View Full Version : Sautekh Dynasty reclaims the Stars

01-04-2013, 07:11 AM
I have decided it is time to roll my sleeves up and get the Necrons painted. The point of these Necrons is to serve as a study in OSL. This has made this guy pretty annoying to work on lol however, he is getting there but I think I shall use the airbrush to fix a few things most notably the headress area.

Let me know what you think and how this could be improved. Bear in mind that this still needs weathering.. pigments etc etc.



The troops will be a lot simpler so I shall work on the Royal Court first (all 2 of them) to get the formula down.

- Martok

01-06-2013, 10:04 AM
Great color scheme. I don't envy anyone painting a necron army because they are so hard to paint well. Although I have to say that your off to a great start. The orange blends from dark to light in just the right amount to really make the model pop.

01-08-2013, 07:51 AM
Great color scheme. I don't envy anyone painting a necron army because they are so hard to paint well. Although I have to say that your off to a great start. The orange blends from dark to light in just the right amount to really make the model pop.

Great to have such a positive comment :) Helps kill the doubts that are so numerous when starting a new project. Lets see if I can build on this as the army progresses.

01-08-2013, 08:26 AM
nice one man, My necrons are just standard style, and I love those lighting effects

01-15-2013, 05:57 AM
Thanks buddy. Hopefully you will think they have improved with my update :)

I have finally pulled my finger out and started stomping through some painting for the Necrons.

First off.. apologies for the photos they are not my best work lol. I shall look at getting some better quality shots when the basing/pigments have been applied:




Some OSL work has been done but I shall be going back and doing the Gauss glow for the whole army in one go with the airbrush.

- Martok

03-20-2013, 05:25 AM
Now my Necron army is finally finished and ready for upcoming tournaments I have been able to get the camera out and get some half decent photos. In this post I shall be showing off the Necron Destroyer Lord converted with parts from the Necron Wraith kit.


This army was an experiment in OSL as I tried to work out how to get the best effects with both airbrush and regular brush work. I learnt a great deal from this process and some of it worked some did not, however, I shall be able to improve on this next time I try something similar.


The actual conversion used parts from the Destroyer, Lych Guard and Wraith kits. As he will be leading a Wraith unit I felt he would look much better themed to fit in with them,


The crystal on the base comes from Gale Force 9 and I shall be using these on a display board that I really need to get done.

I shall be going back and adding pigments to the bases/models at some point but right now this Wraith Destroyer Lord is ready for varnish.


Just in case anyone has an issue with the dimensions of the Wraith Destroyer Lord conversion I have built a more traditional Destroyer Lord which I could use instead.

Keep an eye out for more of my Necron Army.

- Martok

03-20-2013, 10:59 AM
I think that the effect is working really well. Don't knock your OSL attempts which are far better than mine! I think that you have a good consistent look and it's going to make a great army altogether.

03-27-2013, 05:31 AM
I think that the effect is working really well. Don't knock your OSL attempts which are far better than mine! I think that you have a good consistent look and it's going to make a great army altogether.

Thanks mate I appreciate the encouragement :)

Next up is Vargard Obyron. One of the few units in the entire codex that can take a power weapon attack and then fight back like a monster.


More of the same techniques and process used here as with Nemesor Zandrekh. There is a paint slip on the blade but this has since been fixed.

He is a very cool model but not a lot of room to play with. The pose actually really hampers painting as you have to paint around the weapon.


The OSL from red to green was quite a task needing quite a bit of thinking to get right. Vargard Obyron is a lynch-pin to my list with the way that he and Zandrekhs ryules interact.

Next up is the Royal Court!

- Martok

03-27-2013, 05:32 AM
Here is the usual warlord for my army Nemesor Zandrekh. Again some OSL work and this time some experimentation with the metallics.


The gold was started from a bronze and worked up to gold very slowly with some washes to knock it back down as the layers built up.


Some of the OSL was done with an airbrush (like the staff) but other work was done with a brush and glazes (the eyes).

His rules make him an auto include in my army lists as he adds a lot of extra tricks and combos to make the army more efficient.

- Martok

03-28-2013, 03:40 AM
Next up is Vargard Obyron. One of the few units in the entire codex that can take a power weapon attack and then fight back like a monster.


More of the same techniques and process used here as with Nemesor Zandrekh. There is a paint slip on the blade but this has since been fixed.


He is a very cool model but not a lot of room to play with. The pose actually really hampers painting as you have to paint around the weapon.


The OSL from red to green was quite a task needing quite a bit of thinking to get right. Vargard Obyron is a lynch-pin to my list with the way that he and Zandrekhs ryules interact.


Next up is the Royal Court!

- Martok

04-03-2013, 09:28 AM

This time we take a look at the warriors. There are 30 in the army but we shall take a look at one to see the painting approach taken.


I laid down the silver and highlights with the airbrush before going back in with the brush to throw around some Sepia wash to weather the metallics.


I also painted up the shoulders and added the unit marking (just red stripes). Next up was the red OSL which is all brush work.

Then it was time for some armour chipping. This was mainly applied to the shoulders as it shows up better on the white than the silver. This was done with a sponge.

Finally I went back in with the airbrush to give the Gauss weapons a green glow. I did this for all 30 Warriors in one batch... pretty sure I won't be so keen to try that again :p

- Martok

04-09-2013, 09:15 AM
Now for the other half of the troops section with some Immortals.


These guys provide some more reliable shooting and survivability over my Warriors and always pull their weight.


Much of the painting is the same as my Warriors with the OSL done the same (red with brush green with airbrush). Unfortunately, these pictures have washed out the OSL on the weapon which is some of my favorite OSL in the army.

These guys were nicer to paint than the warriors and OSL on the guns was much better to work on than the rods for the warriors which were a real pain.

- Martok

04-10-2013, 10:08 AM
Now we get to the creepy space roaches Necron Canoptek Wraiths. One of my favorite units in the army.


This unit more than any other taught me a bunch of lessons in how not to do OSL. Definitely not the best standard in the army but it still looks pretty good.


The large crystals on the bases worked really well with the tails wrapping around them.

- Martok

04-18-2013, 05:41 AM
Now the Necron Army Showcase gets to the vehicles. First up we have the Ghost Ark. This thing can eat a lot of firepower and still get my Warriors where they need to be.
I converted this model by removing the pilot (robots piloting robots makes no sense at all) with a bit of plastic and some parts from the Command Barge I put together a reasonable dais for my Cryptek to use to indicate teh unit is embarked.
The OSL on this thing was a massive slog and I could have done a better job but in the end I wanted to be finished with it.
- Martok

04-18-2013, 05:46 AM
that barge is amazing, fantastic idea

04-25-2013, 07:36 AM
that barge is amazing, fantastic idea

Thanks Kirsten it was awesome when i dry fitted the random parts i found laying around and they fit :D

This time a two for one with both of the Annihilation Barges.


These took quite a bit of work... and if you notice I still haven't highlighted the cabling (need to do that on all the vehicles actually). The actual OSL went pretty well with these guys and this was the point I wished I had just done Green and Blue OSL and missed out the Red but this is something learnt and will not be repeated.



- Martok

05-13-2013, 08:07 AM
Next up is a Doom Scythe. Hopefully these pics should be bigger but if you want a better look at the older ones they are all on my BLOODYdice (http://bloody-dice.blogspot.com). Really need some new pics of this flyer though as the pilot is now painted and I have also found a part to cover up the cockpit which I need to put on and paint.. but for now:


- Martok