View Full Version : Will there ever be a new 40K Army?

01-06-2013, 03:16 PM
We've wondered for a while, but have we got so cemented in the ways of armies constantly being updated and an endlessly deep background that it has become impossible for a new codex to appear?

Yes, we've had marine splinters into many chapter dedicated codicies. But will we ever be enthralled by the release of Codex: Mechanicum or Exodite Eldar. Perhaps even a new xenos army to balance the amount of imperium codecies out there, perhaps an army to be the 40k equivalent of skaven? Will squats come back to represent sci-fi dwarves? Could we see the mysterious interex, arguably being a possible cause of the Horus Heresy, return with their cyber-centaur soldiers and laser bows? Or possibly a totally new army never before mentioned?

I believe a while back Jervis Johnson talked about space vampires that he was working on, and the blood angels had already been released before people rush to that conclusion. A grim-dark rendition of Vampire Counts possibly?

I don't mean to stir the rumour pot. Merely questioning whether you think Games Workshop would/should ever bring a new Codex to the 41st Millenium? Or is it a possibility that Forgeworld would be the innovators to do this as they did to chaos dwarves? I'm here to ask the questions. Would you like to give your answers?

01-06-2013, 03:23 PM
Please. God. No.

There are already too many factions, and the rules are already stretched too thin in an effort to make them mechanically distinct. We have ordinary space marines and close combat horde space marines and close combat heroic space marines and long range shooting counterpunch marines and "everyone's a psyker" space marines and "we love plasma way too much" space marines, and we have close combat thug monsters and close combat bug monsters, and we have mobile shooty space elves, and mobile assaulty space elves, and mobile shooty space communists. And we have the Imperial Guard, who count as at least five or six more armies. And don't forget, of those armies I just listed, at least three don't actually work anymore, and two or three more are struggling to work, or only work if played in a very narrow way.

It's too much. Game balance is a joke, as it is, and adding more armies won't help. The release schedule isn't just a joke - it's a cruel joke. GW can barely handle the factions they've already had the misfortune to shoe-horn into this game. The last thing they need is more.

Mr Mystery
01-06-2013, 03:32 PM
Design Studio don't seem to think so, at least not during the 2011 Games Day Seminar!

But it's an entirely idea driven environment. Whilst I think a new race isn't terribly likely, on account of the resources needed to create one and get it into stores, with the Allies rules we may see old, defunct units and races make a come back.

As for struggling to keep up as is? It's a constant release and review cycle. If they need to increase output, they increase manpower.

01-06-2013, 03:44 PM
We should get what we have under control before expanding any more. Would it be cool to introduce a whole new race? Yes.

Dark Age is releasing a whole new faction this month and they are 10 years old. The armies had become a little stale and this will certainly shake things up. However, it's easier for them since we are only talking about skirmish size games with Dark Age.

I would love to have a new army/race introduced because I like playing against different armies. Unfortunately, what we have is less than optimal and would rather have them dedicate their resources to fixing things before creating more new things.

01-06-2013, 04:24 PM
Adeptus Mechanicus.

That is all.

Sweet mercy Forge World, hurry up and release those Thallaxi.

01-06-2013, 04:50 PM
I would like to see other armies but GW seems more likley to expand on current armies like the dozens of Space marine flavours, it would be good if they gave other factions the same treatment, like Imperial Guard who are meant to have masses of different regiments or the many Eldar craftworlds.

I do not think it is impossible for GW to release a new army though I mean Tau are not that old.

01-07-2013, 01:28 AM
Interesting question.

Would they? If theres is a good commercial reason for it, sure. But as it is, I think there is no such reason.

Should they? Personally, I think GW delivers superb quality of plastic models, great quality of the narrrative setting, and at best below mediocre quality rules and below mediocre support of the width of the game (the various armies). I would definitely prefer them to focus on raising all those areas to at least mediocre, then rules to good quality.

If they wanted to keep their overall quality level to at least mediocre, they should have upped the resources long time ago. We see an Eldar codex now playing under its third (3rd!) edition of the rules! But we also see the fifth (5th!) Space Marine codex in three years about to be released. If I was a GW executive, I would be embarrased.

What will change this is when GW suddenly has an actual competitor that starts taking marked shares from them. Or when their customers start to go elsewhere because of unsolved issues, to top it off issues that could be dealt with quickly and dirt cheap by using the most basic and obvious technological options like internet.

