View Full Version : Xenos Trickery! Another Eldar List

01-05-2013, 05:06 PM
Get used to seeing these - I'll be doing a lot more as I experiment with and learn more about the Eldar codex. With my luck, I'll probably stop spinning out new lists as soon as the new codex comes out and I have to start doing it all over again.

Anyway, this one is built around the sheer number of Eldar units that can infiltrate our outflank. The idea is to maximize my tactical options by maximizing my options for dynamic deployment. What do you think?

1850 Eldar
• Farseer w/Runes of Warding & Witnessing, Singing Stone, 3 Powers

• 5 Striking Scorpions, Exarch w/Claw & Infiltrate
° Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Missile Launchers, Shuriken Cannon

• 10 Dire Avengers, Exarch w/Twin Catapaults & Bladestorm
° Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Missile Launchers, Shuriken Cannon
• 10 Guardians, Weapon Platform w/Bright Lance, Warlock w/Conceal
° Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Bright Lances, Shuriken Cannon
• 10 Rangers (Pathfinders)
• 10 Rangers (Pathfinders)

Fast Attack
• 10 Warp Spiders, Exarch w/Twin Death Spinners, Power Blades & Hit-And-Run

Heavy Support
• Falcon w/Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon

The idea is that my falcon and two non-infiltrating wave serpents (dire avengers and guardians) form the armored speartip, driving forward into the enemy. They are supported by infiltrating rangers (who can snipe out infantry) and infiltrating or outflanking scoprions. The guardians have the option to hang back and snipe tanks with their weapon platform, and their ride is equipped to either do the same or help block line of sight to the falcon. The farseer can ride with the scorpions (if they outflank), the dire avengers, or the guardians (probably not). I think I'd give him two divination powers and a telepathy powers, though it might go the other way if I'm facing a low-Leadership opponent.

Now, this list is limited by the models I have available, and I see a few problems with it. First of all, I think two units of rangers might be too many, but I'm not sure what I'd do with 240 more points... Well, that's not true. I do know what I'd do: three war walkers, each with a shuriken cannon and a scatter laser. But that's about $60 in the future for me, so it will have to wait.

Anyway... questions? Comments? Suggestions? Condemnations? Bring it on!

01-06-2013, 04:01 AM
I think 6th ended the days where you can drive eldar vehicle speartips into the enemy;) Once they make contact they will be easily killed. Gravtanks are much better hiding and shooting at a distance these days.