View Full Version : IG Artillery focused army

01-03-2013, 10:08 PM
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make an Artillery (Basilisk mostly) centered army? Preferably somewhat competitive so that I don't lose every game.

01-03-2013, 10:50 PM
Well, at 2,000 points I'd try out:
Company command squad
Lord Commissar
Full Ogryn squad
2x Infantry platoons
3x3 Basilisk squads

My intent with this list is to huddle in a corner, use the Platoons to act as a first line of defense, and the Ogryn as a Counter-assault unit or a tarpit unit and be careful with template placement when the enemy gets close.

01-03-2013, 11:44 PM
One question on your list is how are the infantry platoons outfitted? How many squads? What special/heavy weapons, etc? My comment on the list is, how are you going to get across the table to grab objectives. So far, my experience has been that basic infantry squads don't do this so well, and even if they get there, they can't hold the objective.

I think a properly outfitted infantry platoon is plenty much of a tar pit unit on it's own. I like using Ogryns just because they are awesome (especially when led by Yarrick), but if you blob the infantry platoon, they can hold half of your deployment zone, get Stubborn from the Commissar, and if you put Straken in your Command Squad, they also would be a good counterassault threat. They will at least bog down 950% of what is out there.

Recommendation on the Basilisk Squadrons, take a Basilisk out of each one, and replace with a Griffon. Have the Griffon shoot first, with reroll scatter, you always get some favorable outcome, and then you follow it up with 2xBasilisk using the Barrage Fire rules. The Griffon is essentially spotting for the Basilisks.

Even wanting to stay Artillery heavy, I would also still probably suggest taking one of those Heavy slots for Tanks. A demolisher or executioner out front can be a bullet magnet, which can be useful since a leman russ is more survivable than your artillery.

01-04-2013, 03:36 AM
Now that you are not guessing range, why 'spot' with a Griffin? Is there anything which says, if firing a barrage simultaneously as a squadron, that the re-roll applies to all vehicles? Why would you not place all 3 templates as per the rules, and then simply re-roll the griffin?

01-04-2013, 09:38 AM
I've had a bit more trouble with my mech army in 6th edt. It has a lot of artillery but with flyers and reserves, my opponents aren't standing around waiting for me to shell them any more.

Another unit to consider that isn't true "artillery" is a big unit of psykers. With one power being able to floor someone's leadership, the other power sends a big blast that has variable AP. I've wasted big units of termies with a roll of 1 or 2 on my AP roll.

01-04-2013, 10:26 PM
the infantry are suppose to die... they are what the drop pods and teleporting/infiltrating units will hit first, the ogryns second, and all this will have to deal with a 9 Bask template retaliation, you deploy in a corner, preferably one with objectives near it, and use the two platoons to deny ground to the enemy, Ogryn are the Counter-Attack option, and are big enough to offer a sizable flank holder should one of the platoons just get annihilated, with agressive terrain placement and good open kill zones most things will fall from the S9 ap3 templates that list can pop out, even with Indirect firing issues. The list i posted was meant as something to start from, it will obviously need to be changed to fit the local scene, and it isn't as near optimized as someone with more IG experience can offer. It's just something i cooked up on the spot, without a codex to look at for points.

Colonel Bindoff
01-05-2013, 03:20 AM
At 2000 points I'd try something like:
9 basilisks
3 vendettas
Bare ccs
Three squads and pcs,
Two squads meltavets
Whatever was left (done in my head I think it's 55 points) I'd kit out the platoon for anti deep strike. I don't think this will win every game but if you've got the brass to drop on buying nine basilisks it could be fun.

01-06-2013, 02:31 AM
Something to consider is Space Marine allies.

ATSKNF rubs off on the entire unit, so join a Captain to that big blob of infantry.

Give him a bike and he can race between two.

Dreads and terminators are good for counter assault and for assisting in protecting the gunline.

Deepstrike, outflank and teleporting really ruins your day.

The most important thing is how you deploy, it takes practice.

Small mistakes can be a game breaker.

01-06-2013, 08:39 AM
Thanks guys this has given me some food for thought. When I come up with a list I'll post it in the Army Lists page for you guys to critique, thanks for the help!