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10-20-2009, 08:50 PM
So this is a list I threw together one afternoon while staring at the motor pool at the base I do reserve training that I figured I'd throw out there and see what you all thought. Basically, the name says it all. First off, they're Marines so Devil Dogs is fitting, not to mention they're wolves so its even more fitting. I'm going with a armored blitz style that seems to work in practice in the real world so maybe it has some merit on the table top.

Wolf Priest 100

5 Wolf Guard 90
[These 4 going with Grey Hunters]
4 Combi-Meltas 20
4 Power Fists 80
[This guy with the Blood Claws]
Power Fist 20

2 x 5 Grey Hunters
1 Flamer
1 Power Weapon 180

2 x 5 Grey Hunters
1 Melta Gun
1 Power Fist 210

14 Blood Claws
1 Power Fist 235

2 x Razorbacks
Heavy Bolters
Extra Armor 110

2 x Razorbacks
Extra Armor 180

Land Raider Crusader
Extra Armor 265

Total: 1490

Pretty much I'm breaking it down like this, Land Raider takes the lead, Razorbacks shadow first turn, go flat out first turn and pop smoke/ hug cover. Second turn, unload and bring the pain...Yeah, its an ideal strategy that looks pretty on paper but will probably get eaten alive. Thoughts, dislikes, disagreements, different ideas?

10-21-2009, 07:28 AM
Razors don't need extra armor. BCs don't hit as hard as you think, a bunch of S4 attacks really aren't doing that much damage. You don't have much long range anti-tank, so mech will give you problems. Dropping 2 units can score you some Long Fangs, TLAC Dreads, Speeders, or wolves to help your assault units.

10-29-2009, 11:49 AM
1) Why the aversion to extra armor? Granted it is expensive but in the end the Razorbacks need to get the guys where they need to be, any way to keep them moving seems necessary in my eyes.

2)52 St4 attacks with the ability to re-roll to hit is overwhelming for most units to handle in assault, not including the other 6 S8 attacks from the attached power fists as well the 4 S4 power weapon attacks from the Wolf Priest, almost anything (save for Monstrous Creatures or an Ork Mob of around 30, then again, just charging these guys without softening them up would be suicide) will fold in close combat.

3)Having only 2 weapons in the force that can reach out and touch armor is a risk; however, I don't intend on going toe to toe with many Main Battle tanks on a normal basis. My philosophy is as much fluidity as possible.

10-29-2009, 01:32 PM
1) Extra Armor is crazy expensive, you can get another unit instead of shelling out for it. It's useful on Land Raiders since they must keep moving, but on a Razor you don't have to worry so much. Stunning only happens 1/6 times.

2) The really nasty stuff laughs at S4 attacks. Sure you can kill Tactical Squads, but who can't? How will you soften units up if you have no real firepower?

3) You've got 2 TLLC and a multi-melta, mech armies have pretty much nothing to fear from you and can avoid your assaults all game. If you go up against a lot of foot armies and other weak stuff like that, you'll be fine.

10-29-2009, 08:49 PM

This is a tricky one.

1) Biggest problem (quite literally, as it turns out!) is the Land Raider – at 1500 points, you can’t quite field the amount of support the Raider would need.

2) Second-biggest problem? You’re coughing out over 200 points buffing up what are essentially support units (the Razorback-mounted Grey Hunters).

3) Something else to keep in mind – Rhino chassis have more in common with Strykers rather than Brads – AV11 isn’t all that hard to take out, and fielding AV14 and AV11 just makes it that much easier for the other guy to split fire

4) On a related note, extra armour for the Razorbacks is nice and all, but it’s a luxury you really can’t afford. MAYBE in a bigger (1850?) game, but at 1500 points, you want more stuff on the table.

The way I see it, you could go down two roads:
1) Keep the Raider, but invest more points in support units (Vindicator/Predators, anti-tank Razorbacks to bring up the rear.

Still going to be tricky, but it plays up the armoured spearhead role.

2) Scrap the Raider and roll with a Stryker brigade.

Lots of AV10/AV11 hulls with different roles - Rhinos, Razorbacks, Speeders, Dreadnoughts, Whirlwinds and 1-gun Predators.

Sticking with the Spearhead version, I’d probably call it something like this:

Wolf Priest

Pack 1 – 5 Grey Hunters, Razorback with t/l lascannon
Pack 2 – 5 Grey Hunters, Razorback with t/l lascannon
Pack 3 – 10 Grey Hunters, 2 plasma, Rhino
Pack 4 – 10 Grey Hunters, Wolf Standard, 2 meltaguns, Mark of the Wulfen, Power Weapon

3 Wolf Guard
Wolf Guard 1 – combi-flamer, attached to Pack 1
Wolf Guard 2 – combi-flamer, attached to Pack 2
Wolf Guard 3 – combi-melta, power fist, attached to Pack 4

Land Speeder, multi-melta
Land Speeder, multi-melta

Land Raider Redeemer, extra armour, multi-melta

Should come to 1500 points, give or take.

Fairly similar concept –

Packs 1 and 2 sit back and snipe (or stay in reserve and walk on later) – flamers are there to take care of the lightly-armoured units that usually sneak into your deployment zone. Good luck if he drops a Dreadnought on you, but hey, you can’t have everything! ;)

Packs 3 and 4 move up together, backed up by the Vindicators.

Trick is, each and every one of them is a reasonably credible threat.

Pack 3 can dish out a heck of a punch at rapid-fire range, and is pretty reasonable in close combat – no power weapons or fists, but 20 S4 I4 attacks (30 if you pass your Counter-Attack Ld test) isn’t too shabby by any means.

Pack 4 hits almost as hard as the Blood Claws, but still packs a very respectable close-combat punch, especially with the Wolf Standard. Love those things…
As for the Vindicators, they really don’t need any explanation. Sure, they can scatter, but:
a) A couple of AV13 tanks provide a nice buffer for the Raider.

b) Scatter or not, a Demolisher cannon still commands respect – opponents might be appear to be blasé about it, but I’ve yet to meet someone who doesn’t whisper/think “please scatter high, please scatter high” or some variation thereof when on the receiving end of a Vindicator.

Speeders swing low, swing wide, swing wherever the fancy takes ‘em.

Granted, some armies are still going to take you apart, but at least you can force him to split his fire AND provide reasonable support elements for both halves of yoru army.