01-07-2013, 02:48 AM
I think with the introduction of the allies rule there is at least a very good opportunity to introduce some new races. Drop a White Dwarf article with an allies chart and a limited FOC (1-2 each HQ, Troop and 0-2 each Elite, Fast, Heavy). Do that several times and look at the sales, the things that do the best should be looked at for possible elevation to an entire Codex. Ones that don't quite deserve an entire book by themselves could be lumped together into a joint codex that would include some new selections for each mini force. I would love to see some new units and armies hit the table top and it would be easy enough to do.

I do agree that GW needs to get it together in the Codex update department and that should happen before any new stuff comes out.

01-07-2013, 02:54 AM
If they can come up with an idea that will sell models, they'll do it, GW don't care too much about game balance, its not as important as narrative to the design studio, which is how it should be.

01-07-2013, 05:42 AM
I agree with Plasticaddict, there is great opportunity for some smaller/minor races to make a appearance similar to the old dogs of war units in fantasy.
Maybe the loxatl from the Gaunts ghosts series or the Barghesi

01-07-2013, 05:52 AM
With the allies rules it allows them to do a mercenaries supplement if they want.
As Obispal is right there's room for that.

But look what happened with Necrons, they were awesome soulless killer robots, and now they're space tombkings...

01-07-2013, 06:36 AM
With the allies rules it allows them to do a mercenaries supplement if they want.
As Obispal is right there's room for that.

But look what happened with Necrons, they were awesome soulless killer robots, and now they're space tombkings...

They can also still be awesome, soul-less, killer robots, if they're from a tomb world that had all the memories erased, you just have more options now.

01-07-2013, 06:52 AM
I certainly think there can be more.

My concern is of course that there are currently still codecii that are out of date when compared with the current rules and it would be my hope that existing ones are updated rather than new ones being introduced.

When the Kroot were first introduced they were described as a mercenary force and it was my hope at the time that you could have more mercenary units similiar to the Dogs of War that occured in fantasy at the time. But then they became solely enshrined in Codex Tau.

Again, with the new rules for allies there does open the possibility to have mercenaries. As others have said, these could be added as single unit or through a WD entry Codex: Mercenaries if you will.

How popular these are could mean that they get fleshed out into their own race, but let us not forget it has been a long time since a new race was introduced into 40k, I think back in 3rd was the last time with the Tau.

I think the other difficulty is trying to make sure that each force has a different enough feel and archytype. After all we don't want to be playing back in RT days where every army has access to everything. You want jet bikes well you can be Space marine, Imperial Army or Eldar.

01-07-2013, 06:52 AM
No they ruined it when they started to speak, like in dead man walking? and I'm assuming the codices, but when they were released they literally told you nothing except the adeptus mechanicus/ordo xenos view of the things...much more mysterious soulless killer robots, and it was awesome...
As much as I love the heresy series, they do seem to remove mystery from the 40k universe extended background.

01-07-2013, 11:00 AM
How popular these are could mean that they get fleshed out into their own race, but let us not forget it has been a long time since a new race was introduced into 40k, I think back in 3rd was the last time with the Tau.

Yeup, Tau were the last ARMY introduced, but I don't think they were the last race. I'm not all up to date on what changed where, but weren't there new "races" introduced in Dark Eldar as part of the Court?

But, I agree with earlier, they need to get their update schedule cracking before introducing a new codex into the mix. Heck, if they just compacted all the Space Marines (not Grey Knights) in to one codex, that would help a lot. Separating 40K, Fantasy, and Middle Earth release schedules would also help in that realm.

01-07-2013, 12:59 PM
Between Chapter Tactics and the new trend of hardcover books, they have the means to combine all the non-GK SM rules into one book and also physically bind the rules into one big expensive rulebook. It would certainly free up their release schedule. But I think they would still be better served by updating existing codices more frequently with their extra time rather than introducing more races. Think about how long Eldar and Sisters have been waiting for a new codex (the WD Sisters list doesn't count :rolleyes:). There are, what, 15 codices? 16? And like 7 of them are the various Marine books. That would give them time to update every single codex each edition. That would be pretty awesome.

01-07-2013, 02:51 PM
I think there will be a new race, hopefully a xenos.

I've always thought that Tao were just space skaven but clean instead of filthy.

With all of the rouge trader resources, there's plenty of material to draw from.

