View Full Version : Best 6th Edition Army vs Necrons

01-12-2013, 12:30 AM
I have a question for the skilled players out there.

Of the following three, which is the best army in 6th edition against the Necrons: 1) Imperial Guard, 2) Chaos Marines, or 3) Tyranids? I assume it would be the Guard, but I'd really like to know your collective thoughts. Don't bother answering though if you are unable to write without a bunch of annoying 40k acronyms (I'd like to actually be able to understand what you are telling me).


01-12-2013, 01:14 AM
I would say either IG or Chaos, but I would lean towards IG. They have the tools to deal with most everything that you would come across on the table top. Both armies have capable fliers, which are one of the 'Crons strong points. Guard have more to deal with fliers I believe. Guard generally have the numbers to deal with most threats, be it through boots on the ground or tanks shelling the bejesus out of your enemy.

01-12-2013, 04:34 AM
I can only really discuss the imperial guard as that is the only army out of your lost i have played, although one of my regular opponents does play necrons.

I suppose it depends on how your opponent plays necrons. Any discussion of necorns inevitbly turns into a debabte about countering fliers. Imperial guard are quickly mentioned as they have both fliers and anti aircraft units. However they are not great against the necron army. Imperial guard Hydra are a dedicated choice for anti air, and as necrons can field aircraft as part of their troops, elites, fast attack etc choice they can field a lot of them. With their armament necron fliers are capable to taking out light vehicles. Problem is they are not exactly a versatile vehicle and you start to build a list to react to your opponent. As a heavy support choice you can have that many hydra and they take up space for the things you may rather have like artillery and tanks.

A) if your opponent goes all out, jumps on the band wagon and fields as many fliers as he can your hydra will not be that effective. By sheer weight of number he will be able to use those fliers to kill any hydra quite quickly. Without interceptor rules hydra wont even guarantee a shot first when the fliers come on from reserve. With thier special shielding the fliers can take quite a beating in return. You may well end up spending a big chunk of your points on points and force organisation chart on something that will quickly be targeted.

B) you assume he will take fliers and he does not. Hydra are a on trick pony, no fliers to shoot at and without the interceptor rule the hydra can barely shoot at anything else.

C) he is a nice kind balanced player who fields a couple of fliers. It's is good for any hydra as it gives them a target, but will not overwhelm them, but in that situation you may be better off just ignoring them, or using the turret on an aegis defence line and concentrating on everything else.

Talking of aegis defence lines, they suit guardsmen quite well. Finding a bs 4 unit to man the turret is not too hard and with their poor armour save the guardsmen benefit from the cover save. Add to this the fact that they can go to ground, have an awesome cover save and then, potentially, with the use of an order get straight back up and they aegis works really well with guard. Pepper in a few flamers to the large combined squad manning it and the odd power weapon and any necron assault units would think twice about attacking it. It also fits their background fiction really well.

Necron infantry seem to excel and mid ranged fire fights and imperial guard can certainly engage in that kind of scrap. My last game was against necrons with some ork allies. Admittedly we played down the long length of the table my opponent has a very fourth edition army and they only had one flier. It as a great game and my heavy weapons and tanks pounded most of the opponent before he got to me. If he had played with an army heavy on fliers I don't know how I would have stopped him, but then outside of the forge world space marine legion list I don't know how anyone reliably could...

I hope that helps.

01-12-2013, 11:54 AM
IG have the IP, CS and PP comboing with the SW RP for rolls on Div to make them ATSKNF. Vens have TLLC and TLHB to pen NS and DS. MMRL and GM use indirect to snipe.

CSM have drakes and L3 TP Sorcs with lots of GEQs and NOs to shoot stuff.

Nids have Tgons, Tgants, WTs, Try, Gargs and bring a ton of GEQ bodies to flood the board. Also get lots of Bio.


The Sovereign
01-12-2013, 12:22 PM
Space Wolves. Rune priests' JotWW is exceptionally devastating against Necrons due to their low initiative.

01-12-2013, 02:24 PM
Well, assuming that the Necron army in question is a "flier spam" type army, it's Tyranids. Tervigon spam puts too many bodies down, and Iron Arm makes them basically unbreakable in cover. Unless it's a KP game, a nice "board control" Tervi spam army can just out-objective Necrons, who rarely put enough boots on the ground. For examples, here are two of my Bat-reps...


01-12-2013, 03:26 PM
Necrons. Because then they can cron air each other to death. If the players then realise how bad the army is they may never take mindshackle or croissant spam again - winner for the rest of the community.

01-12-2013, 05:03 PM
Oh, I'm sure they will always take Mindshackle bugs because they are too cheap not too, like scarab swarms.

01-12-2013, 07:19 PM
Well, assuming that the Necron army in question is a "flier spam" type army, it's Tyranids. Tervigon spam puts too many bodies down, and Iron Arm makes them basically unbreakable in cover. Unless it's a KP game, a nice "board control" Tervi spam army can just out-objective Necrons, who rarely put enough boots on the ground. For examples, here are two of my Bat-reps...


This. Though for Necrons in general, I would go with Imperial Guard - they can literally deal with any army given the right tools. Without list tailoring, you can easily design an army with IG that will stomp most other armies into the ground whilst falling only to very specific lists.

01-13-2013, 10:55 AM
IG have the IP, CS and PP comboing with the SW RP for rolls on Div to make them ATSKNF. Vens have TLLC and TLHB to pen NS and DS. MMRL and GM use indirect to snipe.

CSM have drakes and L3 TP Sorcs with lots of GEQs and NOs to shoot stuff.

Nids have Tgons, Tgants, WTs, Try, Gargs and bring a ton of GEQ bodies to flood the board. Also get lots of Bio.


Its almost like you're mocking me...

Mr Mystery
01-13-2013, 11:49 AM
My Necrons may not have played either, but they live in fear of Orks and Imperial Guard.

Both field a tonne of chaff, and that's what I find we struggle with. My army in particular excels at overwhelming firepower, but that only works against small armies. Orks in particular give me am extremely finite time to do my damage before they're in HTH. And then it just gets messy!

Guard? Sure I can drop tanks well enough, but again not fast enough. Any army which can out-attrition Necrons is onto a winner!