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View Full Version : Odd IC Movement Questions

01-10-2013, 06:04 PM
I understand that if an IC joins a unit, the unit moves at the speed of the slowest model. However, what about odd movement?

Specifically, what about the following cases:

1) An IC riding an Eldar jetbike (which makes a 2d6 jump in the assault phase) joins an eldar jet pack unit (like, say... death spectres). Even though their 2d6 assault phase jump comes from different sources, can they still move together in the assault phase?

If so...

2) An IC wearing an Eldar warp jump generator (moves as jump infantry, but can make a 2d6 jump in the assault phase... but if you roll doubles, one model is removed from play) joins the same unit of death spectres. How do we adjudicate the whole model-removed-from-play rule, given that only the IC is in danger of being removed from play? Roll for the death spectres and the IC separately and apply the lowest, and only remove the IC if doubles are rolled? Having to roll twice and pick the lowest kind of gimps the unit... but how else to manage? And could I remove a death spectre from play on doubles, because he's a member of the unit, even though only the IC is wearing the jump generator?

01-10-2013, 06:20 PM
I understand that if an IC joins a unit, the unit moves at the speed of the slowest model. However, what about odd movement?
The source of your confusion is in this statement here, which is untrue. Remember that the default movement rule is now that each model moves individually, according to its own type and special rules. An IC that joins a unit gets his normal full movement of whatever type it is entitled to, as does each model in the joined unit. The only sense in which a slower model "slows" its unit is that all models in a unit must maintain coherency. So ...

1) An IC riding an Eldar jetbike (which makes a 2d6 jump in the assault phase) joins an eldar jet pack unit (like, say... death spectres). Even though their 2d6 assault phase jump comes from different sources, can they still move together in the assault phase?
Yes. Whether the IC and the jet pack unit would have to roll separately or together is a different question.

2) An IC wearing an Eldar warp jump generator (moves as jump infantry, but can make a 2d6 jump in the assault phase... but if you roll doubles, one model is removed from play) joins the same unit of death spectres. How do we adjudicate the whole model-removed-from-play rule, given that only the IC is in danger of being removed from play? Roll for the death spectres and the IC separately and apply the lowest, and only remove the IC if doubles are rolled? Having to roll twice and pick the lowest kind of gimps the unit... but how else to manage? And could I remove a death spectre from play on doubles, because he's a member of the unit, even though only the IC is wearing the jump generator?
Only the IC can be removed - the synthesized rule is that if a unit including at least one warp jump generator uses its 2d6" assault move and rolls doubles, one model from that unit wearing a warp jump generator (chosen by the controlling player) is removed as a casualty. cf. the FAQ, which indicates that an autarch wearing a warp jump generator and rolls doubles is removed from play, unless he sticks with a unit of warp spiders.

01-10-2013, 09:31 PM

01-11-2013, 03:46 PM
What if a Jetbike Farseer joins an infantry squad, could the squad run while she turboboosts simultaneously as long as they maintain unit coherency? people seem to start throwing punches the second its asked for some reason.

01-11-2013, 04:14 PM
What if a Jetbike Farseer joins an infantry squad, could the squad run while she turboboosts simultaneously as long as they maintain unit coherency? people seem to start throwing punches the second its asked for some reason.
Yes, absolutely.