01-14-2013, 02:28 PM
There is an ebb and flow as tastes (times) change. When 40K was young there were races that referenced the pop culture of the time. The primitive (hippie) Slann with their techno-ape Jokaero have been replaced with Tau/ Kroot. There was once a great deal more emphasis on the biker Squats. 40K was more "punk" in general. Terminator brought us the early Necrons. While I too think there are a ton of races already, many of which need updates, I wouldn't mind a new race. I can't see anything really screaming for representation though. Tinkerbell style faeries? Mario style mushroom folk? WoW panda-people? I'm sure I will love to hate whatever new beardy/ cheesy army they come up with.

01-14-2013, 02:32 PM
Doh! It's so obvious now! With the release of the Hobbit, bring back those Squats! And some half-Smauggish Zoats for the Tyranids...

01-14-2013, 03:33 PM
I have put soemthing related here: http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?28354-Codex-Balance-a-new-perspective&p=275959#post275959

As I didn't want to hijack. If true, the company seems to think there could be new races.

04-26-2014, 11:39 PM
You know, I don't want to spread around rumors, but I just have to... I heard that there was supposed to be another faction called the "New Imperium" (Original right?) being led by unknown son of Sanguinius who grew up amongst the Tau and adopted their ways. The factions is supposed to combine the resilience of the human spirit and the technological advancements of the Tau. Just to recap, this is just something I've heard, I only say this because I feel I should.

04-27-2014, 02:29 AM
I certainly think we will see more sub-factions. Things that don't really add to the allies chart, but like the Militarum Tempestus just become specialized versions of a regular codex. So an Eldar Exodite list could easily be released and still fall primarily under Eldar for allies. Stuff like that.

This Dave
04-27-2014, 06:04 AM
I could see them adding a small force with a dataslate or similar and expanding on it if it becomes popular. Much like the Necrons did. They were originally just a raiding force and now are a full army.

But I also agree that GW really needs to fix the stuff they've already put out before adding more.

04-28-2014, 11:04 AM
Since GW won't support their existing armies, they might as well just churn out a few more.

04-28-2014, 11:27 AM
I'm a staunch loyalist to the Good-Emperor, and I would love to see a new xenos race. There enough space marine sub-factions to choke a horse, but imperial guard could definitely be expanded with scoring leman russes etc but I digress.

New xenos races are always welcome in my book no matter what they are, especially things like 40k versions of fantasy races. I think through adding so many books, we are finding a new age of balance and better players. When there are so many options, no single army is unbeatable. So, I say bring it on xenos filth.

04-28-2014, 11:38 AM
The problem right now is, there are a 17 (ish) 40k armies….but 6 of them are basically space marines (CSM, SM, BA, DA, SW, GK). We technically got two new “full” armies in Militarum Tempestus and Imperial Knights, although both are clearly intended to be used as allies/additions to existing forces.

However, Necrons were a little-known, extremely rare army in 40k until their first codex in 3rd edition. And Tau were added in 3rd edition as well, effectively making 2 new armies way back in the early 2000’s. I’d imagine we could see an all-new 40k army once all the codexes are up to date with the current edition (hopefully before 7th edition is done). It could be a new Xenos race like the Demiurge or the aforementioned Vampyre (they’ve been around since Rogue Trader, in the background); or we could see a long-awaited Adeptus Mechanicus army.

04-28-2014, 11:56 AM
I don't think GW should even consider adding a new army until Sisters of Battle have a proper codex and plastic miniatures. As mentioned on this thread before a Dogs of War style book would be pretty awesome. I'd love to see Beastmen return in some form amongst others

04-28-2014, 12:09 PM
I think "new" should be ignored. I'd rather see some old armies that there aren't rules for any more.

Eldar Exodites
Genestealer Cults
Adeptus Mechanicus

Khain Mor
04-28-2014, 12:12 PM
Oh boy, so much GW hate, so much whinning, so much negativity, please grow some balls instead of acting like little girls who didn't get what they wanted from their daddy. I'm glad I don't know anyone IRL like these people I come across online, frustrated, unrealistic and as mature as a 14 year old girl. If you really hate GW, I got the best advice for you => Quit the hobby and more importantly, stop going on forums and facebook to express how much you like to whine like a little girl, do something useful and positive with your life.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________

40k has 3 major aspects; models, gaming, fluff. Not everyone embraces the full trio. GW is a model company in the first place, a lot of us care about painting, some of us just want to read the cool fluff. While some just read the fluff and don't own any models, some own models, but don't care about painting and don't care about fluff in a lot cases either.

