View Full Version : torny list. advise plz.

01-15-2013, 07:06 AM
its 600pts doubles.

my list so far:
land speeder storm/ multi-melta
scouts( just bolters )
tactical squad ( plasma gun/missile launcher )
TL lascannon predator
master of the forge/power axe/ combi-plasma.

i like the list but i am worried that my poor master is on his own. The rest i like.

my team mate as far as i know:

land speeder storm/ multi-melta
scouts ( just bolters )
master of the forge
sternguard/all with combi plasma
razor back/heavy bolter turrets

i was just wondering what people thought of this list. I think from the lists you can see what we were going for.

01-15-2013, 07:08 AM
i should say we aren't taking this to seriously.

01-15-2013, 04:49 PM
Why Bolters on the scouts? If they are in a fast, open-topped vehicle like that then I would recommend CCWs or even Shotguns instead!

Why don't you combat squad the Tactical Squad in the first list, leaving room for the MoTF to join the unit left in the Rhino? This also leaves you a 5-man scoring unit with a missile launcher in your deployment zone, which is great for objectives.

01-15-2013, 04:56 PM
Why Bolters on the scouts? If they are in a fast, open-topped vehicle like that then I would recommend CCWs or even Shotguns instead!

Why don't you combat squad the Tactical Squad in the first list, leaving room for the MoTF to join the unit left in the Rhino? This also leaves you a 5-man scoring unit with a missile launcher in your deployment zone, which is great for objectives.

I see the appeal of bolter scouts in a storm. Assuming you plan to use the storm as a mobile firing platform, rather than an assault vehicle, superior range and AP of bolters makes it useful. Don't forget, since it's a fast vehicle, the storm can move 12'' and the scouts inside can still shoot at full BS, not to mention additional shots from the vehicle's heavy bolter, assault cannon, or flamer (probably heavy bolter)! Admittedly, that full BS is still 3, but with 12'' movement, it's pretty easy to get them into rapid-fire range.

Frankly, I think throwing scouts into assault is pretty much guaranteed to get them deaded - and quickly - unless your opponent is Guard or Tau or something. Given that scouts are a scoring unit, potentially sitting in a fast skimmer transport with a variety of interesting features and potential features (jammer? teleport homer on the scout sergeant?), I think using them as commandos is a waste.

01-15-2013, 05:46 PM
Frankly, I think throwing scouts into assault is pretty much guaranteed to get them deaded - and quickly - unless your opponent is Guard or Tau or something. Given that scouts are a scoring unit, potentially sitting in a fast skimmer transport with a variety of interesting features and potential features (jammer? teleport homer on the scout sergeant?), I think using them as commandos is a waste.

Scouts really are great for assualts - provided that you are assaulting a unit they can deal with. Would I assault terminators? No, but I would happily assault a 5-man Tactical Squad, assuming the Scouts are equipped with Shotguns or CCWs. Don't get me wrong, I normally would not use Scouts as a CC unit - but in a 1200 point game, where points are tight, having units that can "clean up" other small units really is useful.

Plus, what's cooler than shotguns in the 41st millenium :D

EDIT: Don't forget about the Cerberus Assault Launcher on the Land Speeder Storm! This makes running down small units MUCH easier.

01-15-2013, 06:12 PM
but in a 1200 point game...

I wasn't thinking about that. I usually play 1850, so I've got two tac squads, a ten-man terminator squad, and vehicles to play with. When I want to assault something hard, I use my terminators - when I want to assault something medium or soft, I can use tacs. For me, the dirty tricks and mobility are more important - for a 600 point list that's part of a doubles tournament, I see your point.