View Full Version : FW Ryza Pattern Turret Question

10-21-2009, 04:56 PM
Does anyone happen to know if the ForgeWorld Ryza Pattern Turret will fit the new Leman Russ Demolisher chassis? If so, was there a lot of alteration work is required or was it a drop fit onto the chassis? I ask this because I am starting a new Imperial Guard army and would like to use the newer resin turrets with the new mold of the LR body instead of waiting for a proper Leman Russ update.



10-22-2009, 01:20 AM
As far as I am aware the turret ring on LR's are all identical regardless of variant, so yes it will fit.

11-04-2009, 10:21 PM
Rings are slightly different sizes, much as the "Old" one is larger than the plug on the bottom of the turret.

Just a little carviing on the resin and a "washer" will work.