View Full Version : Going from 1850 -> 2000pts Deathwing

01-17-2013, 08:52 PM
Need some help going from 1850 to 2000pts, interested in any suggestions, even for the 1850.

Belial - Sword/SB

4x 5 man Deathwing squads.
-Each squad: Cyclone + LC, 1xTH/SS, 3x SB/PF
(weapons can be changed around, got plenty of terminators for plasma cannons and w.e, maybe switch one or two to a PC?)

1x Predator - Autocannon/Lascannon

1x Mortis Contemptor - 2x Assault cannon, Cyclone ML

1x LR Achilles.

Idea is to pound the enemy from a distance and have twenty terminators deepstrike in right up close and cause chaos. Was toying with the idea of combing two of the DW squads into one, but that will only leave me with 3 scoring units.

For 2k I have exactly 150pts. Was bouncing around some ideas with friends. One thought is to get an aegis with icarus lascannon and a five man scout squad (sergeant) gunning it. Other option was for something more manuverable, maybe a pair of Typhoon speeders or some bikers like the black knights.
