View Full Version : Want none GW ogryns

01-19-2013, 01:49 PM
Quick question since I hate the current Ogryns GW has up for offer, does anyone knows of any other models that I can use instead, so 40k scale I would like to arm them with Ripper guns because I always do 'what you see is what you get' with weaponry, cheers for any help.

01-19-2013, 01:57 PM
You could try something from the ogre range?

01-19-2013, 02:36 PM
Just had a browse of the Ogres a couple of the heads are ok but to be blunt about it they are too fat for what I am wanting, no offence to anyone out of shape or anthing I just like my models to look as though they are able to climb a flight of stairs without having a heart attack. Cheers for the idea though I thought you were onto somthing then

01-19-2013, 02:40 PM
There is a discussion here with some links/pics/ideas


01-19-2013, 02:46 PM
Nice one, think I will have to buy some stuff from privateer press, I take it they are the same 'heroic' scale as 40k? (The warmachine models sorry)

01-19-2013, 02:57 PM
About that yeah, there is some argument if they are 28mm or 30mm scale, but they don't seem out of place, or at least that is my opinion

01-19-2013, 05:25 PM
What about classic ogryns from ebay?

01-20-2013, 09:03 AM
Classic Ogryns are not really an option since I only like the rouge trader era models and last time I looked they went for £20.00+ and at that price I would struggle to find the logic of fielding a £200.00 unit and would rather waste it on somthing else like going out drinking or road tax but then again £200.00 wouldn't cover either of those.

Lord Anubis
01-20-2013, 04:07 PM
The current Ogres aren't really that bad. You may want to give them a second look as components, not assembled models. A lot of their "fatness" is in the gut, and that plate is a separate piece. I've done a couple Ogryns where I trim down the edges and just sculpt very basic abdominal muscles over the hole where the gut plate goes.

They don't look skinny, but they don't look like prime heart-attack material, either. ;)


01-21-2013, 04:12 AM
Thanks for the info Lord Anubis I may just convert a couple looking at that pic, thinking about it I will probably sculpt a praetorian unifrom over the torso anyway make them look more like soldiers instead of milita.

01-21-2013, 07:39 AM
The current Ogres aren't really that bad. You may want to give them a second look as components, not assembled models. A lot of their "fatness" is in the gut, and that plate is a separate piece. I've done a couple Ogryns where I trim down the edges and just sculpt very basic abdominal muscles over the hole where the gut plate goes.

They don't look skinny, but they don't look like prime heart-attack material, either. ;)


Could you advise on the best way to do arms for them?

Lord Anubis
01-21-2013, 02:16 PM
The arms are just the actual Ogre ones. Or do you mean arms in the sense of weapons?

I generally use one of the actual Ogre weapons on one hand. For my Penal Legion Ogryns, it's one of the scrap/pieced together gauntlets (I think they're called ironfists? I don't actually play Fantasy). On the Catachan Ogryns it's one of the larger swords, which all have kind of a machete look to them anyway (good in the jungle).

I built the ripper guns on the Penal Legion guys from scratch using some plastic tubing and bitz. I might do something a little more elaborate on the Catachan ones (maybe with more of a drum magazine), although a friend of mine just did a fantastic conversion using the heavy bolter from the IG heavy weapons team.

I'll throw up some pictures and specific instructions over on my geeky blog later (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/) this week, if you like.

01-22-2013, 02:53 AM
The arms are just the actual Ogre ones. Or do you mean arms in the sense of weapons?

I generally use one of the actual Ogre weapons on one hand. For my Penal Legion Ogryns, it's one of the scrap/pieced together gauntlets (I think they're called ironfists? I don't actually play Fantasy). On the Catachan Ogryns it's one of the larger swords, which all have kind of a machete look to them anyway (good in the jungle).

I built the ripper guns on the Penal Legion guys from scratch using some plastic tubing and bitz. I might do something a little more elaborate on the Catachan ones (maybe with more of a drum magazine), although a friend of mine just did a fantastic conversion using the heavy bolter from the IG heavy weapons team.

I'll throw up some pictures and specific instructions over on my geeky blog later (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/) this week, if you like.

ANy guides you could post up would be cool...

Do the ogre sprues have arms/fists look like they are holding a pistol grip (so are easy to add guns to)?

Also, do those sprues have fists that could be just left empty and still look complete?

01-22-2013, 04:01 AM
can't say I've ever thought of them as "fat" as their muscle build is so great that it doesn't matter, but I would try a diffrent game theirs always good other options out their

01-22-2013, 06:44 AM
can't say I've ever thought of them as "fat" as their muscle build is so great that it doesn't matter, but I would try a diffrent game theirs always good other options out their

I was revering to the ogers giant pot belly and thunder thighs when I said they looked fat which I imagine fits with their fluff, I suppose they are more worlds strongest man in build rather than what I would consider to be healthy looking, although my army of choice is Eldar so if anything is not tall and athletic I personally would concider it looking 'out of shape' But I have decided to buy some to convert since they are plastic and still GW range so I can avoid any Bulls**t that may accure with the use of none GW minis

01-23-2013, 04:54 AM
They don't have ripper guns, but the Scribor Prussian Ogres are pretty cool:

Lord Anubis
01-25-2013, 06:50 PM
I just tossed a post up on my site, In The Grim Cheapness of the Future... (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/), about how I turned Fantasy Ogres into Guard Ogryns.

This entry is all about coverting the body and stripping away the Fantasy-ness of them. Next week I'll put up something on building ripper guns for them.

Hope it helps.

Súil Dubh
01-25-2013, 08:55 PM
Maxmini now offers a "Space Ogre" sculpted by Bob Olley.


At 13 Euros, it's expensive, but it comes with four extra heads, and three arms, so if you buy one, you'll have spare parts for conversions.

[edit: just checked the German GW website, and official ogryns are 17 Euros each, so the Maxmini ogre is cheaper.]

02-02-2013, 10:41 PM
Fantasy Ogres converted using Ork Shootas and shoulder pad bits, some Plasticard, and a little greenstuff.
Take the arms with clubs, cut the clubs off at the hand. It leaves a nice flat surface to glue the gun onto.
The belly-plates make decent helmets with very little rework required. Once you assemble the feet shave the pointy shoes down so its more like a normal boot.
Another option would be the Ogre Lead-belchers. While you only get 4, I suspect their hand positions would work well with an IG Autocannon.