View Full Version : Equipping Archon for 500 Point Tournament

The Sovereign
01-05-2013, 03:54 AM
I'm trying to get as many bodies in my army as possible with such a low point ceiling, and I need as many of them to be as fighty as possible (hence no haemonculus for HQ). For my archon, I'm vacillating between the following two load outs:

Option 1 - More Toys for My Boy
Venom Blade
Combat Drugs
Webway Portal (essential for list)

Option 2 - Mutually Assured Destruction
Ghostplate Armor
Webway Portal (essential for list)

I don't like that saving throw with Option 2, but I'm running the archon with a warrior squad in a raider (i.e. bubble wrap), and Option 2 kills more termies/enemy HQs. Don't know what the meta will be exactly; you would naturally assume lotsa Marines, but I'm told to expect a lot of Tau (weird). Thoughts?

01-05-2013, 04:09 AM
I would say use the second load-out, but switch the husk blade for a venom blade. 500 points means you don't want too invest too heavily in most units, though you also don't want to concede easy victory points for Slay the Warlord and the like.

The Sovereign
01-05-2013, 04:16 AM
I would say use the second load-out, but switch the husk blade for a venom blade. 500 points means you don't want too invest too heavily in most units, though you also don't want to concede easy victory points for Slay the Warlord and the like.

Well, I would say that makes my archon both more fragile and less killy than I'd like (the worst of both worlds, so to speak); however, that load out would allow me to add a hekatrix with an agonizer to my wych squad...

01-05-2013, 04:34 AM
I would go with the Shadow Field and a Venom Blade actually now that I think on it, especially if you are worried about losing him. Trust me, the Venom Blade will serve you well.