View Full Version : Deathwing Knights

01-14-2013, 11:54 PM
I bought the Deathwing Command Squad box on saturday, but due to the fact that my brother promised to buy me the dex for my birthday I don't have the dex yet. I went ahead and built the knights bodies, but in a Deathwing Army, are knights a must or just good? I am basically trying to figure out if I should magnetize them or glue them. Any comments are appreciated.

01-15-2013, 01:48 AM
I wouldn't say they are a must, however they are extremely good at what they do. I guess it depends on what you have planned for the rest of your army really. If you're going with a Deathwing force led by belial, the 10 no-scatter deep striking knights straight in your opponents face is a great option to have!

01-15-2013, 03:33 AM
Deathwing Knights are good as both a hammer and an anvil, and should be dropped where the fighting is thickest. Their equipment makes them very versatile, and Smite gives you the ability to crush either an enemy deathstar or simply destroy your opponent's biggest/most important unit, such as a Land Raider or a big squad of Terminators. Make sure to use their special rules to their extent - T5 when bunched up may make you more vulnerable to plasma cannons, but it will dramatically reduce the casualties you suffer from the humble (but effective) boltgun - the most common weapon used to deal with storm-shield wielding Terminators. They are a good unit to escort Belial, due in no small part to the lack of scatter - meaning you can drop them as close to the enemy as possible without worrying about mishaps.

Overall, they are a very good unit, but I don't think they are by many means necessary. Many will use the points to take more shooty Deathwing or other elements.

01-15-2013, 04:29 AM
For me they're not a "must" but they look awesome and have some great rules and can be used as a great Hammer to the face unit.

I'll probably be using a squad of 6-8 list depending just for some fun

01-15-2013, 06:41 AM
Remember, any model with inner circle can benefit from fortress of shields.

01-15-2013, 06:49 AM
Oh I know, which is why they are an awesome bodyguard for Belial ;)

01-15-2013, 10:27 AM
I bought the box... Looked at my options for about 20 minutes and then got to work making them up as Knights... Awesome looking dudes especially the head honcho. That and I have a squad of Thunderhammer Stormshield, as well as the Dark Vengeance squad. So I figure I got my bases covered. Plus now I can combine those two units into 1 10man squad of awesome close combat with a soupçon of shootyability thrown in. I will throw old Belly in with the Knights and hey presto my Deathwing can drop in and dole out some Terminator sized hurt.

01-17-2013, 03:27 PM
I like them. and the box comes with enough extra parts to build even more.
I bought the boxed set and then spent $20 on ebay for extra 5 torsos, shoulder pads, and legs. Now I have 10 termies! Also swapping the Plasma Cannon onto a Dark Vengeance termy and some of the other bits.
Magnetize the arms with a $20 set of Dark Vengeance terminators from eBay for even more cheap options.

One note to remember, Belial only makes Deathwing Terminator Squads troops. Deathwing Command and Deathknights are not 'Deathwing Terminator Squads' and thus don't benefit.

01-17-2013, 03:31 PM
Personally I always magnetize, magnets are a lot cheaper than another box and there is less time spent painting overall.

01-17-2013, 05:17 PM
Thanks, I've decided to go with the magnetizing route as there really is no downside except having to fix the one termie I accidentally magnetized backwards.

01-17-2013, 06:51 PM
Oh I know, which is why they are an awesome bodyguard for Belial ;)

Better than that: if your opponent doesn't have significant blast weapons, you can really clump together. All terminators have 'Inner Circle'. You can spread you knights in such a fashion to be a shield for your other terminators... spartan style.