View Full Version : Theory Crafting: 1850 Imp. Guard w/ Bood Angel Allies list.

01-14-2013, 11:58 PM
Greetings everyone!

I've taken a break from the 40k scene for about a year and a half and have finally decided to get back into it. I've been generally keeping up with 40k, but haven't really been playing or list building till just after the first of the year.

I've hit upon a list concept that I'd like to run by and see what people think. Bear in mind this is just a general list, and zero playtesting has been done with it thus-far (hoping to get the initial play test this week)

First, this will be Guard army with Blood Angels allies joining.

The Guard portion of the army will consist of the following:

Headquarters: Command Squad = 110 Pts
Commander, Banner, Voxcaster, 2x Sniper Rifles, and an Officer of the Fleet

Troops: Veteran Squad = 90
3x Flamer Veterans, 1x Voxcaster Veteran 5x Lasgun Veterans, Sergeant w/ Laspistol/CCW

Troops: Veteran Squad = 105
3x Melta Gun Veterans, 1x Voxcaster Veteran, 5x Lasgun Veterans, Sergeant w/ Laspistol/CCW

Troops: Veteran Squad = 120
3x Plasma Gun Veterans, 1x Voxcaster Veteran, 5x Lasgun Veterans, Sergeant w/ Laspistol/CCW
- Dedicated Chimera Transport = 80
Multi Laser, Heavy Flamer in the Hull, Extra Armor & Heavy Stubber.

Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship = 130
Extra Armor, 3x Twinlinked Lascannons

Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship = 130
Extra Armor, 3x Twinlinked Lascannons

Heavy Support: Griffon Morter Squadron = 150
2x Griffon Morter Tanks

Heavy Support: Griffon Morter Squardron = 150
2x Griffon Morter Tanks

Total I.G. force value: 1075 Pts.

The two veteran squads who don't have dedicated transports ride in the Vendettas, obviously. The Command squad sits back and if there's a target to snipe, I use the sniper rifles on them.

Now the Blood Angels portion of the list.

Headquarters: Blood Angels Epistilory Librarian = 150
Force Weapon(Sword), Power Armor, Frag & Krak Grenades, Bolt Pistol

Elite: Blood Angels Chaplain = 115
Power Armor, Crozius Arcanum, Rosarius, Power Fist, Frag & Krak Grenades

Troops: Death Company = 520 Points
26x Death Company Marines w/ Power Armor, Bolters, Chainswords, Frag & Krak Grenades

Total Blood Angels Force Value: 785 Pts.

Combined, the army works out to 1850 exactly.

Total Model count: 71 (7 Vehicles, 64 Infantry)

Playtesting will begin soon. Concept is to put something on the board that my opponent simply MUST deal with. All Death Company are relentless, so they advance firing bolter salvos into anything in range or running forwards if no target is available. If something tries to charge them, they get a full overwatch shot from 26 rapid firing bolters and die in a tarpit of rendy death. Death Company cannot score obviously but they can contest. They march across the field and clear any objectives so the I.G. can grav-chute in to and take & hold, with long range, accurate mortar support fire from the Griffons (Gota love re-rolling the scatter dice). Any enemy fliers the Vendettas can hopefully take care of between dropping their cargo off on objectives or to vaporize an armored target in the case of the Meltagun squad.

The Librarian will likely have the Primaris Divination power unless something more appealing is rolled on the divination chart. He will likely stay in the Death Company unit unless circumstances change and he needs to ride in the Chimera attached to the Plasma gun unit. The Chaplain is there for obvious reasons and bonus he gets a power fist cheaper than any other unit in the codex.

That's the list, what do people think? Feedback and constructive criticism welcomed. Bear in mind, I've literally not played in about a year or so, no tournaments or casual play. I'd like help with sharpening the list up a bit more if I can. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

Take it easy.


01-15-2013, 01:19 PM
If something tries to charge them, they get a full overwatch shot from 26 rapid firing bolters and die in a tarpit of rendy death. Death Company cannot score obviously but they can contest.

Death Co dont have rending anymore....

01-15-2013, 05:19 PM
Okay, since none of your infantry squads have a vox, it is wasted points. You only gain the benefit of a vox if both the issuing squad and receiving squad have them.

When I run a CCS, I tend to take 3 plasma, a medic, and carapace armor. With the armor and medic, you have a good chance of your guys surviving a gets hot roll.

And are you taking any type of disciplines for your vets? Or are you only relying on the weapons and BS only? I like to specialize my vet squads. Demolitions on my melta vets and Forward Sentries on my sniper vets. I then use them accordingly. Melta vets take out the vehicles and the snipers to take shots at anything in range.

01-15-2013, 11:17 PM
Okay, since none of your infantry squads have a vox, it is wasted points. You only gain the benefit of a vox if both the issuing squad and receiving squad have them.

When I run a CCS, I tend to take 3 plasma, a medic, and carapace armor. With the armor and medic, you have a good chance of your guys surviving a gets hot roll.

And are you taking any type of disciplines for your vets? Or are you only relying on the weapons and BS only? I like to specialize my vet squads. Demolitions on my melta vets and Forward Sentries on my sniper vets. I then use them accordingly. Melta vets take out the vehicles and the snipers to take shots at anything in range.

Solid points, and I neglected to write in that all 3 veteran squads have a Voxcaster included in them, my bad on that! :( If you add up the points for them they do have it allotted (For instance, the veteran squad with flamers would have only been 85 points with just 3 flamers, mine was 90, just forgot to list that there was a vox paid for in that squad). Clerical error on my part, I've ammended the list in the first post to correct that oversight. :)

As for the CCS, I was going for bare-bones on the I.G. infantry. It was 2x sniper rifles with the standard bearer and voxcaster backing up the Company Commander. My other option was to put a heavy bolter in there in-lieu of the Sniper Rifles but I feel like the sniper rifles will have better chances of wounding something with high toughness (Coupled with the "Bring it Down!" order). Same range as a heavy bolter as well. I lose a shot, but my shot will auto-wound on a 4+ regardless of what I'm shooting at and it rends on a 6 to wound, pretty nice trade off in my view. Your idea with the plasma gun and medic has merit, and in a 2000 point game I would likely upgrade my CCS to have 4+ armor saves, better weapons and a medic to be sure.

Same thing on the veteran squads. They're there mostly to go grab objectives and help provide extra cover/support fire to the advancing Death Company. I normally run them with the Grenadiers upgrade for 4+ saves across the board, but needed points to fit in more Death Company and get the Librarian to Epistolary level. As they are in this list, they'll ride in the Vendettas and only deploy on an objective once it's clear of enemies and then hunker down to hold it. I don't see them taking a large volume of fire with the giant knot of Death Company rolling foward in a black wave across the tabletop. The 'swing' squad I have is a Chimera, which will hang back or scoot over to hold another objective, or possibly run along with the Death Company depending on the mission and objectives.

As I said, in a 2000 point game my infantry squads would be a little more impressive, I had to make some concessions to get the list where I wanted it in 1850 though sadly. Thank you for the thoughts and thank you for pointing out my clerical error there, totally forgot to note those squads had that piece of wargear bought and paid for. :)

Death Co dont have rending anymore....

Ahh you're correct! I was remembering an old rule. The Death Company have the following special rules as per their most recent codex: Fearless, Feel no Pain, Relentless, Furious Charge, and The Black Rage.

Thanks for the input! Greatly appreciated guys :)