View Full Version : Blood Angel list advice?

01-11-2013, 09:31 AM
Greetings everyone,

I am trying to come up with a 2000 point list that I can work towards getting the models for this year. Hobby money right now is pretty tight so I tried to come up with a list is somewhat easy on the wallet but yet still semi competative. I am not a tournament player but I"m looking to get more then 10 games in this year with friends and hopefully at some of the local stores so I"m not looking for a true tournament type list. With that in mind I welcome any suggestions on the following list that could make it better going forward.

HQ: Librarian in Power Armour
1 Librarian in Power Armour, Jump Pack
Troops: Assault Squad
Assault Squad
1 Assault Marine with Flamer
1 Assault Marine with Meltagun
1 Sergeant Melta Bombs, Power Sword
Troops: Assault Squad
Assault Squad
1 Assault Marine with Flamer
1 Assault Marine with Meltagun
1 Sergeant, Melta Bombs, Power Sword
Troops: Tactical Squad
9 Tactical Squad, Plasma gun, Heavy Bolter
1 Sergeant, Melta Bombs
Troops: Death Company
1 Death Company, Power Sword
1 Death Company, Power Sword
1 Death Company, Power Sword
1 Death Company, Power Sword
1 Death Company, Power Sword
1 Death Company, Power Fist
1 Razorback, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon
Elite: Sanguinary Priest
1 Sanguinary Priest in Power Armour, Jump Pack
1 Sanguinary Priest in Power Armour, Jump Pack
Aegis Defence Lines
1 Aegis Defence Lines,
1 Gun Emplacement Quad
Heavy Support: Devastator Squad
4 Devastator Squad, Lascannon x4
1 Sergeant, Combi-Plasmagun
Fast Attack: Baal Predator
3 Baal Predators Twinlinked Assault Cannon
Heavy Support: Devastator Squad
4 Devastator Squad, Missile Launcher x4
1 Sergeant

01-11-2013, 09:45 AM
Given that Power Swords are AP3, consider if this is more efficient than getting another 2/3 DC marines.

Are you going to run the Priests with the Assault Squads? If so how far apart are they going to be so do you need two? or is the FnP bubble going to be large enough?

I presume that the Lascannon Devastators are going to sit on their object in your deployment zone so does the Plasma gun have sufficient range to be a useful points spend?

Also, the meltabombs on the tactical sarge, the squad isn't designed to go tank hunting so I am not sure why he has this?

Most important thing though is that you have a list you enjoy with models you like to paint, after all an army that works for me might not work for you as we could play differently.

01-11-2013, 04:00 PM
Given that Power Swords are AP3, consider if this is more efficient than getting another 2/3 DC marines.

So to make sure I undersand it would probably be better to get rid of the power swords and go back to the chain swords in favor of adding a couple more marines? Should I consider giving a couple bolters or just go for the extra attacks only?

Are you going to run the Priests with the Assault Squads? If so how far apart are they going to be so do you need two? or is the FnP bubble going to be large enough?

A very good question I don't have an answer for. I have usually tried to run the squads up the board edged while pushing up the middle with other stuff to draw fire away from them. I have had mixed results doing this so maybe I should consider running them up the middle close enough to benefit from just one priest. If I do keep them close together would there be any advantage of dropping the jump pack off the second and keeping him close to the devastator squads and tact squad holding the objects to give them FNP?

I presume that the Lascannon Devastators are going to sit on their object in your deployment zone so does the Plasma gun have sufficient range to be a useful points spend?

The plan is to sit both the devastator squads back as far as possible and use them as a fire base kind of. In the ideal setup I could add an extra marine to one of the squads and use him to man the quad gun so I could shoot it using the signum if that is allowable. As for the combi-plasma you are probably right but in the back of my mind I saw it being able to rapid fire should they get charged.

Also, the meltabombs on the tactical sarge, the squad isn't designed to go tank hunting so I am not sure why he has this?.

Just a point sink would be my guess. I always seem to get to the end of a list and 10 or so points left over so I throw in melta bombs. In my mind it is walker defense.

Most important thing though is that you have a list you enjoy with models you like to paint, after all an army that works for me might not work for you as we could play differently.

Very true and while I don't have the Baal Predators yet I do like how they look. I also like landspeeders and attack bikes but I have not had good luck with either choice really. Like I indicated I am not looking to have the ultra competative list but I do want to have a chance to win and also want the army I put on the table be a challenge for the person I"m playing. I do know it won't match up well against some armies out there.

01-11-2013, 04:57 PM
First of all, I'm going to reformat your list in a way that doesn't make my brain hurt. Not trying to be cruel, but this is possibly the strangest, hardest to read way of writing a list that I have ever seen. You might want to work on that.

• Power Armor Librarian w/Jump Pack

• 2 Sanguinary Priests w/Jump Pack

• 10 Assault Marines (1 flamer, 1 meltagun), Sergeant w/Melta Bombs & Power Weapon
• 10 Assault Marines (1 flamer, 1 meltagun), Sergeant w/Melta Bombs & Power Weapon
• 10 Tactical Marines (Plasma Gun, Heavy Bolter), Sergeant w/Melta Bombs
• 6 Death Company (5 Power Sword, 1 Power Fist)
° Razorback w/Assault Cannons

Fast Attack
• Baal Predator
• Baal Predator
• Baal Predator

Heavy Support
• 5 Devastators (4 Lascannons), Sergeant w/Combi-Plasma

• Aegis Defense Line w/Quad Gun

Ah... much better.

Now, on to the list.

Firstly, I'm not a big fan of split-purpose units. In my experience, shots fail to hit, fail to wound or penetrate, and targets make armor saves. When you have two meltaguns in a unit, the unit is that much more likely to successfully pop a tank. When you have two flamers, the unit is that much better at taking a charge or toasting light infantry. When you give a unit one of each, you end up with two units that are only mildly effective at whatever it is they're set up to do.


I think you're missing out by putting your death company in a razorback. Death company are an incredibly hard-hitting assault unit. You want to put them in jump packs, or in an assault vehicle (land raider or stormraven) - something that can get up close and personal ASAP. If you want razorbacks, you want to put assault marines into them. That makes them cheaper, and small squads of assault marines on foot aren't all that good at melee anyway.


What is your plan for this list? How you see it playing is about as important as what you put in it?


Those tacs. Where's their ride? What you've got here is a mech list supported by air-dropped assault marines. That's cool. You've got some devs on foot, but that's cool - they can hide behind the ADL, and their lascannons have a similar range to the quad gun, so it's a match made in heaven. What about those tacs? I predict they'll just die, or else foot-slog it across terrain and not achieve a lot. Either drop them, or give them a transport so they can move at the same rate as the rest of your list.

Final post-post-script:

The last problem I see with this list are the death company's power swords. Power weapons are great, but the death company can bring down an opponent under the weight of a huge number of attacks, anyway. If you really want a unit with power weapons, I recommend sanguinary guard. They get them as part of their basic cost, and have a number of other advantages as well.

01-11-2013, 08:28 PM
nice thing is that the razorback should be the exact points to give 6 death company jump packs.