View Full Version : Central Mississippi Tournament Announcement!

10-21-2009, 10:27 PM
Warhammer 40,000 Tournament

Where: Van’s Comics & Cards

558 U.S. Hwy 51

Ridgeland, MS

Store Phone Number: (601) 898 9950

When: Saturday, November 7th 2009

Arrive by 10:30 a.m.

Game Starts @ 11:00 a.m.

Points: 1,750.

Cost: $15.00

Please have four printed copies of your army list, one for submission to tournament organizers and one for each of your opponents. Tournament will be three rounds, with each round having a 2 hour time limit, with a one hour lunch break after the first round.

Painting, sportsmanship, and battle points will be used to determine the winner of the tournament.

Fully painted armies are requested but not required. Tournament organizers request that all models be at least based, and base coated.

Spaces for the tournament are very limited, due to sapce limitations we are only able to use 8 tables, meaning at most we'll be able to accomadate 16 payers, so please sign up with the store owner, Van Peeples. Call to reserve your spot. Spaces are first come, first-serve.

I will be the judge/organizer of the tournament along with the store owner, Mr. Van Peeples. If there are any questions, feel free to contact me via PM.

See you on the 7th!
