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View Full Version : 1250 pt. Necron Esclation list.

01-18-2013, 05:56 PM
Hiya Warit [warhammer reddit],

Thought I'd share this 1250 list I won a local tourney with last week.
It starts with:

[giving groups, with suggested troop sizes]
1 Destroyer Lord, all the sauces save for Tachyon Arrow. I like to stick him with a troop of 10 tesla immortals. This is very powerful and very painful.

5-15 Tesla Immortals. 10 for one squad, and 5 for an objective holder seizer for late game.

20 [2x10] warrior squads, 1 being inside a night-scythe for late-turn objective stealing.

1 Annhilation Barge with underslung tesla cannon
2 Doom Scythes. STR 10 AP 1 and you won't find a better can opener!

Now, my local tourney just jumped to 1700, but if you need exactly 250, I'd say pack in more troop choices or just grab 13 scarab units and you're golden.

1700: It was tough choice, for with 450 pts, I could just get 10 wraiths with coils, but I went with:

about 17 [1x10 and 1x7] scarabs as close-combat anti-assault or harassing units
10 [2x5] Deathmarks and mark two different squads. If they're close to each other, you could wipe one or both out. 3+ saves are nice, yo.
~This list took down a 1700 pt. Twilight army [space wolves and Blood angels]

So, here's my planed golden 2000 Pt list:
As above, but:
Only 10 scarabs [I could do 2x5, but making one super giant squad of scarabs, and putting the destroyer lord in there for preferred enemy is just too much fun!]
5 Canoptek Spyders, no fixins.
Bonus HQ: Orikan the Diviner.

Orikan and the Destroyer Lord are force multipliers, not powerhouse HQ's. Nemesor Zahndrekh or even a heavy-handed royal court are possible, but the idea with this list is
to guarantee that the flyers will automatically come in on turn 2 with Orikan while Orikan simultaneously causes the enemy to lose a round of movement thanks to the time snares. Remember, time snares is 2d6, but use the lower on the first turn.

The flyers and the tesla cannons do much of the heavy lifting. Most people will charge into necrons knowing that they stink in close combat. Even before the scarabs, my destroyer lord and tesla immortal [10] squad got charged and obliterated them on the charge. And most of my local meta is some flavor of space marines. The other store I play at has a ton of eldar for some reason.

The spyders should be grouped around 1 big scarab unit and reinfored every turn. Always place 1-3 scarab swarms near the spyders so they can be "strung out" to always be within 6 inches of each.
Then blow the competition away.

To take to 2500:
I'd say either pick up a cheap overlord, then kit out with awesome royal court for nightfighting, terrain control with tremorstaves, vehicle assassination with ethermancers or psychomancers with abyssal staves and veils of darkness to obliterate enemy super units like terminators.

Well, feel free to fold, spindle and mutilate. Tell me what you think and if it has worked out for you.