There are a lot of players who care mostly about painting, the models and the fluff, with very little interest in the game, there are plenty of 40k collectors who've never played a game in their entire life.

I Like all aspects of the hobby, but I'm a competition painter mainly, I love the fluff and I play the game because I have the models, I might as well use them. Gaming is no priority at all, if I don't play a game in month it doesn't really matter to me.

Now even amongst gamers you have 2 cathegories as well, competitive and friendly. Some mix both, some are just friendly, while some are uber competitive. The nicest guys play mostly friendly games and don't care about win or loss, as long as everybody has fun. What's so good about being competitive in a nerdish game? Not much, you don't win huge amounts of money, it doesn't attract girls, no real advantages whatsoever.

Now when you ignore the asshats, the game itself is very playable and you can have fun playing in this edition. It's not the best edition, but it's more than playable. Most important part of the game is written in the rulebook and it's often forgotten, it is in fact the most important rule: have fun.

The model quality keeps increasing to the point where GW clearly shows off their superiority to other model companies, codices are released faster than ever, with the new policies came more supplements and more are coming. More offer, higher qualityn it's natural to have higher prices, you have to stay realistic about expectations.

It's not just GW, FW (which is also GW btw,) also gives us plenty of fun stuff, from 30k to a huge amount of extra units and even full armies. You've got a couple more human armies, marine chapters. One army I particularly enjoyed getting from FW were the eldar corsairs, few people play these, but they're becoming more and more played. Hopefully FW will give us more xenos sub factions in the future.
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Now back on main topic:

The GW fluff is incredibly vast, plenty of openings for new races.

Squats lovers, keep asking, but GW's answer will remain a big: NO.

The best shot at a new race would be the Hrud, if you ask me. Plenty of mentions in the fluff, in the newer books.

The Tau were a good move from GW, necrons like it was said, a small force blown to full scale battle army, the dark eldar with an entire new range, one of the best model ranges ever to be produced by GW, a very popular range, even more with the allies rules. More than half of the total armies are human related, from Space marines, to chaos, to Astra militarum, Adepta Sororitas, etc... there's already too much focus on human armies, due to their sales. Xenos deserve a lot more attention, it's always nice to fight new opponents anyways.

It takes a lot of time to produce an entire army, it took many years to redo the entire dark eldar range, they didn't even completely finish the entire range, doing an entirely new army would be a huge accomplishement, the Tau were a good example, same thing for necrons, but Tau or a completely new army takes a lot more effort since you've got a lot less to work on.

If GW is smart, they'll produce more armies, more xenos armies in the future.

Lord Asterion
04-28-2014, 12:40 PM
Since GW won't support their existing armies, they might as well just churn out a few more.

Except that every army has had a lot of support recently.

Name one army that hasn't?

This Dave
04-28-2014, 12:54 PM
Except that every army has had a lot of support recently.

Name one army that hasn't?


Lord Asterion
04-28-2014, 01:07 PM

Got three new units less than 2 years ago.

04-28-2014, 01:22 PM
Got three new units less than 2 years ago.

That's a strange definition of "a lot" and "recent". (Edit: Although rumor has it they are next after IG, so expect some new stuff for them soon.)

But of course the better example is Sisters of Battle. Yes, they got a digital "reprint" of a WD codex with minimal tweaks. I would buy 3-4 boxes of plastic sisters in a heartbeat.

This Dave
04-28-2014, 01:25 PM
Got three new units less than 2 years ago.

And still have a codex from 4th edition. And the three new units were all just variations of the same model.

04-28-2014, 01:26 PM
Got three new units less than 2 years ago.

You mean one unit with three, un-Orkily pattern-restricted sets of weapon options.

04-28-2014, 01:40 PM
If you condensed all of the Space Marines into one book, you'd have more than enough room for at least one more xenos or chaos army!

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-28-2014, 01:46 PM
It's purely selfish, but I want Slaugth. I think they are the coolest aliens in 40k, and a little more innovative compared to most others - they have a nice mix of classic folklore esque grittyiness mixed with clive barker and lovecraft esque horror, far scarier than Dark eldar, chaos or nids IMO. I can almost visualise the plastic kits in my head if I try hard enough - those horrifying constructs in multipart duel kits and the Slaugth themselves as character mini-sprues.

