View Full Version : Why don't Dark Angels have Bikers?

01-16-2013, 12:57 PM
The Ravenwing are amongst the best biker units you'll come across, always have been, always will be. But where did they learn to ride those bikes? Now I haven't seen the new dex yet and it could be that the oversight has finally been fixed, but surely there should be the option for regular bikers, you know, just plain old assault marines on hogs. I mean, the Ravenwing are all "skilled rider", surely they weren't inducted into the Ravenwing without having fought on bikes before. I get the argument that no one would feild regular bikers, but shouldn't we be able to make that choice for ourselves? This seems like denying players the use of assault marines because there are now Vanguard Vets in the marine dex, just rediculous.

01-16-2013, 01:04 PM
I mean, the Ravenwing are all "skilled rider", surely they weren't inducted into the Ravenwing without having fought on bikes before.

They've got one of these down in the refectory:


You have to beat Sammael's old high score to be allowed to join the second.

01-16-2013, 01:24 PM
Well played Gotty, well played...

01-16-2013, 01:35 PM
Should the question be "why don't they have Scout Bikers"?

01-16-2013, 01:48 PM
Gotty has the measure of it.

Either that or part of the creation process makes them skilled riders...

01-16-2013, 01:53 PM
They've got one of these down in the refectory:


You have to beat Sammael's old high score to be allowed to join the second.

Great game, anyone remember the cheat to turn your bike into a sheep :)

01-16-2013, 02:19 PM
Not all Ravenwing have skilled rider, not in my codex anyway.

Although, Manx TT could also explain it.

01-16-2013, 03:27 PM
The answer is simple: Why put in 08/15 Bikers, when you have the ravenwing? Or with other words: Why make a (nother) codex-entrie which no-one will take?

01-16-2013, 03:55 PM
The answer is simple: Why put in 08/15 Bikers, when you have the ravenwing? Or with other words: Why make a (nother) codex-entrie which no-one will take?

A modicum of consistency? Respect for the possibility that Dark Angels players might wish for a little variaton or at least the option of using one of the plastic kits so painstakingly made compatible with 70% of the GW range? The fact that the entry would basically be a copy and paste job from Vanilla Marines, something surely not too much to ask given the increasingly rediculous price of the Dex?

01-16-2013, 04:04 PM
There are ravenwing, then black knights so perhaps the normal ravenwing count as the rookies, they just get better training than normal SM bikers.

01-16-2013, 04:11 PM
The answer is simple: Why put in 08/15 Bikers, when you have the ravenwing? Or with other words: Why make a (nother) codex-entrie which no-one will take?

Then why put in Scouts and Tacticals when half the point to take Dark Angels is Deathwing and Ravenwing?

01-16-2013, 04:23 PM
... This is like asking why can't Dark Angels field Terminators.... Oh wait they can, it's the Deathwing. Unless I am missing a fundamental point to this thread I really don't see what the problem is. (It is getting late and I have been up since about 4am, so maybe my eyes and Brain are not synchronising as they ought)

01-16-2013, 05:38 PM
the Ravenwing are all "skilled rider", surely they weren't inducted into the Ravenwing without having fought on bikes before.

Only Ravenwing Command Squads and Ravenwing Black Knights have Skilled Rider. The standard Ravenwing Attack Squadrons don't have it.

I'm not sure the codex needs a fourth entry of bikers just to flesh out all the different skill levels one might imagine.