View Full Version : 13th Wolfwing - OOP Space Wolves

Red Skullz
01-06-2013, 11:12 AM

Hello all!

Thought my lates completed army would be a good intro post to BoLS so here goes!

Thematically this is a 13th Company army. Hence the red elements of armour. That`s looted CSM armour. Fits really well since I had mostly CSM minis and parts but wanted a Space Wolves army where I could use Logan Grimnar to open Wolf Guards as troop choice. I really went to town on the weathering here, but it makes sense regarding their background. I think it`s approx 2300-2400 points in total. Took me 3 months to complete after I got hold of all of the parts needed.

The quality of pics is a bit varying. These have been taken over a 3 month period and as natural daylight is not something we have a lot of where I live this time of year it`s the way it is...the latest pics are the army shot, wolfpriest, bikers and land speeder.

Count-as Logan Grimnar with retinue:

Count-as Njal Stormcaller:

Rune Priest:

+pic limit+