04-28-2014, 02:59 PM
One of the big problems GW has with independent retailers, is the size of the product line. What would be cool has to run up against things like "What will fit in the stores" and "Can retailers afford it".

And, as mentioned above, there is the issue of whether GW can even support their existing armies.

I think GW ought to stick to what they've got for awhile, and leave possible new factions as small scale forgeworld experiments for now.

04-28-2014, 03:44 PM
Hmmmm, I voted "more please" but now I'm trying to think what group the new army would appeal to.

We have the obligatory Orks, Eldar (Elf) and Humans for the staunch purists and fantasy lovers.

Dark Eldar for the Emo crowd.

Sister of Battle for the frustrated guys.

Necrons for the Goths.

Tao for the Anime people.

Tyranids for the animal lovers (Think about it, it makes sense).

Chaos For the Evil at heart (you know who you are).

And many many flavors of Space Marines to cover the Vampire/Werewolf crowd, the human EMO scene, the holier-than-thou players along with enough leeway to make your own themed army if none of the standard groups float your boat!

Sooooooo what group are we leaving out?
The Jock? Nah.
The Super Nerd? They are getting Adeptis Mechanicus in 30k.
Preppies? Um, no.

I think if we answer this question we will have our new army!

So, what do you think needs to be represented in 40k?

The Sovereign
04-28-2014, 07:31 PM
Forge World has stated that they're going to do the Dark Mechanicus, if that counts.

After that, I think GW really needs to concentrate on fleshing out the factions that they already have, probably through more minidexes. There's so much more that could be done with just Kroot alone (thunderlizard cavalry, a pterodactyl-like flyer with a howda on top for crew, unique HQ options, etc.). GW has really barely scratched the surface of their own IP.

04-28-2014, 11:24 PM
Except that every army has had a lot of support recently.

Name one army that hasn't?


Sisters of Battle/Adepta Sororitas, also Orks haven't gotten anything new in quite a while. Space Wolves have mostly been ignored for a couple years now as have Blood Angels.

04-29-2014, 12:28 AM

Sisters of Battle/Adepta Sororitas, also Orks haven't gotten anything new in quite a while. Space Wolves have mostly been ignored for a couple years now as have Blood Angels.

The Bolter Gals got their 6th edition update - lack-luster as it may be. Space Wolves and Blood Angels have 5th Edition codices and are still very, very competitive.

Orks haven't had an update for two editions now -- three, if we get that rumored "7th Ed/6.5 Ed" that is coming out. But then Orks are suppose to be the next army to be updated. I also find it fishy that Orks will be released around the same time as the new Starter box. Highly likely that the new starter box will includes Orks as one of the armies.

Arkhan Land
04-29-2014, 08:01 AM
aside from the expected additions to imperium and other such exspansions to other existign armies, I doubt well see a whole new race for a long long long time, it would only be possible in the event of the complete collapse of a single race's financial viability or...

maybe some point soon GW may start to work on releasing certain Patchwork armies/digidexes composed of different specific unit choices from existing armies to create unique ones that possibly would feature a single box set/unit from a new/minor race and or maybe a few cool ICs. Or armies like the knight titan consisting of a single base, multi build kit.

as an example: The Hrud

a single model with two "pose" adjustable choices (think demon prince kit) with three weapons choices and the ability to upgrade to an HQ with an Armour piece modification. Most Hruds run around with a basic projectile or melee, some run around with those crazy metla-plasma doohickeys they invented.

Lord Asterion
04-29-2014, 08:10 AM

Sisters of Battle/Adepta Sororitas, also Orks haven't gotten anything new in quite a while. Space Wolves have mostly been ignored for a couple years now as have Blood Angels.

Soroitas have had 2 new codexes in the last few years! The current one is really good. Orks got 3 new units with an amazing kit less than 2 years ago and the ability to use Stompas in 40k games.

04-29-2014, 08:55 AM
Wow... really?
The sisters dex is "really good"? Is lacking at all ends and is far away from "really good". And for orks.. im speechless...

are you trying to be sarcastic?

04-29-2014, 11:26 AM
Wow... really?
The sisters dex is "really good"? Is lacking at all ends and is far away from "really good". And for orks.. im speechless...

are you trying to be sarcastic?

This. My idea of a single troops option (no matter how good/bad) is not a healthy sign for a codex.

