for sgt cent there tho so .. youd have less of a hassle if you wanted to used chapter approved rules and just make good ole sarge a sarge