View Full Version : Need help with adding allies to this blood angel list

01-10-2013, 01:27 PM
First time posting so I hope I'm in the right place. I'm a married man, so I cannot buy 200 models at one time. I'm hoping you guys can help me find an ally that can compliment this list. This is going to be a 2000 point list.
The list so far looks like this

Mehpiston 250
5 assualt marines with meltagun in landraider with lascannons, heavy bolter, and multi melta 335
5 assualt marines with meltagun in landraider with lascannons, heavy bolter, and multi melta 335
vindicator 145
vindicator 145 -1211 total

I really don't want to waste money. Would it be best to stick with blood angels adding death company and such or branch off into an ally from this point. Any ideals would be welcomed. Thanks!

01-10-2013, 01:39 PM
This should go in the army list thread, but here are my two cents.

Your list is big point - small number of models.

At this point, I'd suggest fleshing out your army with a few more models. I think you'd enjoy the results a unit of death company with a chaplain will give you. You could also add some scouts with sniper rifles and an agis defense line to help hold objectives, shoot down aircraft, snipe out characters and get a 2+ cover save.

01-10-2013, 01:58 PM
I'd also consider expanding those assault squads to maximum size. In 6th, the unit has to disembark to hold the objective, so your assault squads need to weather at least a turn of firing, unless you go second and get extremely lucky. I also agree that you need more models, in general. Scouts? A jump assault squad? A razorback squad? A regular tac-squad-in-rhino?

Also, talk to your wife about dropping this dumb 200 models limit. My wife doesn't insist on anything so barbaric!

01-10-2013, 02:08 PM
Thanks, I meant I can't go buy 200 models right now to play test what the best allies would be. I agree with the low model count was wondering if desperate allies could help with that, or if any kind of allies could compliment the list. Thanks for your suggestions so far.

01-10-2013, 02:41 PM
How many points were you going for?

01-10-2013, 04:00 PM

01-11-2013, 02:43 AM
A lot depends on how you like to play and what models you like, for me they are the most important thing in selection.

If it were me I would:

Get an assault terminator squad to go in one of the land raiders.
Expand the assault squads up to 10 as EP says they need to be dissemibarked.
I would also look at getting Baal Predators, they are fast and can scout and outflank with a crazy amount of fire power

01-11-2013, 04:51 AM
Are aren't a lot of things Allies can add to a good blood angels army, so unless you have a specific theme in mind, or just want to paint something different, I'd just stick with fleshing out the BAs, full Assualt Squads are a must and will be releativly cheap, maybe some death company, or a Sanguinary priest to accompany those assult squads and help them camp objectives

01-11-2013, 06:47 AM
As others have said, you will probably suffer due to your low model count. You could combine the two 5 man Assault Squads into one ten man squad. They can ride together in one Land Raider and you always have the option to Combat Squad them. I think that you need more bodies to hold objectives and some cheap vehicles to act as mobile cover for your Vindicators which have weak side armour.

A couple of Tactical or Assault Squads in Rhinos or Razorbacks would give you more bodies to hold objectives and the Rhinos/Razorbacks could drive into the path of enemy anti-tank units to buy time for your Vindicators.

Having said all that, your focus on heavy armour has a benefit. In 4th and 5th edition the general "Meta" seemed to be vehicle heavy. I built an infantry army because it caught enemies off guard and made them waste their expensive lascannons picking off individual marines. With the introduction of Hull Points it seems that lascannons and meltaguns are falling out of favour as people are advocating glancing vehicles to death with weapons like autocannons. Your Land Raiders and Vindicators can present a wall of high AV that may prove difficult to break.

I personally think Allies should be about fluff not game advantage, e.g.if I built a Blood Angels army I'd probably give them desert bases and weathering and then include some of my old Armageddon Steel Legion Imperial Guard as allies to represent the 2nd or 3rd war for Armageddon.

01-11-2013, 08:40 AM
Mehpiston 250
Libby infernus pistol, shield of sang, unleash rage 115
9 assualt marines with meltagun and powerfist
landraider with lascannons, heavy bolter, and multi melta 437
10 assualt marines with 2 flamers, and powerfist
landraider with lascannons, heavy bolter, and multi melta 456
10 assualt marines with 2 melta guns and an infernus pistol 225
Infantry platoon with 3 auto cannons and commissar 230 OR
8 death company with a thunder hammer and drop pod 225
vindicator 145
vindicator 145
total 1997

Thank you for all your help so far. should I take out death company to get the IG platoon instead? Any other suggestions you all vets can think of to make this list better would be helpful?

01-11-2013, 11:24 AM
Mehpiston 250
Libby infernus pistol, shield of sang, unleash rage 115
9 assualt marines with meltagun and powerfist
landraider with lascannons, heavy bolter, and multi melta 437
10 assualt marines with 2 flamers, and powerfist
landraider with lascannons, heavy bolter, and multi melta 456
10 assualt marines with 2 melta guns and an infernus pistol 225
Infantry platoon with 3 auto cannons and commissar 230 OR
8 death company with a thunder hammer and drop pod 225
vindicator 145
vindicator 145
total 1997

Thank you for all your help so far. should I take out death company to get the IG platoon instead? Any other suggestions you all vets can think of to make this list better would be helpful?

Since you have Meph, I'd drop the other librarian for a Chaplain and add him to your death company squad (don't get the IG squad just yet). The bonuses he gives the unit are stupid good.