Lord Asterion
04-29-2014, 12:21 PM
Wow... really?
The sisters dex is "really good"? Is lacking at all ends and is far away from "really good". And for orks.. im speechless...

are you trying to be sarcastic?

Compared to the previous one, yes, its good, they've been changed to an Allies army, like Knights and Inquisitors, which is what they always should have been.

And orks have dex and models coming soon, have had flyers released and they're faring rather well anyway, I've got a huge Ork army and I can win games with them

04-29-2014, 12:57 PM
The Bolter Gals got their 6th edition update - lack-luster as it may be. Space Wolves and Blood Angels have 5th Edition codices and are still very, very competitive.

Orks haven't had an update for two editions now -- three, if we get that rumored "7th Ed/6.5 Ed" that is coming out. But then Orks are suppose to be the next army to be updated. I also find it fishy that Orks will be released around the same time as the new Starter box. Highly likely that the new starter box will includes Orks as one of the armies.

That isn't what he said. He said "has had a lot of support recently".

I hardly call a copy/pasted ebook "a lot of support".

Viability/competitiveness of a codex and it receiving a lot of support are two entirely different things.

Lord Asterion
04-29-2014, 01:02 PM
That isn't what he said. He said "has had a lot of support recently".

I hardly call a copy/pasted ebook "a lot of support".

Viability/competitiveness of a codex and it receiving a lot of support are two entirely different things.

Copy/Pasted and based on a previous codex given away with the magazine what was a pretty new re-write. Stop whining.

04-29-2014, 03:23 PM
Copy/Pasted and based on a previous codex given away with the magazine what was a pretty new re-write. Stop whining.

Really you think that people who spent hundreds of dollars building a sister's of battle army over the last several editions wanting an actual codex whining. Just wow. If GW has the time to make all what of the space marine malarkey they could spend an extra week and actually make a codex worth the money you have to spend on it. The fact that the previous codex was also mishandled doesn't make up for it. If anything they deserve more for it.

Crydon Games
04-29-2014, 04:48 PM
Really you think that people who spent hundreds of dollars building a sister's of battle army over the last several editions wanting an actual codex whining. Just wow. If GW has the time to make all what of the space marine malarkey they could spend an extra week and actually make a codex worth the money you have to spend on it. The fact that the previous codex was also mishandled doesn't make up for it. If anything they deserve more for it.

Blah blah blah...deserve...blah blah. Sisters sell as well as Space Marines...is that your argument?

04-29-2014, 04:59 PM
Blah blah blah...deserve...blah blah. Sisters sell as well as Space Marines...is that your argument?

They would stand a damned better chance if they had even just a plastic basic troops kit.

04-29-2014, 06:41 PM
Blah blah blah...deserve...blah blah. Sisters sell as well as Space Marines...is that your argument?

My point was that they could clearly spend more than the hour or two they spent on the Sisters "codex". If they wanted to make it Allies: SoB or whatever, fine. But don't call a copy/paste job without any "real" new content a codex. I think anyone who invests the time and energy into a luxury product like GW should at least get a good new codex every couple of years.

Or discontinue the damn thing. But don't tell me that what they have gotten is good support from GW because that is just laughable.

04-29-2014, 07:24 PM
I've had this discussion about Sisters far too many times, so I'll just sum it up and be done with it:

Sisters player: "I feel that Sisters are not adequately supported and I wish they were since I spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on my army"
Non-SoB player: "Stop whining, your feelings are irrelevant although somehow my opinion about an army I don't even play or have interest in is somehow more valid than yours. Btw, Sisters don't sell"
GW Apologist: "Silence! GW can do no wrong!"
Pragmatic player: "Well it would help if they ever had models to sell, being direct only and in metal"
Non-SoB player: "What part of, your having a different opinion than mine offends me, did you not understand?"
Sisters player: "Grrrrr... :mad:"
Newbie player: "GW should make a new race! Omg why not female space marines?!"

04-30-2014, 12:05 AM
I like this post... sums it up pretty well

04-30-2014, 12:59 AM
I've had this discussion about Sisters far too many times, so I'll just sum it up and be done with it:

Sisters player: "I feel that Sisters are not adequately supported and I wish they were since I spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on my army"
Non-SoB player: "Stop whining, your feelings are irrelevant although somehow my opinion about an army I don't even play or have interest in is somehow more valid than yours. Btw, Sisters don't sell"
GW Apologist: "Silence! GW can do no wrong!"
Pragmatic player: "Well it would help if they ever had models to sell, being direct only and in metal"
Non-SoB player: "What part of, your having a different opinion than mine offends me, did you not understand?"
Sisters player: "Grrrrr... :mad:"
Newbie player: "GW should make a new race! Omg why not female space marines?!"

