View Full Version : Ravenwing 2K - First Draft

01-14-2013, 10:51 PM
After sitting down with the new Dark angels codex for a good while, I figured out which of the new units I like and started to put together a list. I am trying to stick strictly to "Ravenwing" units, so while I find Flakk Devastators very enticing I must say NO!

The list:

Sammael, Grand Master of the Ravenwing 200

Ravenwing Command Squad 185
-Standard of Devastation, Grenade Launcher

Ravenwing Attack Squadron 311
-2 Meltaguns, 3 additional Bikes, Sergeant has Meltabombs, Attack Bike w/ Multi-Melta, Land Speeder Tornado w/ Multi-Melta & Heavy Flamer

Ravenwing Attack Squadron 321
-2 Plasmaguns, 3 additional Bikes, Attack Bike w/ Multi-Melta, Land Speeder Typhoon

Ravenwing Attack Squadron 321
-2 Plasmaguns, 3 additional Bikes, Attack Bike w/ Multi-Melta, Land Speeder Typhoon

Ravenwing Attack Squadron 321
-2 Plasmaguns, 3 additional Bikes, Attack Bike w/ Multi-Melta, Land Speeder Typhoon

Fast Attack
Nephilim Jetfighter 180
-TL Lascannon

Ravenwing Darkshroud 80
-Heavy Bolter

Ravenwing Darkshroud 80
-Heavy Bolter

Total: 1,999

Speeders and Attack Bikes purchased in Ravenwing Support Squadrons are now completely separate units. While this offers more versatility and firepower efficiency, it does add a considerable amount of easily-scored KPs.

This is what will be deployed:
Sammael (with the Command Squad)
1 x 3 Command Squad Bikers
4 x 6 Bikes
4 x 1 Attack Bike
3 x 1 Land Speeder Typhoon
1 x Land Speeder Tornado
1 x Nephilim Jetfighter
2 x 1 Darkshroud

The Nephilim Jetfighter stays in reserve and is in the list only to hunt other fliers. While it is not as effective as a unit of devastators with Flakk Missiles, I really wanted to stick with the Ravenwing theme and this will make a fantastic centerpiece for my army. I opted for the TL Lascannon over the Avenger Mega Bolter, allowing my flyer to reliably engage other flyers regardless of the AV presented.

The pair of Darkshrouds give +2 Cover Save to all units with a model in 6", so I took two of them for maximum coverage. Also they are likely to be targeted early on, so 2 means more resilience. Having army-wide 3+ Jink saves is very useful!

The Attack Bikes advance behind the Support Squadrons, popping out only to target key vehicles or MCs.

The Typhoons sit near my table edge and provide fire support... while scoring :P

The single Tornado will deep strike and take out a key target before suffering a horrible death.

I am interested to see how the Salvo 2/4 banner works in action. Granting all units of Bikes that have a model within 6" of the standard Heavy 4 Bolters is REALLY powerful... in theory. In reality my army may be spread to thin to take advantage of this bonus, or the Command Squad may be picked off too early for me to utilize it. Regardless, this standard gives me much greater anti-infantry firepower than a force this small typically has access to.

I was interested in taking a pair of Land Speeder Veangeance models, but found them to be lackluster in resilience and very expensive. 140 points for the same AV and HP as a 75 pt Typhoon? Sorry, I'll pass.

Thoughts or suggestions on the list? I think it will be very effective on the table.

01-21-2013, 04:57 PM
Looking for input - should Sammael be on his Jetbike or on his Speeder? I am leaning towards the Jetbike, as he can then boost the survivability of the command squad.

01-21-2013, 06:48 PM
I don't like Spam.

Flamers are important for low model count armies.

01-22-2013, 11:35 AM
I don't like Spam.

Flamers are important for low model count armies.

It's not spam, it's target saturation ;)

I was going to take some flamers, but i feel the Banner of Devastation gives me enough anti-infantry firepower. In the past my Bike Sergeants have always taken Combi-Flamers but IMO this is no longer necessary.

01-22-2013, 08:59 PM
I disagree. 3 Bikes are pretty easy to kill. Banners for the ravenwing are pretty risky points investment.

Archon Charybdis
01-22-2013, 10:39 PM
You can mitigate the fragility of the Command Squad somewhat by putting Sammael in front and finding points for the Apothecary (if you make even one FNP roll it's more than made it's points back). It is the biggest weak link in the army though, you lose that banner bearer and the lynchpin of your army is gone.

01-23-2013, 11:20 AM
Most games I am not expecting to get much use out of the banner... Only against armies with a high model count and relatively weak shooting (Daemons, Orks, Nids, etc) will it be used to full effect. I'd rather shoot my Plasmaguns against Marines.

I think I will put Sammael on his Jetbike and join him to the Command Squad. Keeping him in front should improve the survivability of the unit. I could also take a Bike Librarian with a Power Field, but that would likely be uncecessary as I should be taking Jink saves.

What would you suggest dropping for the Apothecary upgrade?