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07-31-2009, 09:38 PM
First off, let me say that I am psyched that bols got this forum. I love the site and hopefully this is the first of my many posts here.

Now on to the question:

40k is a fairly easy going game when it comes to measurements. Its important to do your best, but its impossible to measure every models' actions perfectly. With that being said, my question is in regards to how the deployment rules are supposed to be interpreted. For instance, in a pitched battle deployment, the closest you can place your model to the enemy is 24". Can you therefor shoot a bolter at the opposing model if both have not moved, or is your deployment supposed to be 24" away (meaning you fail to be within 24" and can't shoot)? This same question applies to first turn assaults with dawn of war. You can line up 18" away from the opposing force, so can a model with additional movement abilities (bike,wings,etc.) get into assault first turn?

07-31-2009, 09:53 PM
All the references I can see suggest that you should set up at > 24" even if its a picometer.

08-01-2009, 05:58 AM
The first turn charges in dawn of war are possible, avoidable but possible

But in a pitched battle it say's more than twelve inchs away from the centre line mean no shoting of bolters or other weapons with 24" range

08-01-2009, 09:14 AM
For instance, in a pitched battle deployment, the closest you can place your model to the enemy is 24".

Incorrect sir. Page 92 under pitched battle. "With all models more than 12" away...."

The closest you can deploy is more than 12" from the center. Hence, you will always be more than 24" from your enemy.

Can you therefor shoot a bolter at the opposing model if both have not moved, or is your deployment supposed to be 24" away (meaning you fail to be within 24" and can't shoot)?

You cannot.

This same question applies to first turn assaults with dawn of war. You can line up 18" away from the opposing force, so can a model with additional movement abilities (bike,wings,etc.) get into assault first turn?

Yes they can.

08-03-2009, 11:19 AM
Thanks for your responses.

I understand now that in a pitched battle you cannot fire your bolter if both have not moved.

However, I am still uncertain about down of war and pitched battle assaults. If a model of mine has wings and no additional rules such as fleet, can he get into a first turn assault since they have to be 18" away? I am thinking not, cause the max distance he can cover would be 18" and would therefor be the same as a bolter trying to fire 24" in a pitched battle.

08-03-2009, 11:21 AM
If a unit can charge you more than 18", then yes.

If a unit can charge you only 18", then no.

08-03-2009, 09:08 PM
A simple rule to remember is no distance can ever be perfect (not actually a 40k rule, but actually a rule in math and science).
Therefore if you have to be 12" or more from the center line, the fact that is truly impossible to ever be EXACTLY 12" from center line, either you are more or less. If you are more than 12" from the center you are fine, if you are less, technically you are cheating. Same applies to the opponent, therefore the minimum distance between any two model you feild in pitched battle is >24" thus stopping bolter fire (unless the openent has any infaltrators or scout movement).
The same applies to the Dawn of War setup, since you have to be at least 18" away from all enemies and you can never be EXACTLY 18" away. Without any, likely unintentional, cheating occuring its unlikely to get a first turn assault, although some models are capable of going over 18" specifically Dark Eldar with Raiders.