And... the thread is over.

Only, you should add a Chaos player saying something possibly technically accurate but kind of obnoxious like:


04-30-2014, 01:12 AM
And... the thread is over.

Only, you should add a Chaos player saying something possibly technically accurate but kind of obnoxious like:


Nah, we chaos players sympathise completely the the SOBs...

04-30-2014, 01:15 AM
And... the thread is over.

Only, you should add a Chaos player saying something possibly technically accurate but kind of obnoxious like:


Actually I as a chaos player feel with the SOB players.

04-30-2014, 07:08 AM
Nah, we chaos players sympathise completely the the SOBs...

Actually I as a chaos player feel with the SOB players.

Oh, cool. Neat! I'm glad to hear it.

This Dave
04-30-2014, 08:01 AM
Actually I as a chaos player feel with the SOB players.

I knew it! Chaos is in league with the SoB! :)

04-30-2014, 09:33 AM
And... the thread is over.

Only, you should add a Chaos player saying something possibly technically accurate but kind of obnoxious like:


Don't forget the Dark Angels, too. Some were still complaining after they got their latest codex and before C:SM came out.

But hey, both have one over on Sisters, their models have a large, affordable plastic line...

04-30-2014, 12:35 PM
Hmmmm, I voted "more please" but now I'm trying to think what group the new army would appeal to.

We have the obligatory Orks, Eldar (Elf) and Humans for the staunch purists and fantasy lovers.

Dark Eldar for the Emo crowd.

Sister of Battle for the frustrated guys.

Necrons for the Goths.

Tao for the Anime people.

Tyranids for the animal lovers (Think about it, it makes sense).

Chaos For the Evil at heart (you know who you are).

And many many flavors of Space Marines to cover the Vampire/Werewolf crowd, the human EMO scene, the holier-than-thou players along with enough leeway to make your own themed army if none of the standard groups float your boat!

Sooooooo what group are we leaving out?
The Jock? Nah.
The Super Nerd? They are getting Adeptis Mechanicus in 30k.
Preppies? Um, no.

I think if we answer this question we will have our new army!

So, what do you think needs to be represented in 40k?

…..did you seriously just sum up Warhammer 40k armies using High School social groups?

04-30-2014, 01:35 PM
I am humbled by the compassionate response of two player groups that I denigrated, and ashamed of my lack of faith. Thank you for the education.

04-30-2014, 09:42 PM
Don't forget the Dark Angels, too. Some were still complaining after they got their latest codex and before C:SM came out.

But hey, both have one over on Sisters, their models have a large, affordable plastic line...

I would kill for some quality plastics like Dark Angels for my Sisters of Battle... which I could do, cuz ya know, my SoB literally swings like a sack of bricks (pewter being heavier than bricks and them usually being toted around in a sack).

05-01-2014, 01:54 AM
I don't get how the goths got lumbered with Necrons clearly they should have Raven Guard, dark haired, pale, brooding.... It all fits

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-01-2014, 10:04 AM
I don't get how the goths got lumbered with Necrons clearly they should have Raven Guard, dark haired, pale, brooding.... It all fits

Indeed, Necrons = Rivetheads.

05-01-2014, 11:16 AM
I've not read through the previous seven pages, so I'm probably repeating points made by others, but... What do you mean by 'new army'?

Squats, I would say, are not a 'new army' if re-introduced, precisely because they existed before. Exodite Eldar I'd grant would be a new army, even though not a new race because I don't think they ever had official army rules (as far as I'm aware - I think they were in Citadel Journal at some point). But if that constitutes a new army, then aren't Crimson Slaughter a new army? And Imperial Knights?

Indeed, as far as I'm concerned, Dark Eldar, Necrons, and Tau are all new armies, none of which existed when I started playing 40k. So, unless you mean will there be another new army, the answer is yes, there have already been some.

(I also find the options given slightly confusing, because they seem to express whether we'd welcome a new army, rather than whether there will be one. I might predict that GW will introduce more, even though I wouldn't like them too because I think things are already too crowded.)