View Full Version : Death Guard Color Scheme Help

01-09-2013, 12:47 AM
Hello, I'm a new member on this website. I recently decided to move away from a few other sites that used to be popular but no longer are. It seemed like traffic seemed to be slowed down. Anyways, I'm in need of a little bit of help relating to paint style of death guard (chaos). I posted this question on another forum but didn't get any feedback so I decided to check here. I also plan on posting pictures of my own miniatures once I decide to go ahead with a color scheme. Here it is...

I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to go about painting the "off-white" and green color scheme for Death Guard. I much prefer it over the green/brown (all over the model). I think it adds a bit of contrast to each model.

I personally have tried several ways. The most recent was a mixture of White and Dheneb stone. However, I am getting more gray than what appears on the pictures I see online.

Here are examples around the internet that I found to better explain the idea I am looking for...
I tried inserting this as an image but it was incredibly small. Click the link and click again to magnify it.

Also, while this is a heldrake and not a marine, I do like the way this model is painted in terms of the white. I would say this best represents what I am going for in terms of a color scheme for my overall army, minus the brass, of course.


You can follow the rest of this guys army following this link if you wish to see what else I am getting at in terms of scheme...

One last thing while I am still on the topic of death guard marine forces. If I was to choose this base color, what color should I choose for the rims of the shoulder pads that are no longer "pre-heresy neat" but warped and spiky? Most people, such as the guy I linked to directly above this paragraph opted to use brass, which is fine but I would like to retain some version of the green during the pre-heresy days. Almost similar to the dreadnaught I posted in the first picture but not quite as "dark angely".

I like the idea of this kind of white for my death guard force. However, others have told me that this would not be possible due to "nurgilization", in which case the off-white would be much more green, like this...
The same thing happened with this image. I tried inserting this as an image but it was incredibly small. Click the link and click again to magnify it.

However, I just personally don't like the contrast in this type of scheme, as I said before, so I am looking for ways to keep my chaos Death Guard fluffy but still...retain their older color scheme. I need some help with this.

Also, does anyone have suggestions on making my cultists more nurglized? I would prefer not to make them full blown zombies just in case I dislike my nurgle army, I would still like to use them for whichever type of army I choose. Personally, for mine, I chose dirtied bleached bone cloth and a mixture of browns for the cowls and shadow grays. Should I try a camo green type color for the cowls (including the shoulder region and other regions not specifically the cloth around the legs) to better fit with a nurgle theme? Basically my question is do you think it would be better for me to create a more homogenized force (with appropriately themed cultists) or do I have room to play with the cultist scheme a little bit more. I am still reading the fluff about them so I still don't know too much. Also, would anyone have any examples to share for nurgle cultists because I personally haven't been able to find to many (using the most recently released figures of course).

I apologize for the long post. I didn't mean for it to be so long winded. The bottom line is, in my personal opinion, it seems like all the nurgle/Death Guard armies that I encounter, even the very well painted ones, look kind of..."muddy or dull" in comparison to the other chaos gods, and I am looking for ways to make them stand out more on the battle field.

Again, thanks for the help and I would appreciate any feedback you guys can offer for me. I'm sure once I post pictures of my models you could offer better advice but until then, I look forward to hearing some other peoples opinions on this matter.
