View Full Version : 2000 Competitive Inquisition List with IG Allies

01-12-2013, 08:03 PM

Inquisitor Coteaz : 100

Company Command Squad : 145
- 4x melta guns
- Chimera


Vindicare Assassin : 145

Callidus Assassin : 145

Marbo : 65


Warrior Henchmen x3 : 97
- 3x melta guns
- Chimera

Warrior Henchmen x3 : 97
- 3x melta guns
- Chimera

Warrior Henchmen x12 : 105
- 9x storm bolters
- 3x plasma guns

Warrior Henchmen x12 : 105
- 9x storm bolters
- 3x plasma guns

Warrior Henchmen x12 : 105
- 9x storm bolters
- 3x plasma guns

Warrior Henchmen x12 : 105
- 9x storm bolters
- 3x plasma guns

Penal Legion Squad : 80

Heavy Support

Dreadnaught : 135
- 2x twin-linked autocannons
- psybolts

Dreadnaught : 135
- 2x twin-linked autocannons
- psybolts

Dreadnaught : 135
- 2x twin-linked autocannons
- psybolts

Battle Tank Squadron : 300


Unit Breakdown

Coteaz - He is my Warlord and I usually roll on Strategic Traits. He has some nice special rules in addition to unlocking the Henchmen units as Troops. I use him to bolster the Warrior squads by making them LD10 and Stubborn and I exchange his psychic powers for Prescience so he can also make his unit's guns twin-linked. I keep him attached to which ever squad is healthiest to make most efficient use of his abilities. This also makes it as hard as possible for the enemy to kill him.

Company Command Squad - This unit operates in tandem with the other 2 chimeras to form a mobile AV12 wall of melta that the Warrior squads can advance behind. It also fills the mandatory HQ slot for the allied detachment.

Vindicare Assassin - He will infiltrate in the most advantageous position that I can get for him. He goes after vehicles first and then starts picking off unit leaders or special/heavy weapons.

Callidus and Marbo - These two will work together and attack the same target, usually something juicy in the enemy's backfield. They both basically just appear next to an enemy unit and nuke it with D6 STR4 AP2 hits, an AP1 template that wounds on their LD value, and a STR8 AP2 large blast. In the enemy's turn they can go to ground for 2+ cover saves thanks to stealth and if they survive, they will start assaulting things together.

Warrior Henchmen - These units put out a whole hell of a lot of storm bolter and plasma fire while on the move to objectives. There's 4 full squads of them so I think they have sufficient numbers to stick around a while.

Penal Legion - The only reason I take this unit is to fill the mandatory Troops choice for the allied detachment. I figured since I have to take a Troops choice, this was the best option because they are cheap at 80 points and they are a great way to get a scoring unit on to a hard-to-reach objective. I'm seriously not interested in their combat abilities at all because they are rather weak and combat is not what I use it for. They outflank as close to an objective as possible and hide until it is safe for them to claim it.

Dreadnaughts - These things put out a lot of long range accurate STR8 shots and are decently durable. They absolutely shred light and medium armor and rack up wounds on MCs and threaten fliers as well. There's not a lot that they can't hurt and they just add more firepower saturation.

Battle Tanks - The Russes add the bulk and heavy armor to the army. They absorb fire and shoot nasty pie plates at the contents of transports that the Dreads opened up. Battle Cannons are great at killing MEQs.

I think the list is quite overwhelming in the shooting phase and has good model count and scoring potential.

01-13-2013, 12:37 PM
This seems like a very good list, not many issues i can see outside of dedicated Flyer destroyers. But that wouldn't be a problem if your LGS doesn't have many flyers.

01-13-2013, 02:05 PM
This seems like a very good list, not many issues i can see outside of dedicated Flyer destroyers. But that wouldn't be a problem if your LGS doesn't have many flyers.

You know I actually did notice its potential weakness to flyer heavy armies and I considered dropping 1 of the 4 Warrior squads for an ADL with Quad Gun. They are almost the same point cost but then I started to think it was kind of a heavy hit on the model count. Would an ADL be worth the cost of boots on the ground?

01-13-2013, 03:03 PM
You know I actually did notice its potential weakness to flyer heavy armies and I considered dropping 1 of the 4 Warrior squads for an ADL with Quad Gun. They are almost the same point cost but then I started to think it was kind of a heavy hit on the model count. Would an ADL be worth the cost of boots on the ground?

If you don't want to sacrifice boots, look at getting a hydra flak tank or two instead of your Battle tank squad. 75 points each, so two for one tank, sky fire rule but not interceptor so you cannot fire at ground without snap firing. Maybe swap out a dreadnought and pick up a hydra and give your battle tanks some buffs. There are a few options as to how to get some AA, but I don't personally like the ADL as my LGS has many assaulty armies and it doesn't help me that much since they don't shoot at me.