View Full Version : First Planet Strike Game (strike one?)

10-22-2009, 07:58 PM
Dear all,

I am playing an old mate on Sunday and I thought we'd give planet strike a go. We've never played the expansion / supplement before and I wondered whether you chaps could offer any tips. We are both experienced players otherwise but we have not managed many games recently. We have a four hour window to play in - likely to both be playing marines (C:SM and Dark Angels). I have two bastions and 2 defence lines and a pile of styrofoam buildings (without weapons or real features) and loads of ruins and an 8' by 4' board. From the WD report and my reading of the rules, Planet strike looks really bloody and quite quick. I thought therefore, that we would have time for 2 x 2,000 point games. We normally play 1,500 pick up and play lists.

What do you think? Reduce the board size? More / less points?/ Any tips about layout for defences?/ Should we bother with strategems?

Advice and comments welcome.

10-22-2009, 09:56 PM
From the few Planetstrike Games I've played, I've found that LARGER games work out better than smaller games. We normally play 2,000+ points per player. And even at 2,500+ points seems to work well due to the modified FoC.

The games CAN go quickly, make sure you're ok with removing armloads of models per turn (Very much not unlike Apocalypse) It can be disheartening, but that's a Planet Strike! Quick and brutal!!

MAKE SURE you and your opponent are on the same lines for cover. It's important. REAL important. Is this Difficult Terrain? Do I get a Cover Save if I'm here? Does this block Line-of-Sight? Etc.

And of course, the most important rule: HAVE FUN !

10-23-2009, 04:42 AM
Dear all,

What do you think? Reduce the board size? More / less points?/ Any tips about layout for defences?/ Should we bother with strategems?

Advice and comments welcome.

Definately take a strategem or 2 (you get one for each objective) as they can add an extra "fun" diamention to the game.

You will probably find you need to rethink your forces from your usual army due to the differences between Defender & Attacker. Firestorm can be brutal if you are not in cover however it can scatter wildly.

I really like the difference to a normal 40K game.

Let the group know how it went!

10-23-2009, 05:10 AM
Thank you gentlemen, that was helpful. Strategems and go large- are a go. I have also secured a dustpan and brush for the removal of the expected casualties (Blackadder Goes Forth stylie).

If all goes well, I'll post a few pictures. Before and after may be amusing!

10-23-2009, 03:35 PM
Generally, the defender shouldn't have anything on the board that isn't in a bunker.

The attacker should bring in as much stuff as he can to crack said bunkers. Also, if you see the opportunity, don't be afraid to not deepstrike in and just walk on.

Overall, planetstrike plays very differently from normal 40k (Grey Knights are actually really good in planetstrike :D). Don't just take a normal 40k list. If you're the attacker, take lots of assault units, and units with heavy, short range firepower that can drop on or drive in and blow stuff up. If you're the defender, take defensive units with lots of firepower, that is either durable enough to weather the initial attack, or fast enough to drive on from a board edge and get into the fight fast.

Your game will be bloody (which is part of why planetstrike is so awesome). I've played 7-8 planetstrike games, and won each one by wiping my opponent. I've never seen a planetstrike game actually come down to objective.