View Full Version : Text Recap-ish Eldar vs. Blood Angels 1850p

Lost Vyper
01-08-2013, 10:37 AM
Hi again!

No video, cos we just posted one from these armies clashing, but here´s the recap.

Again the dice brought us the Big Guns Never Tire and the basic deployment and three objectives (we had only couple of hours to play, so the table was the same from the last BATREP, the "ruined city"). He chose his side first, but i won the roll-off. I started the first turn with nice blast from the Fire Dragon exarch and the Quad-Gun (Crack shot+Tank Hunters anyone? :) ) and popped off his Whirlwind trying to hide behind his Landraider (1p from First Blood & 1 from Heavy Support). He had everybody on the table and started to push forward, on the left flank, he moved closer to the one objective, while his main forces were pushing in from the middle. Very uneventful turn, one hull point glanced off from the empty Wave Serpent (FD -transport) and that was it. Second turn, and i got in the outflanking War Walkers, plus Guardian Jetbikes (NOT YET!) and the WW´s from the reserves. My outflank was "on the money", from the right board edge, where his other Whirlwind was cruising (Nice...). I giggled, cos i was SURE that, i was gonna glance that to death...WRONG, end result, Whirlwind-launcher destroyed and 1 hull point left,dang. I tried to stop the TWO approaching Landraiders with two WS´s and the other scored a glancing hit, the other missed. War Walkers and the FD-exarch bounded the house occupied by the Assault troops and killed couple. Bottom of the second, he moved closer, secured the left objective (one was on my side and the last in the middle, in the ruins). Landraider stunned the FD-WS and the other missed his mark. Assault squad killed one walker and left one with one HP. Third turn started and i got NO reserves in. I snapshotted the stunned WS and scored another glancing hit on the Landraider. Outflanking WW´s poured everything in to the Assault squad and after the smoke cleared, only four was standing. They made their morale check. My Pathfinders shot some Assault troops on the left objective, and killed two. At last the other Landraider was blown up, by the WS tlBL! That gave an opportunity, to the Guided Walkers (Hello there!) and my FD-Exarch Quad-gunning. End result, Tycho standing (2+ armor save,pthyi!) and his tactical squad gone. In his turn, he immobilized his Landraider with CC-Termies (BIG GAME BREAKER)!!
Assault squad on the left held their ground and the one´s on the right disposed of the WW´s (1p for him). Tycho ran to the middle objective and the remaining Assault-squad moved also closer. Termies climbed out and came closer, but the distance was cut short by the barb-wire. Imm. Landraider cut down one HP from the Quad-gun and that was it. Turn four, and i got the WW´s in from the left side and they went after the A-squad, killed few. Others fired the Doomed Termies, cutting down few (shields...). WS with the DA´s rolled to the middle objective and DA´s got out and Bladestormed Tycho (Overkill?) and he was still standing, with one wound left (DOH!)! But, the WS killed the Whirlwind (1p for me). I held back my Jetbikes, so that i would have some fast unit to storm in to the middle. Bottom of the fourth saw my HUGE mistake. Tycho shot down the DA Exarch and tied them into close combat. A-squad assaulted the WS and wrecked it. Termies assaulted the FD´s and FAILED the charge! Guided snap fire killed couple. My WW´s on the left got pulverized (1p for him). Turn five, i got my other PF´s in and the Bikes moved closer to the A-squad on the middle objective. I killed the Termies, with all my might in the middle. Bikes shot the A-squad in the middle, but no dice and they jumped back. PF´s killed again couple on the left but their morale didn´t break! His turn, and i saw my mistake unveiling. He got the middle objective and Tycho moved next to my Bikes (having killed entire DA-squad) and shot one. If this is the end, he has 8p and me 5p...BUT, he decided to assault with Tycho and i BLASTED HIM TO KINGDOM COME! (1p for me)...the dice rolled.......3! Game on! Moved another WS to shoot the middle obj. holders and the Bikes FINALLY took a risk and jumped in to the ruins (no casualties). I shot one of the A-squaders, morale held, couldnt get him of the left objective. Bottom of the sixth, he shot and killed my Warlock-biker and assaulted (snapfire killed one!) and got rid of every biker, except one...morale held, game WON. Eldar 7, Blood Angels 5. Good game, dice gods were with me on this one. Gotta love that Fire Dragon Exarch with Crack shot and Tank Hunters + Quad-Gun...