View Full Version : Horus Heresy Moritat

01-18-2013, 06:51 AM
Hi all!
I'm in the process of converting a Moritat for my Emperors Children but I have a quick query, can the Moritat actually take 2 plasma pistols? It says in his entry that he may only exchange a weapon for ONE from the list below.
This says to me he can have 1 bolt pistol and 1 plasma pistol.
Anyone else have any thoughts?

01-18-2013, 08:18 AM
Thats exchange bolt pistol or chainsword for one of the following.
Eg. Bolt pistol for one of list then chainsword for one of list.
Its a one for one deal dude.

01-18-2013, 12:22 PM
I read it that you can equip him with two plasmas. Seemed amazing to me at first - hits on 2+, wounds on 2+, nothing gets a save, every hit generates a new hit... Just amazing.


Every hit generates a new hit. And he hits on a 2+. Which is fine with normal weapons, but plasma pistols Get Hot. So you're going to keep rolling until you miss, at which point, you take a wound. In other words, you roll until you're wounded, and you WILL be wounded, because you don't roll To Wound the enemy until you've finished shooting.

Now, he only has two wounds, which means that if you equip him with two plasma pistols, he basically goes from being Mr Death Or Glory to Mr. Death AND Glory. He's pretty much guaranteed to kill whatever infantry unit you sic him on, but his own weapons'll probably kill him in the process.

Running the numbers, against any T3-5 squad, you'll get score ten hits, of which about eight will wound, then he probably dies.

I'm not sure if it might not be worth only taking the one plasma pistol to mitigate his doom? I suppose it depends what you want him to take out, and how lucky you feel - is the one turn of plasma-based horror worth it?

He is ridiculously cheap, after all.

01-18-2013, 12:33 PM
Well he has two bolt pistols so I assume that he can have two plasma pistols.

01-18-2013, 01:37 PM
The volkite serpents twice is the most grizzly load out.
Keep rolling new hits and extra wounds.

01-18-2013, 06:04 PM
Well, he does get his saves... just saying. So yes, the Moritat will be forced to, at some point, take two armor saves if he uses his Shenanigan rules. I think it's worth it, cause lets be honest, once he unloads, he is going to be obliterated out of fear and vengeance. I think Plasmas better than the Volkites because you're basically guarenteed Marine targets, so Ap. 2 is nice. If you're playing a normal 40k game then I'd take the Volkites though.

07-11-2013, 02:09 PM
Hi all!
I'm in the process of converting a Moritat for my Emperors Children but I have a quick query, can the Moritat actually take 2 plasma pistols? It says in his entry that he may only exchange a weapon for ONE from the list below.
This says to me he can have 1 bolt pistol and 1 plasma pistol.
Anyone else have any thoughts?

He may exchange both of his pistols.

07-12-2013, 01:01 AM
I've been using my dual plasma Death Guard Moritat for a while. A few points:

1) Yes, he is legal, see the HH forgeworld FAQ
2) ALWAYS take the Artificier to give him a fighting chance versus the overheats.
3) He is fairly killable, so he is more of a deterrent against players who are aware of his abilities. You should count on him drawing heavy fire and getting gunned down if he is caught in the open (remember he can ONLY join Destroyer squads).
4) The rarer deep-striking jump-pack dual plasma Moritat is even more exaggerated. He almost always gets to tear up ONE enemy unit, then gets blown to pieces (just watch out for units with Intercept).

Here's a video battle report with a dual plasma Moritat. He gets his moment of glory at 12:20 into the video.


07-12-2013, 05:50 AM
I'm loving a dual pistol moritat. I'm hoping that forge world do a kick *** gunfighter model for, him maybe with a cowboy hat.