View Full Version : Help Naming Chaos Ships

01-15-2013, 04:33 PM
I'm working on naming the ships in my chaos fleet. All I've got now is The Ravenous, for a squadron of infidel raiders, and The Butcher King, for a large cruiser/small aircraft carrier style ship. I still need to name my battleship (desolator Class - huge, and full of firepower), two cruisers (slaughter class - incredibly fast, full of short-range firepower), and two squadrons of idolator-class raiders (small ships, quite fast, with unusually long range).

I also need to name my warmaster and one subsidiary chaos lord. For some reason, I picture my warmaster as a lady pirate, and I think her first name is Sigrid...

Inspire me. Suggest names. Let's have a party!

For context, I think this is going to be a Khorne-flavored pirate fleet. Although I may mess around with the rules for a chaos fleet manned by space marines, I think that most of the time these are ordinary mortal reavers who worship the ruinous powers and prey on the weakling slaves of the Corpse Emperor!

Incidentally - just because I'm proud of them - the names of the parts of my Imperial fleet are:

• Admiral Caspian Sollux
• Emperor-Class Battleship "Guardian Star" - so named when the chief architect had a vision of the Emperor holding Sol in the palm of His hand.
• Mars-Class Battlecruiser "Epsilon Eridani" - named for the forgeworld where it was crafted.
• Dominator-Class Cruiser "Hammer of the Martyrs" - the ship's first captain's sister had been murdered by chaos cultists; he changed the ship's name to honor her, and her bones still rest in a reliquary at the ship's prow.
• Gothic-Class Cruiser "St. Galileo the Percipient" - the Solar Lord who commissioned this ship had a fascination with the religious figures of the Dark Age that preceded the coming of the Emperor.
• "Angels of Fusion" - Firestorm-Class Frigate squadron
• "Messengers of Wrath" - Sword-Class Frigate squadron

01-15-2013, 10:28 PM
The ultimate chaos name ....

High Lord Fluffy-Pants!!!

You're welcome.


How about, "Calligula." Or maybe "Marrow Sucker"

Animus Silvanna
01-15-2013, 10:56 PM

Always wanted a ship in my fleet named that but i need to get some rogue trader escorts i think First. I cant think of any Chaos ones per say but my Flagship is Personally called The Absolution, Its a Grey Knight Battle Barge. Perhaps maybe Dies Irae? Its latin for Day of Destruction. or maybe The Black Soul? The Unsatiable Reaver? or something along those lines.

01-16-2013, 12:41 AM
Perhaps maybe Dies Irae? Its latin for Day of Destruction.

"Dies Irae" is "Day of Wrath," and I think it was already used for an Imperator Titan in the opening four Horus Heresy books.

If I ever get an Imperial or Chaos BFG fleet I'm going to name them all after Thunderbirds episodes. Trapped in the Sky, Path of Destruction, End of the Road, Edge of Impact, The Mighty Atom...

Buuuuut anyway. That pair of Slaughters obviously needs a pair of themed names. Something like fear and panic, or dusk and dawn... venom and carnage... shiver and shake...

01-16-2013, 04:18 AM
Intolerable Cruelty.

For a series that does really good ship names, I look at the Halo universe. With ships like "Forward unto Dawn", "Ascendant Justice", " Retributions Thunder" and "Shadow of Intent" theres plent yof inspiration

The Sovereign
01-16-2013, 07:25 AM
Similarly, I'm trying to name my Space Wolf and Dark Eldar craft, so I'll take a crack at yours...

Void Nail
Void Axe
Star Splitter
Star Feaster
Star Butcher
The Inconsolable
The Emperor's Executioner
Terra's Execution
The Carrion Call
Night Cage
Sky Feast
Blood Feast
Spite Feast
Feast of Agony
Father of Agony
Fortress of Agony
No Respite

Or, just for fun, Road Rage and Blood Vessel. :D

Buuuuut anyway. That pair of Slaughters obviously needs a pair of themed names. Something like fear and panic, or dusk and dawn... venom and carnage... shiver and shake...

Shock and Awe? :B

01-16-2013, 10:54 AM
I still haven't named any more of my ships, but I have named my warmaster and the chaos lord. My chaos lord will be Sigrid Thornsdottir. She's an apparently normal woman with extreme Valhallan coloring - pale skin, nearly white hair, ice-blue eyes - and a perfectly calm demeanor completely at odds with the bouts of Khornate ultra-violence that she is prone to. Picture her body's pale coloring contrasting with her old dark blue Imperial Navy uniform and the flecks of red on her face and hair, her cold eyes distant and unmoved as she hacks a prisoner apart with her rusty chain-axe.

Her lieutenant Lykos the Faceless. He's more typically what you imagine a Khornate chaos lord would be: an obese man wearing a stained butcher's smock, waving about an outsized cleaver which he uses as a staff of office. His face is replaced by an inhuman augmetic: completely blank ceremite, except for a single burning red eye and a speaker compartment. Warmaster Thornsdottir is the only thing Lykos fears.

I agree that those slaughters need themed names. I'll contemplate it.

01-16-2013, 10:12 PM
OMG!!! There was an obvious name staring us right in the face!!

Leeeeeroy Jeeeeenkins!!!!!


... or you could open up google translator (http://translate.google.com/#en/la/blood%20chalice%0Ablood%20god%0Abloody%20sword%0Ab loody%20knife%0Askull%20throne%0Alord%20fluffy%20p ants%0Amarrow%20sucker%0Abone%20breaker%0Asmashing %20heads%0Anight%20of%20pain%0Atoo%20much%20time%2 0spent%20playing%20games%0Aangry%20wife%0Adog%20ho use%0Asleeping%20alone) and translate a bunch of nasty sounding phrases into latin.

01-16-2013, 10:56 PM
Addenda: Personal favorite from Google translator - "Iratus Uxor"

Animus Silvanna
01-16-2013, 10:58 PM
"Dies Irae" is "Day of Wrath," and I think it was already used for an Imperator Titan in the opening four Horus Heresy books.
Well im not exactly a latin expert but Im pretty sure wrath and destruction are pretty similar :P. I'm pretty sure thats where I picked that name up then from one of the older Heresy books lol.
@Electric Paladin: Props on the background story always nice to fight someone that has depth to their army not just oh here are my models lets do this.

01-17-2013, 01:08 AM
Well im not exactly a latin expert but Im pretty sure wrath and destruction are pretty similar
Well, I'm not an English expert, but I'm pretty sure wrath means anger and destruction means damage, so they're not even similar in either language.

Animus Silvanna
01-17-2013, 09:02 PM
Wrath often brings destruction. So its not like I'm apple and pianoing it here. LoL