View Full Version : Ppi...

01-21-2013, 10:11 AM
So I'm pretty sure if you live in the UK like me you've had more than a few e-mails, texts and the like about reclaiming the Payment Protection Insurance that as it turns out pretty much everyone was being mis-sold by the banks. I have a few claims being dealt with at the moment and just got payment on the first of them and I was curious as to whether anyone else had gotten anything back on this and if so what did you spend it on?

I have thus far gotten back just under £120 worth (after the company handling these claims for me took their cut) and treated myself to the following:

1x Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer (gonna use magnets so it can be fielded as either variant, and tempted to order the bitz to enable me to field it as a regular Raider too)
1x Predator (also gonna use magnets on this. Got really lucky on this, my local games store had a 2nd hand one in that they thought was missing pieces from it so it was almost half price. Turns out it was a complete kit!)
1x set of FW Imperial/Crimson Fist Land Raider doors (cos if I'm having a Land Raider it's gonna be a damn fine looking one)
2x Contemptor Plasma Cannon arms (my Contemptor already has magnetised arm sockets so this will allow me to use it as a Mortis pattern variant. Plan on getting another body, a missile launcher and a load more arms at some point)
1x Imperial/Crimson Fist Command Squad Upgrade
1x Imperial/Crimson Fist Shoulder Pads
Several pots of paint

Not a bad haul and I'm really looking forward to seeing how much else I can get back from the banks.

01-21-2013, 10:17 AM
I would say school boy error, the banks themsleves have teams to deal with this to facilitiate your claims so you can make the claim direct to them and get more £.

On the other hand I've not been missold PPI so I am just having to hope that I been over paying tax and get a rebate...

01-21-2013, 10:33 AM
Yeah I know, but it's a lot of hassle dealing with them direct and frankly this is just a lot easier. It means I get less back from it, but I know me well enough to know that if it was entirely up to me I'd likely not claim at all, so this way something is better than nothing.

I got a tax rebate last week too, but that sadly was almost exactly the amount I owed my best friend, so that wasn't nearly as fun.

01-21-2013, 10:35 AM
I'm not doing bad, as well as that accident I've not had that's worth £3k I've been sold several lots of PPI for loans I've never taken out...

Mr Mystery
01-22-2013, 05:32 AM

Welcome to my career!