View Full Version : Thousand sons army theme

10-19-2009, 08:57 AM
Ok im starting chaos space marines, and i was figuring on making it all a thousand sons theme, and i have some ideas for now and ill run them by you

for basic troops i would have the thousand sons heads and back opacks on space marines sprues with DA sprues for the robes, and then just normal thousand sons models for the normal thousand sons.

For Khorne bezerkers, i was thinking thousand sons models with greenstuff used to make it look like there forming "razor winds" to use as weapons.

For chosen i was going to use my own custom rules if ok with other people at club, but basically it would be a squad of aspiring sorcerers at adjusted points, but with WS of 5, with options like normal aspiring sorceres and also the ability to get jump packs/terminator armour. any help with prices for this would be helpful for this unit.

things i need ideas for are mainly

plague marines
noise marines
daemon prince

all i can think of at the moment

10-19-2009, 09:54 AM
why dont you have some weapons like in HH collected visions kinda like fulgrims blade (wings/discs insted of jump packs for coolness)
(not mine)

10-19-2009, 01:12 PM
well my friend has a good bit of GK laying around (he has ADD with races) so i was thinking about jacking those and using them for somthing, and desks would probably be easy to do actually